Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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88 MARCH 1949 From -^ COMMONWEALTH * World's Leading 16mm Distributor Come These Major Company HITS that have enthralled k Millions Edward Smal zF S 5*N' JON HAUL LYNN BARI DANA ANDREWS M THE as/am "** *uh,Wan,CSj« K 'Cniroff Edward Smal presents iTEMPtt' <tf |W* fcn<w6 ^0oi»6T GoyKibbee, .l William Gargan, """' Pe«qyRyan Dickie Moore, Peggy I Send for lotesl catalog of other MAJOR COMPANY p features, musicals, short subjects and serials, These p ^ fi ms are for sale ond lease ot Commonwealth. For ' P rental, communicate with leading Film Libraries, p EXCLUSIVE I6MM DISTRIBUTORS COMMONWEALTH PICTURES CORP. 723 Seventh Avenue. New York 19. NY. all the League services for one year. I am not sending the coupon from the February magazine, as I refuse to carve up such an interesting periodical for that evidence of sheer laziness! A. Dudleigh Jewell, ACL Oradell, N. J. NEEDS THE ADVANTAGES Dear ACL: It is a pleasure to be able to send you herewith the application of my friend, Mr. Marvin Jorgensen, who is well qualified for membership in the League. Mr. Jorgensen is just starting in the motion picture field and needs the advantages that our League has to offer through our handbook and various branches of personal services. Edward W. Beach, ACL Muskegon, Mich. GLAD TO RENEW Dear Sirs: Enclosed you will find my check in payment of my annual dues in the ACL. I still feel that it is a good investment and that the information in Movie Makers is very helpful. I am glad to renew my membership in the organization. J. George Cole, ACL Trenton, N. J. NEVER BE WITHOUT Dear Mr. Charronneau: I have been an amateur photographer for years and have not received in all that time the guidance, information and help which you have so graciously given me, all within the space of one month. I cannot, truthfully, see how any amateur can afford not to belong to ACL at any cost. I hope never to be without my membership and only wish I* had had it years before. The only way I can repay you is to offer my aid in obtaining new members for ACL. Vernon Dean, ACL Elmira, N. Y. To all of these fine friends of ACL — and to countless others less expressive — our warmest thanks. In line with member Dean's closing suggestion, their attention is directed to page 118 and to the announcement opposite that page. A GOOD FRIEND Dear ACL: It was with a real shock that I read in February Movie Makers of the untimely passing of Colonel Winton. Along with the entire amateur movie crowd the world over, I realize that we have indeed lost a good friend and a great champion of those interests dearest to us all. Hamilton H. Jones, FACL Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Mr. Moore: Please accept for yourself and extend to the rest of the ACL crowd my sincere condolences on Colonel Winton's death. His interest and sympathetic counsel always meant a great deal to me during my time on the League staff and afterwards. I shall miss his friendship very much. Gordon L. Hough .New York City Gentlemen: Although I had never had extensive contacts with Colonel Winton, I valued him as a friend and I know well of the great contributions he made to amateur cinematography. Many a shutter bug is going to miss him sorely. Vincent H. Hunter, FACL Omaha, Neb. Dear Sirs: Not only have amateur filmers everywhere lost a good friend, but so has the true world of friendship. May we hope that somehow the example set by Colonel Winton will become widespread and make this a better world. Lewis B. Serring, Jr., ACL New York City Dear Movie Makers: We wish to send our sympathy to all the friends and family of Mr. Winton. He must have been a swell fellow. Dudley E. Porter, ACL Beverly Hills, Calif. Dear Mr. Moore: It goes without saying that I am extremely sorry to learn of Roy Winton's death. To me, he was the outstanding spokesman for the best that personal movie making had to offer the American people. Frank R. Knight, Jr. Rochester, N. Y. Questions ^i iiiiiniiExiaifiimiiiiii Answers Readers are invited to submit basic problems of general interest for answer in this column. Replies by letter to individuals must be reserved for members of the Amateur Cinema League. Address: Questions & Answers, c/o Movie Makers. MAGNETIC SOUND ON FILM Gentlemen: Laurence W. Sanford's letter in the February issue of your magazine on magnetic sound for 16 reminds me that I have been trying for some time to get definite information on when this process will be available for 8, what it will cost, etc. Can you throw any light on this? R. Bruce Warden, ACL Washington, D. C. In its issue for January 29, the magazine Business Week carried the following statement: "Sound tracks for movie films are