Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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90 MARCH 1949 One way to make a baby (or grownup) relax! Sometimes, when you're taking indoor movies of a baby, or even of an adult, it's pretty hard to get them to relax. For as soon as you throw on your flood lights, they start to get tense — to fidget and wiggle under the glaring lights. There's one way, however, to help overcome this reaction. And that's to use super-fast Ansco Triple S Pan Reversible Film. For with this fast film in your camera, you can use less artificial lighting or move your lights farther back. Result: less glare — your subject is not so conscious of the lights — is more relaxed—less apt to squint. And outdoors or indoors, you can get your subject in good focus over a much wider range if you use Triple S Pan Film. For the speed of this film lets you stop down for extra depth of field. Triple S Pan has a long, smooth gradation scale. Because of this, your movie scenes will be complimented for their fresh, professional look. Let your dealer tell you more about Ansco Triple S Pan Reversible Film. Ansco, Binghamton, N. Y. A Division of General Aniline 85 Film Corporation. "From Research to Reality." TIPS ON TITLES Next time you take pictures of your child, try printing the title on a large piece of cardboard — have your child walk in with the cardboard under her arm, and then hold it up in front of the camera. Makes a very effective title run. ASK FOR An SCO 8 AND 16MM TRIPLE S PAN FILM