Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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LOS ANGELES 8mm. Club champions are Louise Cramer, first and winner of the Babb Achievement Trophy, and Al Larsen, second and winner of the Horton Vacation Trophy, for best holiday film. Cincinnati plans The newly organized Cincinnati Movie Club, a group of amateur and professional filmers, has set up a program of activities the chief goal of which is to promote social and humanitarian projects and agencies through the medium of motion pictures. Work is to be accomplished through group productions. The first unit is completing plans for its initial picture, a color-sound film to be made for the local Hospital Association with the purpose of interesting high school girls in nursing as a career. Metropolitan Gala The first pub lie screening in the New York area of The Unexpected, 1948 Maxim Award winner by Ernest H. Kremer, ACL, will climax the coming sixteenth annual Gala Night program of the Metropolitan Motion Picture Club, ACL. Other outstanding amateur films to be presented are The Salmon — River Of No Return, by Frank E. Gunnell, FACL; Maxine's Big Moment, by \\ illiam Messner. ACL; No Credit, The people, plans and programs of amateur movie groups everywhere by Leonard Tregillus, ACL, of Berkeley, Calif., and Her Heart's Desire, by Otto Goetz, ACL. In response to sell-out conditions of previous years, this year's gala program will be presented on two successive evenings, Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2, and Hunter College Playhouse, at 68th Street and Park Avenue, will again be the locale. Tickets for either screening are scaled at $1.35 each, tax included; they may be obtained from Joseph J. Harley, FACL, at 27 Upper Overlook Road, Summit, N. J. Lancaster screening A highly enj oyable program of entertainment and instruction was furnished members of the Amateur Cinema Club of Lancaster (Pa.) at a recent meeting. William Johnson showed his film on festivals of the South, nicely complemented by Brookside, a Ten Best award winner. Plans were discussed for the forthcoming group production of a movie on model railroading, which will be completed during the current club season. Entitled To Success, an instructional film on the fine points of good titling, borrowed from the ACL club library, completed the program. New Gotham club A group of thirteen deaf amateur movie makers recently organized the New York Cine Club of the Deaf, under the leadership of its first president, Louis M. Bayarsky, ACL. Other officers elected were Bernard Gross, vicepresident, and George Geltzer, secretary-treasurer. At their first meeting, held at Mr. Geltzer's home, R. J. Fitzgerald and Henry F. Goebel, ACL, of the Parkchester Cine Club, ACL, presented Conscience, a unit production of the Parkchester group. Also shown were Model Aviation, by Mr. Gross, and Saskatchewan, from the ACL club library. The Cine Club of the Deaf is seeking persons familiar with the sign language for demonstrations and lectures at future meetings. Christchurch annual The fourth annual presentation of the best films of the year, all 8mm., provided an outstanding program recently for members of Christchurch Movie Club of New Zealand. Top honors, the Ian Little Cup, went to R. A. Evans, ACL, who captured first and second places with his Beachcombing and Autumn. Dear Gas, by W. J. Thompson, won the Bailey Cup, second place going to Duck Shooting, by S. V. Turnbull. Fred, by C. Buxton, won the President's Cup, with Capital City, by Mr. Evans, taking second place. Other films shown were Christchurch Chronicle, a club production; The Launching of the Nordic, by Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Peek, and Club Field Days, extracts from members' films. John Lauber. ACL MINNEAPOLIS CINE CLUB featured its 8mm. members at Christmas party screening. Seen (I. to r.) are W. A. Weber, Robert Kleinman, Chris Egekvist, Ralph Bowman, Paul Frantzich and Conrad Eliason. Club key was presented to Elmer Albinson, ACL.