Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 115 Ottawa demonstrates An instruc t ive evening was furnished members of the Ottawa Cine Club at a recent session. Club president Angus McMorran, ACL, staged a demonstration of various exposure meters, both the photoelectric and extinction types, and the proper technique in handling the different makes was explained in detail. A film illustrating methods of measuring the sun's heat, Sun Measurement, arranged for by Ted Grant, completed the program. San Francisco A special talk, Getting The Most Out Of Color Film, highlighted a recent gathering of the Cinema Club of San Francisco. The speaker was Harris B. Tuttle, ACL. author of Color Movies For The Beginner. The first screening of Seeing The San Francisco Zoo, by Bill Behre, was enthusiastically received on the same program. Mr. Behre, an attendant at Fleischhacker Zoo, has spent several years producing this excellent animal study. To complete the program, Leon Gagne presented a group of color slides, Roaming The West and Northwest. Smoky Mountain The Brevard (N. C.) Movie Club were guests of the Smoky Mountain Movie Club of Asheville, N. C during the recent holidays. As a special attraction, the Asheville group presented Kenneth Carr, of New York, who gave a talk and showed some of his movies made during his twenty year residence in Africa. Chicago program The Show of the Year, an annual affair of the South Side Cinema Club, in Chicago, was presented recently at Kimball Hall. The fine program, made up of the best member films of the past twelve months, included Lincoln Trails, by Kurt Bohse; Glacier Park, by Oscar Bergman; By Hook Or Crook, by Gerald Richter. and Wandering Along Acadian Trails, by Dr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Hooper. Schenectady meeting For the instruction of members of the Schenectady Photographic Society, ACL, interested in winter filming, Carl Anderson, jr., presented his colorful ski film at a recent gathering. A question and answer period followed the screening. Washington Aggies Officers for the current year were chosen at a recent session of the Agriculture Amateur Movie Makers of Washington, D.C. M. P. Hemmer became the new president, with Lance Hooks, ACL, and Frank H. LaMaster the vicepresidents; Robert P. Dozier is the secretary and W. E. Blackmore the treasurer. Homer E. Pryor, retiring president, and Lyle B. Shanks became members of the executive committee. New York 8 visitor A highly interne sting evening of films was provided members of the New York City 8mm. Motion Picture Club recently by Per Rasmussen, of Copenhagen, Denmark. He opened the program with his own film, Copenhagen, a vivid and detailed study of his home city. The Money Bill, filmed by members of the Copenhagen 8mm. Club, followed. In this, each member of the club used the same title, but interpreted the subject in his own way. Seen on the same program were Escape, by Francis J. Barrett, of Seattle, Wash., and an untitled film of a small Swiss village, by D. F. Van Cort, club member. Kenosha hosts Metro Members of the Metro Movie Club of River Park, in Chicago, were guests of the Kenosha (Wise.) Movie Makers during the holidays, bringing with them some films for the entertainment. William Ziemer showed his Highways Southivard, a 16mm. sound film, which proved very popular with the audience. New York World's Fair, by Morris Baker, ACL, and Holiday Spirit, by William Frieberg, completed the program. Easton installs At its last meeting for 1948, members of the Easton (Pa.) Click-It Club, ACL, welcomed the newly elected officers for 1949. Robert Youlton was chosen president, with Paul Stull as vicepresident and Sterling Genua the secretary -treasurer. The new year got under way with a special ladies night, when the distaff side had an opportunity to exhibit its prowess in the photographic and cinematographic fields. Titles at your fingertips [Continued from page 91] from the quill fastened to the ink bottle cork, an eye dropper will be found more satisfactory. The pen reservoir should contain a good supply of ink at all times, so that there is a full, even flow through the fine needle valve of the pen point. Too little ink may cause it to dry and cake around the needle valve. When first using your lettering guide set, a little practice is helpful in getting acquainted with its operation. You will U. S. Pat. No. 2260368 GOERZ AMERICAN APOGOR F:2.3 the movie lens with microscopic definition successful cameramen have been waiting for— A new six element high quality lens for the 16 and 35 mm film camera. Corrected for all aberration at full opening, giving highest definition in black-&white and color. Made by skilled technicians with many years of optical training. Fitted to precision focusing mount which moves the lens smoothly without rotating elements or shifting image. This lens comes in C mount for 16 mm cameras. Fitting to other cameras upon special order. Sizes available now : 35 and 50 mm uncoated and 75 mm coated. Write for prices, giving your dealer's name. ?m GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. MM-3 BLACK AND WHITE • KODACHROME enlarged ^ttx reduced——^ ^""duplicates '— GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY, Inc. 1 64 N. Wacker Dr., Dept. M, Chicago 6, III. MOVIE AND SLIDE TITLES STILL AT SAME LOW PRICES! Same titles formerly distributed by Bell & Howell — now sold direct. Large variety backgrounds available. No charge for tinting film Amber! WRITE FOR free illustrated folder end samples TITLE-CRAFT, 1022 Argyle St., Chicago 40, III. Safeguard your Film. Ship in FIBERBILT CASES. 400' to 2000' 16mm. FIBERBILT CASE CO. 40 WEST 17th ST. NEW YORK CITY