Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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116 Synchronous Motor Drive for Bolex Camera 115 VOLT A.C. SINGLE PHASE 60 CYCLE Synchronous with Film, Disc or Tape Recorders See Your Dealer or Write for Information NATIONAL CINE EQUIPMENT, inc. 22 West 22nd St. New York 10, N. Y. $ $ MAY 1st $ $ $ DOLLAR DAY $ See the inside back cover for ACL's sensational new offer Want a real buy in I6MM SOUND FILMS? Take advantage of the I.C.S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE 16mm sound films — features, comedies, educationals, cartoons, novelties, etc. Send for our giant list 'A" today stating machine you own (make and model). INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE INC. I560-M2 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. FOR DETECTIVE WORK] TRICK i UNDID PHOTOS. 4*5 ,5V" ft'" 10" J6*20" ^3™ ^c°° ^in°0 ^30.°° r&END <Mh\ CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO DAMON PRODUCTIONS T Jf.Q. BOX 208, MIAMI BEACH, FLA. ■s-s 8 mm, 16 mm KODACHROME DUPLICATES from your originals. Also HOLLYWOOD GLAMOR MODELS — 50 ft., 100 ft. Mail orders accepted. Discounts to dealers. 974 Edgecliff Drive Hollywood 26. Calif. New! Colorful! ■% ikiety TITLES Give your movie and slide titles the glamorous Hollywood Touch with VARIETY TITLES. No Pinsl No Glue! Just press letters onto background. Infinite variety of effects. Kit, 444 characters 6 colored backgrounds $6.45 Sample Kit $1.50 (100 charoctersj Send check or money order. No C.O.D.'s. Write Dept. M PROSPECT PRODUCTS 9 Crary Ave., Mount Vernon, N.Y. • fold, r— ■ You ll„ A Tulvni For TUlei note, for example, that several letters require positioning the guide twice to complete them. Such letters are B and R in the capitals, a, b, d, g, p and q in lower case and the figure 8 in the numerals. These combinations are quickly mastered. More important than the really mechanical lettering technique is the matter of good spacing between lines and centering the title on the card. This can be accomplished by drawing a series of parallel horizontal lines and one vertical center line on a sheet of paper covering the drawing board. The title card is then thumbtacked down so that the bottom edge matches one of the parallel lines and the left and right hand edges are an equal distance from the vertical center line. The bottom edge of the holder may then be positioned to match any one of the other horizontal lines. This is selected after you determine how many lines of lettering you will require in order to center the full title up and down. After the top line is lettered, you simply move the holder down to match the next lower line and so on. The spacing shown in the photographs is % of an inch; this was found to be satisfactory for the half inch letters used, whether they were all capitals or capitals and lower case. To space the title side-to-side on the card, you lay out on a piece of scrap paper the number of letters you will need in the top line of the title. Say, for example, that you wish to print ATHABASKA GLACIER. Counting the space between the two words as a letter, we have seventeen letters. You now find the middle of this line by counting off eight and one half letters (half of 17) and then draw a vertical line so that it bisects the letter determined upon — in this case the last letter A of the first word. Now draw a very faint pencil line horizontally across the "title card where the top line of the title will be. With it as a guide, begin inking in the letters with the letter A which has been bisected by the center line. You may continue either to the right or work backward to the left, whichever seems convenient. For the remaining lines of the title you may follow the above method for centering or you may elect to balance one line with another. This will generally require a careful and unnoticed spacing between letters which may take practice to achieve. H ihov! awaii anoyj [Continued from page 97] human interest, make a general shot at the busy corner of Fort and King Streets and then follow with closeups showing the varied races living in this greatest of American melting pots. MARCH 1949 A short drive from Honolulu along the coast will bring you around Diamond Head, Koko Head and past beautiful Hanauma Bay to Makapuu Point. On this coastal drive the high spot will be the Blow Hole, a salt water geyser where great columns of water are blown skyward by the force of the waves. For the best light conditions make this trip in the afternoon. AROUND OAHU A circle trip of the island before leaving Oahu is a movie making must. Your first shot will be at the famous Nuuanu Pali. For the best viewpoint climb the hill in back of the Pali and shoot down ; the Pali will be in the foreground with a vast panorama stretching out beyond it. This drive will also afford you an opportunity to record banana groves. Your tour of the island will also reveal many other subjects of interest, such as Hawaiian fish ponds, the Mormon Temple at Laie, Kole Kole Pass and the sampan fishing fleets. THE OTHER ISLANDS While the island of Oahu offers the movie maker a wealth of filming opportunities, no camera record of the Islands would be complete without visiting at least one of the other islands in the group. Hawaii, known to the natives as the Big Island, is the largest island in the chain and well worth a visit. Kauai and Maui also are rewarding, but Hawaii must be listed as first choice. WINGS OVER WATER All interisland travel is by airplane. When you board the plane for Hawaii, try to obtain the rear seat on the left. From this position you can film Honolulu, the Oahu coast and later the coast of Maui. After you pass Maui trade seats with someone on the right side of the ship ; you will now be able to catch the rugged coast of the island of Hawaii. In making these aerial shots don't forget your haze filter, a necessity when filming from a plane. AROUND HAWAII Hilo, on the island of Hawaii, the second largest city in the Islands, is where your tour of this island begins. The minimum time for a complete circle of the island is two days. During this time you will visit Rainbow Falls, the black sand beach of Kalapana and the active volcano crater of Kilauea. From Kilauea the road winds through the lava deserts of Kau and along the Kona coast to the Kona Inn at Kailua. Leaving Kona Inn, you will pass through the famous Parker Ranch, one of the largest cattle ranches in the world, and thence along the Hamakua coast to Hilo. A fitting close to your island of Hawaii sequences would be a shot across Hilo Bay with Coconut