Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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-5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ■ Cash required with order. The closing date for tne receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered for sale in this department should be made to the advertiser and not to Movie Makers. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references. ■ Movie MAKERS does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these are new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying. 10 Cents a Word Minimum Charge $2 ■ Words in capitals, except first word and name. S cents extra. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ■ BASS SAYS: Makin' folks happy has been our "meat." For 39 years, and that's hard to beat — CHARLES BASS. President. Like new B. & H. 70-H camera with 17mm. Super Comat //2.5 coated, 1" Lumax //1.9 coated, 3" Zeiss Sonnar //4 coated. matching view finder objectives, positive finder, hand crank, rewind, shutter stabilizer, feeder footage counter. 115 volt synchr. motor. 400 ft. B. & H. Magazine. 8785.00: like new 16mm. B. & H. 400 ft. magazines, each $125.00: 16mm. B. & H. Model 57. 400 watt proj.. like new, with case. $65.00; 16mm. Kodascope Model G. 750 watt proj.. rewind, reverse and stop, case, $125.00; 16mm. B. & H. Model 57-S, 750 watt proj.. rewind, reverse and stop, case, $152.50; 16mm. Ampro Model YC. 750 watt proj.. 1600 ft. film cap., case. $195.00: 16mm. B. & H. Show Master 750 watt proj.. reverse, rewind, stop. 1600 ft. reel cap., case, $197.50: 16mm. B. & H. Model 138C single case sound proj.. 6" speaker, 750 watt lamp, 2000 ft. reel cap.. 5 watt amplifier, $225.00; 16mm. B. & H. Model 138J two case sound proj., 12" speaker. 750 watt lamp. 2000 ft. reel cap.. 5 watt amplifier. $235.00: 16mm. B. & H. Model 120 sound proj.. 12" speaker, 750 watt lamp. 2000 ft. reel cap.. 10 watt amplifier. $250.00. We buy cm. sell 'em. and trade 'em. Complete stocks of new Cine equipment, all makes. BASS CAMERA COMPANY. Dept. CC. 179 W. Madison St.. Chicago 2. 111. ■ GUARANTEED fresh, panchromatic film. 25' 8mm. Weston 80. $1.65: 25' 8mm. color, $4.10: 25' 8mm. color base. $2.25: 100' 16mm. outdoor film (antihalo). 83.45. Free machine processing! MK PHOTO. 451 Continental. Detroit (14), Mich. ■ 16MM. SOUND FILM RECORDER. 200 ft. daylight loading. Bodine Synch, motor. Veeder counter, variable density track, two position input mixer, all A.C. operated amplifier, microphone, headphones. cables, complete rcadv to operate. $395.00 .Precision built and guaranteed.' BOX 277. MOVIE MAKERS. ■ ... NO GOOD PICTURES WITHOUT A GOOD TRIPOD: Victorv Tripod Imported. luxurious. Free folder, write: ICNIS TRADING CO.. 1819 Broadwav, Rm. 710. New York 23, N. Y. ■ SEND lor bargain list. Large selection of 8mm. cameras and projectors, 16mm. sound and silent projectors and cameras. Castle and Official film subjects, Features, Mill cameras, rewinds, splicers, camera I. In,-, etc. ZENITH. 308 West 44th St., New York City. ■ CINE Specials. $395.00 up. extra magazines, lenses, accessories, tripods. Auricon sound cameras and equipment, new and used. Highest prices paid for 1635mm. equipment. CAMERA MART. Inc.. 70 West 15th St.. New York. ■ NATCO projector, new. list $300. Will ship C.O.D. for »200 first order. MAJOR HARRY JENKIN--. Box .it. Wcstover Field. Mass. ■ SOI ND projectors, 16mm., 35mm. from $97.50. Screens, r<-<ls. cans, amplifiers, speakers, microphones, splicers, processing equipment, lenses, cameras, bought, -..1,1. traded. Lists free. MOCULL'S. 68 W. 18th St., N. Y. ■ CINE-KODAK Special, excellent condition; //1.9 lens, $150.00. THOS. J. BARBRE, 1215 East Virginia. Denver, Colorado. ■ MOVIE lenses high speed, telcphoto, wide angle guaranteed available on 15 day trial basis. IN FOCUSING \IOl NTS COATED LOR lf,\l\l CAMERAS: 17mm. //2.7 Wollensak wide angl.-. $55.42: 17mm. //2.7 Carl Meyer wide angle, (54.50; 2" //2 Schneidei Xenon, 199.50; 3" f/i.S Kodak Anastigmat, 159.50; 3" I/2.X (..,,1 Zeiss Tessar. 8119.50; 3" //3.5 Carl Zeiss Tessar, 194.50; <•" //!.:> Hell & Howell Fwnax. 899.50. IN FOCI SING MOUNTS COATED FOR 8\l\l CAMERAS: Wollensak wide angle attach, mi nl 134.70; >//' //1.9 Wollensak Cine Raptar, 855.42; I" 1/2.7, Wollensak Cine Raptar, 849.88: 1%" //3.5 lelcpholo anastigmal (nol coated), 136.50; 1%" //3.5 Bell A Howell telephqto im.t coated), 139.50, World's largesl selection. Send itii ad f<»r catalog with complele lent list. BURKE S JAMES. In... 32] So. W.. Chicago, III., U.S.A. Attn.: M. A. Wilford. H PROCESS your Ansco Color movies! Complete equipment, chemicals, instructions, $99.00. Laboratory lists free. MOGULL'S 68 W. 48th St., N. Y. ■ TELEPHOTO lenses: new Berthiot iy2" //3.5 for 8mm.. $25.00; 1V>" //3.5 for 8mm. turret, coated, 830.00. PLAAT, 560 West 170 St., New York. | CINE Special complete, //1.9 lens, also 2y2" and 4" lens, extension tubes and case. Fine condition, 6ell complete. Box 280, MOVIE MAKERS. EQUIPMENT WANTED ■ WANTED: Used Bell & Howell 16mm. high speed camera, without lenses; factory inspection. MISS H. MARSCHALL, 1475 Roosevelt Avenue, Pelham Manor, N. Y. FILMS WANTED Want to Sell Your Mother-in-Law? If you do, MOVIE MAKERS may not be able to help you. But— in the 8mm. and 16mm. flslds-MOVIE MAKERS can help you. Because MOVIE MAKERS is the motion picture medium. Yes, if you really want to sell Cameras Projectors Lenses Films Editing Equipment Screens . . . in fact, any movie service or equipment— MOVIE MAKERS is your medium!* Rates on request. Just write Advertising Department, MOVIE MAKERS, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. *Closing date for copy — 10th of month. ■ I BUY— sell, swap, rent S. O. F., 8 and 16mm. films, list free. HARVEY IRIS, Box 539, Brockton, Mass. H WANTED: I want 16mm. Kodachrome footage of ox-drawn covered wagons; wheels turning in sand and mud; panning gold, etc. J. DUNLOP, 198 Pennyfield Ave., Bronx 61, N. Y. TAlmage 9-3468. ■ FILM PRODUCER IS INTERESTED IN PURCHASING YOUR KODACHROME SCENES OF NATURE AND ANIMALS. WRITE FULLY DESCRIBING WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. BOX 279. MOVIE MAKERS. FILMS FOR RENTAL OR SALE ■ FREE 1948-49 list of the latest 8-16mm. home movie releases. Write SUPERIOR FILM SERVICE, Box 713, Troy, N. Y. H CASTLE Films for sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and sound; complete stock, orders shipped dav received by STANLEY-WINTHROP'S, Inc., 90 Washington St., Quincy 69, Mass. ■ USED and NEW Castle films, 8-16, silent and sound. Send for lists. ALVES PHOTO SERVICE, Inc., 14 Storrs Ave., Biaintree 84, Mass. ■ UNUSUAL 8-16mm. film subjects. Kodachrome projection length sample, $1.00 Color slides sample, 40£. Films exchanged ; big catalog 25c* ; refunded first order. NATIONAL FILM SUPPLY, Broadway Sta. (E), Toledo 9, Ohio. W EXCLUSIVE: Select movies, sports, musicals. Projectors, screens. Large stereoscope-viewer, unique filmstrips, 82.98. Free catalog. HOME PIX, 1674 Broadway, New York 19. ■ THRILLING Documentary films, "Tank Patrol," 2 reels; "Vis Persia," 1 reel, 16 SOF, $6.25 per reel, new. Film equipment, bought, sold, traded. Lists free. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., N. Y. ■ 1949 CLEARANCE SALE: Want a real buy in 16MM SOUND FILMS? Take advantage of the I.C.S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE of 16mm. sound filmsfeatures, comedies, educationals, cartoons, novelties, etc. Send for our giant list "A" today, stating machine you own (make and model). INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE, Inc., 1560-M2 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. ■ SILENT 16mm. -8mm. films, $1.00 per reel up. Lists free. Films bought, sold, traded. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., N. Y. H HOME Movies. 8-16mm. silent, sound. Join our Club, only $1.00 yearly. Many special privileges to members. Send 81.00 MIDWEST FILM CLUB, Dept. M-2, 4758 W. Madison, Chicago 44, 111. ■ 'ICE CAPADES OF 1949." Filmed at Hershey Sports Arena, Hershey, Pa., using new Cine-Ektar f/l.i lens; 200' Kodachrome, 100' black & white. Complete, $39.00. ROY BRILL, Conyngham, Penna. ■ RIN TIN TIN— "Vengeance of Rannah," 6 reels, 16 SOF, James Oliver Curwood story. New optical reduction prints, 885.00. Trades accepted. Film lists free. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., N. Y. ■ CITY OF COPENHAGEN. Over 450 feet Kodachrome print of this charming city; street scenes, bathing beaches, amusement park (TivoliJ ; greenmarket, etc., with written explanation. 16 cents per foot; minimum 100 feet. Original Kodachrome scenes New York street life and Broadway at night. BOX 278. MOVIE MAKERS. ■ BARGAINS, 16mm. sound film, miscellaneous "as is," one cent per foot. Sound features from $22.50, shorts from $2.50. 1600' reels, $1.35; storage cans, take 2-1600' reels, 95£ ; Eastman Film Cement, 97? pint. Bell & Howell Film Cleaner, 60?. Heavy duty 2000' rewinds, 812.85; wire belts, 49<f. Minimum order, $2.00. Include postage. Films, equipment bought, sold, exchanged. Lists free. MOGULL'S, 68 W. 48th St., N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS H Two enlargements and negative from your movie film. Send frames and one dollar. CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Ji-rome Ave., New York 52. ■ KODACHROME DUPLICATES: 8mm., or 16mm., lift* per foot. Immediate service on mail orders. HOLLYWOOD 16MM. INDUSTRIES, Inc., 6060 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ NO Negative ? ? ? Send picture and 81.00 for new negative with enlarged print to CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York, N. Y. ■ TITLES 8mm. at 6? each. 50 prepared titles on 8mm. B/W film or 25 prepared titles on 16 B/W film for $2.98. Ready for splicing. Write aUo for FREE bargain catalogue "T 3". FOTOSONIC, Inc., 132 W. 43rd St.. New York 18, N. Y. ■ TITLE MAKING, free booklet. WESTWOOD CINEMA CO., 635 Victoria Street. San Francisco, California.