Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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126 APRIL 1949 '& WWW/. p Send for lotesl cotolog of other MAJOR COMPANY p leotures, musicals, short subjects and serials. These % 6 fi ms ore for sale and lease ol Commonwealth. For ?| p rental, communicate with leading Film Libraries. I EXCLUSIVE I6MM DISTRIBUTORS COMMONWEALTH PICTURES CORP. 723 Seventh Avenue. New York I9.N.Y. This department has been added to Movie Makers because you, the reader, want it. We welcome it to our columns. This is your place to sound off. Send us your comments, complaints or compliments. Address: The Reader Writes, Movie Makers, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. REQUEST TO RECONSIDER Dear Movie Makers: I have read of the retirement of Frank Gunnell and Ralph Gray from your annual Ten Best classic for amateur filmers. I for one earnestly request them to reconsider and come back to the wars. We filmers need their inspiration and examples to shoot at. Even in failing to top them, our own efforts will reflect some quality of the work we have tried to surpass. I am in favor of a mass request from all filmers and good competitors to request these boys not to retire. If there is nothing to beat, there is nothing to win. Keep the good ones with us. And may the best men win! John P. Steele, ACL Malverne. N. Y. Messrs. Gunnell and Gray: You are to be admired for your generosity in retiring from future Ten Best competitions— presumably to give the "other fellow" a chance. But I hope you will reconsider. This new tradition will serve only to break down the high standards you have worked so hard to establish. With others following in your footsteps, we'll soon have only a Ten Next-Best Contest. There's plenty of room at the top for serious hard working movie makers, as evidenced by the assortment of new names among the Ten Best and Honorable Mention winners each year. With the standards as high as they are, it's a decided honor to win even an Honorable Mention. Please don't help to make winning easy. Make us work and develop our skills. Preserve our goal, so that we may take honest pride in our achievements if we succeed. Harlan M. Webber, ACL Schenectady. N. Y. WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE? Dear Sirs: Last week I sent you a subscription to Movie Makers for one year to start with the March number. Since then, I have purchased at the Kodak Store the February number as I had planned. In this number there is a notice to join the ACL. which I have always wanted to join, and to receive The ACL Movie Book and other advantages for $5.00. Would it be possible, with my subscription just sent in and not started yet, to send you the $2.00 difference, which I am doing, and to be included as a member and to receive the ACL book and other advantages? It will please me very much if you can do this. Charles J. Phaneuf, ACL Newtonville, Mass. It certainly is possible. Any subscriber to Movie Makers may, at any time, change to membership in the ACL by sending in an additional payment. Simplest way, if your subscription is partly used up, is to send the full membership fee. The unexpired portion of your subscription will then be credited to your membership standing to extend it the correct number of months. . . . Remember, though, ACL rates go to $6.00 on May 1. TRY TO HELP OUT Dear Movie Makers: In your February, 1949, issue you published a letter from a reader in Holland who asked for back copies. Since I always keep my issues for several years, I was only too plea-ed to send him the copies I had on hand. Last week I received a letter from Mr. van Rijsinge telling me that he had received the issues and was delighted with them. I just thought you would like to know that your readers do try to help out others in any way that they can. Bert Seckendorf Brooklyn, N. Y. Movie Makers is sincerely and constantly proud of the unfailing response of its readers to the needs of other amateur filmers. KODAK HAWAII HULA Gentlemen: In connection with your excellent article, Hawaii Ahoy, in March Movie Makers, "I think your readers will be interested to learn that Kodak Hawaii's free hula show at Kapiolani Park was resumed early last month. Running for a full hour, our show is I b I* HULA DANCE at Kapiolani Park weekly on Thursdays has been revived by Kodak, Ltd.