Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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154 New York 8's Guest Night A stimulating program of 8mm. films has been arranged for the eleventh annual Guest Night of the New York 8mm. Motion Picture Club. The affair is scheduled for Friday, May 6, at 8:30 p.m. in the Hotel Statler (formerly Pennsylvania), New York City. Among the films to be shown are two winners in the 1948 Ten Best contest — Rainbow Trail, by 0. L. Tapp, ACL, of Salt Lake City, and The Wolfs Tale, by George Valentine, ACL. A group of short films by the Copenhagen (Denmark) 8mm. Club and two other national contest winners, The Brush Off, by Merle Williams, of Los Angeles, and Escape, by Francie E. Barrett, of Seattle, round out the program. Tickets, which cover refreshments following the screening, are priced at $1.50 each, tax included; they may be obtained from Britt Boice, 210 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn 25, N. Y., or from Joseph F. Hollywood, FACL, 65 Pine Street, New York 5, N. Y. Kenosha winners Top honors in the recently concluded 1948 contest sponsored by the Kenosha (Wise.) Movie Makers Club, ACL, went to Timothy M. Lawler, jr., ACL, for Trilogy. The Reverend Edwin Jaster, ACL, took second place in the 16mm. class with Flowers On Parade. A Girl, A Camera and Canada won first place in the 8mm. class for Eldon L. Voelz, with Outdoor Essay, by Bernard Hockney, coming in second. Contest finals were judged by the ACL. The club is currently engaged in looking at entries in the annual slide contest. Mr. and Mrs. George Vanden, of Chicago, will again be the judges in this year's event. Fond du Lac anniversary The end of their first year of activity was celebrated recently by members of the Fond du Lac (Wise.) Movie Makers, ACL, with a dinner at the Elks Club. Charles C. Kruse, ACL, a professional filmer, was the principal speaker, taking as his subject Movies In Industry. His latest production was presented at the affair. Dr. Rudolph Van Geld The people, plans and programs of amateur movie groups everywhere ARTHUR LABUSOHR, ACL, president of Passaic (N. J.) Cinema Club, ACL, congratulates Gene Huebler, ACL, president of Amateur Movie Society of Bergen County, for guest show put on by latter group. KINGS CINE CLUB members (I. to r.) Harry Krantweiss, Jack Rind, Henry Seigel and Sam Weiner see demonstration of DeJur Amsco equipment by Dr. A. A. Leonard, bearded DeJur chief engineer. E. C. Damrow, local manufacturer, also spoke on the same subject. Also shown was While The Earth Remaineth, 1945 Maxim Award winner by Frank E. Gunnell, FACL. Vicepresident Gilbert L. Giebel, ACL, presided as toastmaster. Utah banquet The Utah Cine Arts Club, ACL, of Salt Lake City, recently held its seventh annual banquet. 0. L. Tapp, ACL, a recent Ten Best winner, was awarded an "Oscar" for his winning film, Rainbow Trail, which was screened at the dinner. Among other films shown were Love Thy Neighbor, by Al Londema; Fun 'n Fishin, by Howard Frederick, and The Lady and the Lion, by LeRoy Hansen, ACL. The following officers were installed for the current year: Mr. Londema, president; Mr. Tapp, vicepresident, and Helen Christensen, secretary-treasurer. Westwood elects The Westwood Movie Club, of San Francisco, chose Ed Kentera, ACL, as president and Angus Shaw as vicepresident in a recent election. Bill Helms became the secretary and Margaret Smith the treasurer. A competition is being conducted between the Westwood unit and the Long Beach Cinema Club. Each club is producing a group film based on a common script. A trophy for the winner is to be supplied by the losing club. Miami hosts Maxim winner Ralph E. Gray, FACL, twice winner of the Hiram Percy Maxim Award, presented two of his pictures before a capacity audience made up of members and friends of the Miami (Fla.) Movie Makers Club, ACL, during a recent visit. The films shown were Mexico At Work And At Play and Paricutin.