Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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$ $ MAY 1st IS DOLLAR DAY $ $ A plan whereby YOU can join the Amateur Cinema League at a cost of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!-if you act before May 1st! Beginning May 1st, the ACL will be forced to raise its annual membership fee to $6.00. BUT RIGHT NOW-the ACL is able to offer YOU a plan which, in effect, will give you a FREE MEMBERSHIP. Here's the ACL's offer: With every new ACL member that you sign up before May 1st, the ACL will give you a $1.00 reduction on your annual dues of $5.00. In other words: 1 new ACL member will cut your dues to $4.00 2 new ACL members will cut your dues to 3.00 3 new ACL members will cut your dues to 2.00 4 new ACL members will cut your dues to 1.00 and A FREE MEMBERSHIP with 5 new ACL members. Here's what you do to take advantage of this offer: A) Each time you sign up a new member, fill out one of the coupons at the right of this page and mail it, together with his check or money order for $5.00, to us. Be sure that you enter your name (and address) also on his blank, to get proper credit. B) When you have sent in as many new member applications as you wish deducted at $1.00 each from your own dues, fill out your own application form (coupon at bottom of page) and return it to us with the proper remittance after your earned deductions. Your own application form must be mailed not later than May 1st! (You will find the ACL service data listed below not only interesting but useful in outlining the advantages of the ACL to your prospective members.) Here's what the AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE offers every movie maker who wants to get the most out of his hobby: You will receive at once: The ACL MOVIE BOOK— the finest guidebook to 8mm. and 16mm. movie making. 311 pages of information and over 100 illustrations. Movie Makers — the ACL's fascinating, friendly, up to the minute magazine — every month. And the ACL puts the following services at your disposal — to use as much and as often as you wish: TECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICE . . . Want to know what lens to use? About exposures? About lighting? Where to get equipment? ACL members just write (or drop in on) our consulting department — and get a prompt, detailed answer. CONTINUITY and FILM PLANNING SERVICE . . . Planning to make a movie of your vacation? Of your family? Of your hobby? Or do you want to film a story with a plot? The ACL's consulting department will work up film treatments (outlines) for you, full of specific ideas on planning, shooting and editing footage. Special forms are available to help you present your needs to the consulting department. CLUB SERVICE . . . Want to start a club? Or are you a member of a club that wants constructive ideas on how to build and hold the interest of its members? The ACL club department will give you helpful tips based on experience with clubs around the world for 23 years. FILM REVIEW SERVICE . . . You've shot your film — and now you want to know how it stacks up? Are there sequences in it that you're not quite sure about? Any 8mm. or 16mm. film may be sent to the ACL at any time for complete screening, detailed criticism and overall review. ACL members receive on application all ACL BOOKLETS and SERVICE SHEETS . . . Booklets on various phases of movie making and service sheets on specific problems that you may meet are published at intervals by the ACL. They are yours for the asking. Current booklets are: The ACL Data Book, Titling Technique. Featuring the Family, Building a Dual Turntable. You will receive ALL THESE SERVICES plus the ACL MOVIE BOOK plus Movie Makers every month — for only $5.00 a year! Date AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Please enroll the following applicant as a member of the ACL, to receive the ACL MOVIE BOOK, MOVIE MAKERS monthly, and all League services for one year. His remittance for $5.00 ($2.00 of which is for a year's subscription to MOVIE MAKERS), made payable to Amateur Cinema League, Inc., is enclosed. Name Add ress Recommended by: Name Address (Please print) Date_ AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Please enroll the following applicant as a member of the ACL, to receive the ACL MOVIE BOOK, MOVIE MAKERS monthly, and all League services for one year. His remittance for $5.00 ($2.00 of which is foi a year's subscription to MOVIE MAKERS), made pay able to Amateur Cinema League, Inc., is enclosed Name Add ress Recommended by: Name Address (Please print) Date. AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Please enroll the following applicant as a member of the ACL, to receive the ACL MOVIE BOOK, MOVIE MAKERS monthly, and all League services for one year. His remittance for $5.00 ($2.00 of which is for a year's subscription to MOVIE MAKERS), made payable to Amateur Cinema League, Inc., is enclosed Name Address Recommended by: Name Address (Please print) Date. AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Please enroll the following applicant as a memb of the ACL, to receive the ACL MOVIE BOOK, MOVIE MAKERS monthly, and all League services for ora year. His remittance for $5.00 ($2.00 of which is fo a year's subscription to MOVIE MAKERS), made pay able to Amateur Cinema League, Inc., is enclosed Name Add ress Recommended by: Name Address (Please print) Date_ AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. (IMPORTANT: Mail this before May 1st!) Date I wish to become a member of the ACL, to receive the ACL MOVIE BOOK, MOVIE MAKERS monthly and all League services for one year. I have taken advantage of your special offer for obtaining new members and have already sent in ( ) new members. Deducting $1.00 for each new member from my dues of $5.00 ($2.00 of which is for a year's subscription to MOVIE MAKERS), I am enclosing my check or money order for $ Name Street. AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Please enroll the following applicant as a membe of the ACL, to receive the ACL MOVIE BOOK, MOVII MAKERS monthly, and all League services for one year. His remittance for $5.00 ($2.00 of which is fo a year's subscription to MOVIE MAKERS), made pay able to Amateur Cinema League, Inc., is enclosed Name _J Address City, ..Zone_ .State. (Please print) Recommended by: Name Address (Please print)