Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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mm® mmmwn Two fine Sound Kodascope Projectors to'show your films brilliantly . . . with wonderful detail and clarity . . . and with unmatched sound quality and tonal range. Similar in basic essentials — like the three features detailed below — FS-10-N and FB-40 differ in amplifier output. FS-10-N's Single-Speaker Unit handles 10 watts of power — ample for crisp, distinct sound in homes and clubrooms. The Twin-Speaker Unit increases FS-10-N's range — the two 12-inch speakers accommodate its full output . . . and let you show sound films in small auditoriums as well. If, however, your need is for a projector that provides power sufficient for large auditoriums, too — FB-40 is your outfit. Its 40-watt output — unequalled by any other portable projector — makes it ideal for such sound showings. But FB-40's usefulness is by no means limited to auditorium projection. Because any sound reproduction is improved when the amplifier is driven at less than full capacity, FB-40's vast reserve contributes directly to better sound at all volume levels. Plan to see your Kodak dealer soon about Sound Kodascope FS-10-N and FB-40 Projectors . . . superb projection outfits that will help you to sound and silent showings at their best. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester 4, N. Y» iSOUND KODASCOPE PROJECTORS Give You ALL THREE of These Important Features $ TRI-B LADED SHUTTER Flkker-lree screenings — The Ihree-bladed shutter makes a complete revolution every frame . . . produces 71 light interruptions per second at sound : 'Speed. As a result, your screenings are free from 1 flicker even at maximum brightness — far beyond the flve-foot-lambert minimum of acceptability. •Here's a truly remarkable safety factor — screenings can have a brightness in excess of a thousand foot-lamberts without producing distracting flicker. FIELD FLATTENER Corner-to-corner sharpness — Integral with the standard 2-inch f/l.6 projection lens is Kodak's unique field flattener ... an optical device that serves to correct the curved image normally projected by Petzval-type projection lenses, so that the whole image comes into sharp focus at the same plane. The result — unsurpassed uniformity of definition. Your movies are as you like them — sharp in the center . . . sharp in every corner. SOUND IHiOt POM BAM ^ | V 1 t FllM BASS BEAM t SOUND TRACK BEAM — ■1 FIDELITY CONTROL Top tonal quality — The Fidelity Control makes possible reproduction of the full tonal scale — especially the hard-to-hold "highs" that are essential to intelligibility of speech . . . naturalness of music. Whether the emulsion is threaded toward or away from the light as in the sketches above . . . whether you're running originals, 16mm. prints, or reductions from 35mm. — the Fidelity Control permits easy, accurate focus of the scanning beam.