Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 277 Selecting the Citrus Queen, by G. L. Larson, ACL; Perfidy Uncorked, by Howard Field ; Flat Top, by Russell C. Duncan. ACL; Celebration of San Xavier Mission, by Oscar L. Haertel, ACL ; Sport of Kings, by John C. Lauber, ACL; Seminole Indians, by Elmer W. Albinson, ACL, and, under the general title of Featuring the Kids, four children's films by Alan H. Pahr, Lawrence Berglund, Stanley R. Berglund and Dr. Martin. Australian awards L K An" derson, of the Adelaide Filmo Club, won this year's A.A.C.S. Award sponsored by the Australian Amateur Cine Society, ACL, of Sydney, Australia. The winning film. The Children's Little Pets, is 220 feet of 8mm. color. Second place went to club member F. A. Bellingham for White Wings, 400 feet of 16mm. color, and third position was filled by another 8mm. color production, The Frog Prince, by P. B. Sutcliffe, of the Auckland 8 Movie Club, ACL, of New Zealand. Okla. fetes Gray RalPh E Gray> F A C L. was guest of honor recently at a banquet given him by officers and directors of the Movie Makers Club of Oklahoma City. ACL. On the following evening he screened his well known films, Paricutin and Mexico At Work and At Play, before a capacity audience of over 300 members and guests. H. A. Houston, ACL, club director, presented Mr. Gray with a plaque on behalf of the club "in recognition of his outstanding contribution to and advancement of amateur movie photography." Try clay for comedy! [Continued from page 263] larly. to slow down the motion gradually in order to make the movement more lifelike and less mechanical. Since the most charming attribute of clay is its plasticity, it also is well to change the shape of the figure. Try to have the forms move within themselves rather than just travel around the set. Inspiration usually comes as you animate, so that a delightfully spontaneous effect is obtained. SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS Although you can do practically anything you want with clay, there are a few suggestions, based on our experience, which may prove helpful. Never have more than a few pieces moving at any one time, since the animation can become too tedious and mistakes can easily be made. Try to have the hand that moves the clay be the one that clicks the shutter. In this way, the hand won't be accidentally photographed. If possible, build some of the set with clay, as the figures will stay in place much better. When the figures are particularly slender, they may be strengthened by imbedding lengths of thin electrician's solder in them. Solder may also be used to hold pieces in place where they would normally fall down. Toothpicks will also serve for this purpose. The illusion of depth may be obtained by distortion of perspective. However, the figures must stay at the same distance from the camera unless a complete set is made of proportional sizes in order to maintain the illusion. Use as much color as possible — in the clay, the sets and the lights. We have found that the use of theatrical gelatine color filters over some of the lights adds considerably to the effectiveness of selected scenes. The development of a story in the film might be of some use in tying the film together. But the value of this may well be overshadowed by the inhibitions it places on the animation and the loss of spontaneity resulting from following a story line. However, even without a story, it is possible to set a pace or establish a mood with the animation. This is particularly effective when the background music is chosen prior to shooting the film. Lacking the means to synchronize a phonograph turntable to our projector, we found that animating with the same number of beats per minute as in the music gave a sufficient degree of synchronization. For this purpose a frame counter is necessary, so that the accents in the animation can be made to correspond to the phrasing of the music. If you are still skeptical of the feasibility of extensive animation with modeling clay, why not spend an evening shooting a half minute or so on your next roll of indoor film? The results will be surprising — and intriguing. You should be warned that the stuff gets you! BARGAINS! in 8mm, 16mm and sound films All O.K. but overstocked. Astounding prices. Also some used projectors and cameras at very low prices. State size you are interested in and we will send lists. CASH OR TERMS WE ALSO BUY EQUIPMENT AND FILMS FOR CASH or trade for other equipment. FRANK LANE AND CO. 5 Little Bldg. Boston, Mass. THE ONLY BOOK DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TITLES Every step explained , simply and thoroughly. It Answers Every Title Making Problem | Sold Only by Mail | I'MAlX A DOlTa Ft 'BILL TODAY* WESTWOOD SALES CO. 635 victoria avenue, sam mancisco MOTION PICTURE i6"« PRINTERS »MM CONTINUOUS-STEP-REDUCTION SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE UHLER O^te, MzcfateGr. IB5I9 WASHBURN AVE. DETROIT 2I,MI CH 1949 BINDERS MOVIE MAKERS offers an attractive, black fabrikoid, gold lettered binder for your copies of this magazine. A metal device enables you to insert and remove the magazines easily. Price $2.50. Send your order accompanied by remittance to MOVIE MAKERS 4N2e°w VSt14?". nv.T SMM— I6MM KOOACHROMS BLACK & WHITS. 8MAV I6MM Rcduwd £ 8 [Free Catalog en Request ^>0$^ NATIONAL CINW LAB !>>"^ BOX 44-15 'WASHINGTON 17. DC Double Feature 16mm Sound We rent you two 16mm. sound features in one shipment for $7.90. Three hours of fun, drama, mystery, adventure or music with well-known Hollywood stars. Many 1948 releases. No obsolete or dated films. Join this new "Club Plan." References required. Location approval unnecessary. Address : Associated Film Libraries, Inc., 53 High Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Easy • Quick • Convenient MOVIES BY MAIL from our FILM RENTAL LIBRARY FREE! our 1949 Sound movie catalog, hot off the press. Feature programs as low as $3.75. Write to Depf. R PEERLESS CAMERA STORES FINEST HOME MOVIE SELECTION 138 E.44thSt.,New York 17.N.Y.