Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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284 AUGUST 1949 Announcing! . . . the amazing 1950 Model Auricon 16 mm sound-on-film Recording Eguipment. Your money back if it does not provide you with crystalclear 16 mm Talking-Pictures! All Auricon "single-system" Cameras and "double-system" Recorders are now being delivered with the newly developed Model "NR-24" Amplifier, featuring . . . * Automatic sibilance suppressor. ~k Professional "Speech-Music" control. * Four triode-connected 1U5 input tubes ior lowest distortion with "high fidelity" recording. No tube noise or hiss. * Automatic background-noise reduction. * Model E-6 Microphone. * RCA Licensed. * 30 day trial, money back guarantee. •k No increase in price; still $1,191.00 for Auricon single-system Camera with NR Amplifier. Major Hollywood Studios and Television Stations are enthusiastically using this new "NR-24" Auricon Eguipment after extensive tests! Write us today for your free copy of the Auricon 16 mm sound-on-film Eguipment Catalog. If you already own Auricon Eguipment, write us regarding conversion of your eguipment to the new "NR-24" Amplifier circuit for improved results. BERNDT-BACH,Inc. 7383 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, Calif. MANUFACTURERS OF SOUND-ON-FILM RECORDING EQUIPMENT SINCE 1931 THE MAGAZINE FOR 8mm & 16mm FILMERS Published Every Month by AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE Closeups The reader writes Filming the garden Let's go to Glacier! Shot and sequence Homemade film cleaner Reunion in the Southwest Stop off at Ausable! Hang it on your hip Half-pint holiday Hints from Hollywood j The clinic News of the industry Take the baby too Late releases Clubs Ten Best axioms August 1949 What filmers are doing 285 286 Dean Dempsey, ACL 289 Lucia Lewis 290 David A. Englander 292 Lewis C. Cook 293 Tom Mullarky 294 Mannie Lovitch, ACL 296 Theodore H. Sarchin, ACL 297 A picture sfory 300 302 Aids for your filming 303 Reports on products 304 Maury Kains, ACL 306 New 8mm. and 16mm. films 309 People, plans and programs 310 Editorial 314 Cover photograph courtesy Idaho State Board of Publicity DON CHARBONNEAU Consultant Editor JAMES W. MOORE Editor JAMES YOUNG Advertising Manager ANNE YOUNG Production Editor Vol. 24, No. 8, Published monthly in New York, N. Y., by ArrWeur Cinema League, Inc. Subscription rates: $3.00 a year, postpaid, in the Unitecl States and Possessions and in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Qssta Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain and Colonies, Uruguay and Venezuela; $3.50 a year, postpaid, in Canada, Labrador and Newfoundland; other countries $4.00 a year, postpaid; to members of Amateur Cinema Lea Inc. $2.00 a year, postpaid; single copies 25^ (in U.S.A.). On sale at graphic dealers everywhere. Entered as second class matter, August 3, 192 at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1949, by Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Editorial and Publication Office: 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y., U.S.A. Telephone LExington 2-0270. West Coast Representative: Edmund J. Kerr, 6605 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles 28, Calif. Telephone HEmpstead 3171. Advertising rates on application. Porms close on 10th of preceding month. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: a change of address must reach us at least by the twelfth of the month preceding the publication of the number of MOVIE MAKERS with which it is to take effect.