Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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310 Albany banquet The eighth annual banquet of the Amateur Motion Picture Society of Albany (N.Y.), ACL, held at the Aurania Club, marked the end of the club's 1948-49 season. Prizes were awarded the year's contest winners, Mrs. Michael DeMurio making the presentation. George A. Valentine, ACL, of the New York 8mm. Motion Picture Club, provided the evening's entertainment with the screening of three of his films: The Artist, The Past Master and The W olf's Tale. All on 8mm., the last named won an Honorable Mention in the 1948 Ten Best contest, Durban winners The fifty foot film competition conducted by the Cine 8 Club of Durban, South Africa, was won by Dr. G. Stafford-Mayer for his Bedtime for Tiny Tots. Rodeo, by Dr. V. A. Wager, and Pat Fairfield Handicap — 1948, by E. G. Frow. ACL. filled second and third places respectively. On the same program with the prize winners, Tongaland, a 16mm. production by C. A. Whysall, was also screened. Winnipeg meeting For its last session of the season, the Winnipeg Cine Club presented an informative program on the use of sound for home movies, treating of the various methods available. Orland Gibson projected a short film with tape recording, in which lip synchronization played an important part. Bob Cohan, ACL, showed an 8mm. color film with musical disc accompaniment. A panel discussion on filming Winnipeg's 75th anniversary celebrations and possible activities of club members during the summer months followed the screenings. Cincinnati preview An opportunity was provided members of the Cincinnati Movie Club to study the progress of the club production, Deed to Happiness, when a "sneak preview" was given at a recent meeting of the group. More than half the film is finished and gives a fair indication of what the completed picture will be like. A special demonstration of trick shots was also given The people, plans and programs of amateur movie groups everywhere on the same program, members being invited to bring cameras and take advantage of the staging. The proper use of the exposure meter was explained in connection with the exhibition. New Italian club Under the leadership of Achille de Francesco, ACL, a group of amateur movie enthusiasts in Milan, Italy, has recently organized an amateur movie club dedicated to furthering the hobby in their country and the development of strong international affiliations. The name of the new organization and the roster of officers were not known at press time. La Casa program Members of La Casa Movie Club, of Alhambra (Calif.), were treated to a showing of members' films of diverse interests. Los Angeles County Fair, by Robert Nemeth, ACL, headed the bill, followed by Laguna Beach, by Erwin K. Kendall, and Muscle Beach — Santa Monica, by L. M. Miller. With the American Bowling Team in Britain, by Charles Manahan, concluded the program. South Side-Metro Members of Metro Movie Club of River Park, in Chicago, were invited recently to screen some of their films at a meeting of the South Side Cinema Club. The program consisted of Thrills and Spills, by Lewis Ultch; Miscellaneous Scenes, by Earl Hein; Rocky Mountain, by H. A. Arnold; Deer Hunting in Canada and Fishing Trip in Canada, by Mr. Bouglet. This was the club's last regular meeting of the season. International show The Australian Amateur Cine Society, ACL, of Sydney, Australia, offered members and their guests an opportunity recently to view the film work of American and Canadian amateurs, when the club presented its Overseas Film Night. The screening was held in Assembly Hall in A. J. O'Keefe BAY CITY MOVIE MAKERS, of Michigan, at a recent meeting. Officers, at left and right of equipment, are William Popp, treasurer; Mrs. Margaret McFarland, secretary; Dr. C. O. Whitten, ACL, president; Fred Mitchell, vicepresident. ACTION IN ALBANY, N. Y., as members of the Amateur Motion Picture Society, ACL, film a local high school drama. Helen C. Welsh, ACL, is at tripod; Arthur Kemnitzer operates hand-held camera, with Charles Creamer at the meter.