Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 311 t .11 H ■ »r • ■ ' It ^^i jB "B^if^tJ ^F ^^^ jBVL 9 • 3 8-16 MOVIE MAKERS OF KANSAS CITY, in Missouri, gather for a display of members' equipment. Sydney and marked a high point of the current season for Australian amateurs. The program consisted of Squeaky's Kittens, by Walter Bergmann. FACL; Motion and Desert Life, by Henry Hird, FACL; Doghouse Blues, by Earl H. Sparks, ACL; Voorlezer's House, by Frank E. Gunnell. FACL; Riches from the Sea, by T. J. Courtney, and Patti-September Peace, by the late Robert P. Kehoe, FACL. The films were air freighted to Sydney on loan from the ACL club film library. Westwood screening A program of unusual and diversified film fare was presented members of the Westwood Movie Club of San Francisco at a recent session. Zoo Life, a short 8mm. Kodachrome study by William Behre. headed the bill. This was followed by The Duel, a 16mm. Kodachrome film of adventure on the high seas, by Paul Kantus; Perchance a Dream, by Ralph Joosten and Bill McDonald; Proem, 16mm. Kodachrome sound on film, a study with animated clay forms, by Leonard Tregillus, ACL, and Ralph Luce, and Fiddle Dee Dee, an experimental sound film by Norman MacLaren. of Canada. Rockford planning Among the projects on the agenda of the Rockford (111.) Movie Makers are the club production, Know it all Joe; the annual outdoor meeting, scheduled as a picnic night, and a film on the activities at Augustana Camp. Lake Geneva, also a club production. A highlight of an early summer session was to be the screening of the films made at the annual banquet. New in Minnesota A group of cine enthusiasts in Hutchinson, Minn., are organizing a movie division within the present local still camera club. Arnold Rotzien has been elected president of the new film unit, with Ted Hanson as vicepresident. A. Schoonover, ACL, is secretary. A committee on programs was chosen from among the membership, and a room of the public library was acquired for the monthly meetings. Scheduled for fourth Mondays, the programs will feature screenings and demonstrations of new movie technique. At the organization meeting two films borrowed from the ACL film library were shown — Magic Stairway, by Harlan Webber. ACL, and Western Wild Life, by Frank Gunnell, FACL. Ottawa elects At a concluding session of the 1948-49 season, members of the Ottawa Cine Club, of Canada, chose their officers for the coming year. John Pinhey is the new president and Ken Rapell, ACL, is vicepresident. Edward McElroy was retained as secretary, while Bob Tennant assumed the duties of treasurer. Elizabeth Edwards is executive member of the board. Auckland 8 winners The Thome Cup competition for the best uncut film, sponsored by the Auckland 8 Movie Club. ACL, of Auckland, N. Z., was won by L. A. Millar with Baby Comes First. Untitled, by club president N. W. Hicks; Now You Are Two, by Mrs. H. C. Gilmour; Visitors Day, Whenuapai, by H. R. Gilmour, and Sammy Lee, also by Mr. Hicks, were runnersup. San Francisco screens Members of the Cinema Club of San Francisco were treated at a recent session to an unusual film produced in Hollywood specifically for camera clubs, called Photofilm, 16mm. sound. Yosemite, by Tullio Pellegrini, and Guatemala, by Jeff Dreyfous. both 8mm. color films, concluded the showing. Michigan conclave The fourth annual con. vention of the Michigan Council of Amateur Movie Clubs was held at the Elks Temple in Grand Rapids in June. Approximately 200 delegates and members of Michigan movie clubs attended. The following officers were elected: U. S. Pat. No. 2260368 GOERZ AMERICAN APOGOR F:2.3 the movie lens with microscopic definition successful cameramen have been waiting for— A new six element high quality lens for the 16 and 35 mm film camera. Corrected for all aberration at full opening, giving highest definition in black-&white and color. Made by skilled technicians with many years of optical training. Fitted to precision focusing mount which moves the lens smoothly without rotating elements or shifting image. This lens comes in C mount for 16 mm cameras. Fitting to other cameras upon special order. Sizes available now: 35 and 50 mm uucoated and 75 mm coated. Write for prices, giving your dealer's name. 5=£i GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. MM -8 THE ONLY BOOK DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TITLES Every step explained , simply and thoroughly. If Answers Every Title Making Problem | Sold Only by Mail •MAIL A DOLLAR BILL TODAYS WESTWOOD SALES CO. 63S victoria avenue KODACHROME DUPLICATES 8MM. and 16MM. II . PER FINEST QUALITY I I C FOOT Mail Orders Accepted Hollywood 16mm. Industries, Inc. 6060 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. AT GOWER HOLLYWOOD 28, CALIF. Easy • Quick • Convenient MOVIES BY MAIL from our FILM RENTAL LIBRARY FREE our 1949 Sound movie catalog, hot off the press. Feature programs as low as $3.75. Write to Dept. R PEERLESS CAMERA STORES FINEST HOME MOVIE SELECTION 138 E.44th St.,New York 17.N.Y.