Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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312 Classified advertising ■ Cash required with order. The closing date for the receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered for sale in this department should be made te the advertiser and not to Movie Makers. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references. ■ Movie Makers does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these are new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying. 10 Cents a Word Minimum Charge $2 | Words in oapitals, except first word and name, 5 cents extra. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE | BASS SAYS: No better deal has yet been made. Than when you write to Bass to trade. — CHARLES BASS, President. Used 16mm. B. & H. 70A, Cooke //3.5, case, S67.50; used 16mm. Zeiss Movikon, Sonnar j/lA, case, S385.00 ; used 16mm. B. & H. 400 watt proj. Model 57, case, S57.50; used 16mm. B. 6 H. Filmo Master, 750 watt, case, $145.00; used 16mm. B. & H. Show Master, 2000 ft. Cap., 750 watt, case, SI 50.00; used 16mm. Victor Model 24 sound proj., 750 watt, two case unit, 12" speaker, S175.00; used 16mm. Movie Mite sound proj., one case unit, complete, $115.00. We buy 'em, sell 'em, and trade 'em. Complete stocks of new Cine equipment, all makes. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Dept. CC. 179 W. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. ■ GUARANTEED fresh F-A-S-T Pan Film, 81.65, 25' l8-8mm.) $1.65; 25' 8mm. color, $4.10; 25' 8mm. color base, S2.25; 100' 16mm. outdoor film (anti-halo). $3.45. Free machine processing. MK PHOTO, 451 Continental, Detroit (14), Mich. ■ 16\IM. SUMMER Specials. Bolex 1" //2.7, case, •■249.00: Simplex Pockette, new. $55.00; Cine-Kodak K //1.9, case, like new, $115.00; Cine Specials from S395.00 up; semi-pro tripods from $75.00 up. M-H viewfinder for Cine Special or Bolex, $135.00. Wanted : Akeley Gyro tripod and other 16mm. and 35mm. equipment. CAMERA MART, Inc., 70 West 45th Street. New York. ■ CANADIANS! Cine-Kodak Special Mark I 16mm. camera with 106 foot chamber, 200 foot chamber and three lenses — 15mm. //2.7, 25mm. f/1.9, 50mm. 1/1.6. Like new! BARGAIN at $750, complete! CRAWLEY FILMS LIMITED, 19 Fairmont Ave., Ottawa. Canada. ■ CINE lenses — High speed, telephoto wide angle — for all those beautiful outdoor spring and summer shots. IN FOCUSING MOUNTS COATED FOR 8MM. CAMERAS: 9mm. //2.7 Wollensak wide angle (fixed focus), $43.75; H" //1.9 Wollensak Raptar, $55.42; 1%" //3.5 telephoto anastigmat, $39.50; 2" //2 Schneider Xenon, $99.50: 3" //4.5 Kodak anastigmat, S59.50. IN FOCUSING MOUNT COATED FOR 16MM. CAMERAS: 17mm. //2.7 Carl Meyer wide angle, $54.50: 3" //1.8 Astro Pan Tachar, $279.50; 6" //5.5 Schneider Tele-Xenar, $134.50. These are only a few of our tremendous selection — the world's largest stock of lenses — We have what you want— 15 day trialsatisfaction guaranteed— Send this ad in for free catalog and lens list. BURKE & JAMES, Inc., 321 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Att : M. A Milford. FILMS WANTED ■ I BUY— sell, swap, rent S. 0. F., 8 and 16mm. films, list free. HAKVEY IRIS, Box 539, Brockton, Mass. FILMS FOR EXCHANGE ■ FREE! Movies loaned free— 2000 sound; silent. Send $1.00 lor listings to obtain loan free— no other EXCHANGE your films, 81.00 per reel -I VS1 SOUND SERVICE, Dept. M, 133 Murray St., Elizabeth 2. \. J. FILMS FOR RENTAL OR SALE ■ CASTLE Filme lor sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and sound: complete mock, orders shipped day received b STANLEY-WINTHROP'S, Inc., 90 Washington St., Ouinry 69, Mass. ■ I -I li and M H Castle films, 8-16. silent and sound. S.nd lor lists. ALVES PHOTO SERVICE, 1 I ■ .. Braintree 84, Mass. ■ EXCLUSIVE: Select movies, sports, musicals. Projectors, screens. Large Btereoscope-viewer, unique filmstrips, $2.98. Free catalog. HOME PIX, 1671 Broadway. New York 19. ■ EXCITING and unusual films, 8 and 16mm. Send 2T,( for sample film 1 r i f , and giant catalogue. ARTPHOTO. Dept. MM. 628\ostrand Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. ■ "ATOMIC Blonde" and other beautiful Hollywood models in COLOR! Giant li-ts, only 10<*. AMERICAN FILMS, 6711-mm. Sunset, Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ 85 KODACHROME movies! War, Atom Bomb, Travel, Air, National Parks. Beautiful Models, Catalog, 3c1 stamp. 2 scene "Waikiki" sample, $1.00. Specify 8mm. or 16mm. WORLD IN COLOR PRODUCTIONS, Elmira, N. Y. . MISCELLANEOUS ■ Two enlargements and negative from your movie film. Send frames and one dollar. CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York 52. ■ KODACHROME DUPLICATES: 8mm., or 16mm., 110 per foot. Immediate service on mail orders. HOLLYWOOD 16MM. INDUSTRIES, Inc., 6060 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ NO Negative ? ? ? Send picture and $1.00 for new negative with enlarged print to CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York, N. Y. ■ TITLE MAKING, free booklet. WESTWOOD CINEMA CO., 635 Victoria Street, San Francisco, California. | RIFLES, shotguns, pistols — Firearms of all types, all makes taken on trade towards ALL photographic equipment. Highest trade-in allowance at NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE, 86 So. Sixth St., Minneapolis 2, Minnesota. Authorized agents for Eastman, Argus, Revere, Bell & Howell, Keystone, Graflex — in fact every great name in photography. Trade your firearms on photographic equipment now. How GOOD is a "good" movie? Ever wondered how good your movies are? Ever had a sneaking hunch they might turn out to be pretty good— in competition? Chances are, you have . . . But you haven't been able to dig up the competition. And so you keep on wondering: Are my movies GOOD? Well, if you're an amateur movie maker (anywhere in the world), you can now see how you stack up with the competition. How? By entering the MOVIE MAKERS Ten Best Competition of 1949! Remember: 8mm. or 16mm., color or black and white, silent or sound! You'll find full details on the Ten Best Competition on the inside back cover of this issue of MOVIE MAKERS AUGUST 1949 John Folkema, Grand Rapids Amateur Movie Club, president; Milburn Bergeon, Long Lake Amateur Movie Club, vicepresident; Kobe G. Vander Molen, Kalamazoo Movie Club, second vicepresident; Mrs. Howard Yost, Grand Rapids Amateur Movie Club, secretary, and Stanley Stevens, Kalamazoo Movie Club, treasurer. E. J. McGookin, general manager of the Revere Camera Company, was guest speaker. The meetings were concluded with a screening of amateur films from various participating units. New group in S. F. The Golden Gate Cinematographers is the name chosen by the committee which recently organized a new club from the former organization known as the Sherman Clay Motion Picture Club. Edward Johannson is president, with August Brady serving as vicepresident. A. Stanschildt is secretary, and A. Theo. Roth, ACL, is publicity chairman. The organization meeting witnessed a screening of Autumn in the Sierras, by George Sokst, and a demonstration of the new DeVry sound projector. New York 8'S Members of the New York City 8mm. Motion Picture Club were invited recently to bring in their first films and screen them for the entertainment portion of the program. ' Among those who took part in the showing were Fred Furman, Ben Spanier, ACL, Ernest H. Kremer, ACL, Joseph F. Hollywood, FACL, and Maitland Harvey. Let's go to Glacier! [Continued from page 291] regions. Of course, it still is wise and courteous to ask their permission to take pictures; no one likes to have the camera peering into their household activities and personal affairs without even a "by your leave." A few little gifts — cigarettes to the chiefs or toys and gum to the children — will quickly make friends and willing models for pictures. The older chiefs do not understand much English, but you can readily find interpreters among the children and the young men, many of whom served in the armed forces and attend English speaking schools and colleges. FOR THE OUTDOORS MAN If you like films of exciting outdoor activities, Glacier is your spot. Along the many streams and waterfalls and at the more than 250 lakes you will find fishermen of every degree of skill. Wading, casting and landing the fighting cutthroat, rainbow and Eastern brooks — which make Glacier one of the country's greatest fishing areas — will