Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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322 SEPTEMBER 1949 ^COMMONWEALTH } proudly announces IMMEDIATE DELIVERY of 2 additional Major Company HITS of the Edward Small Group Wind ms : MASK... he ' slashed his way through a thousand Intrigues!; THE \ \ Aleiandre Oumas' Advtnturt man mm mon nm*K »lorr!ng M**: LOUIS H HAYWARD JOAN ^# BENNETT »»M» ,,-l£rr --••«», KIT CARSON Jon Hall, Lynn Bari, Dana Andrews THE CORSICAN BROTHERS Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Ruth, Akim Tamiroff SHIRLEY TEMPLE as MISS ANNIE ROONEY William Gargan, Guy Kibbee, Moore, Peggy Ryan i JAMES FENIMORE COOPER'S 1 LAST OF THE MOHICANS Randolph Scott, Binnie Barnes, Henry Wilcoxon FRIENDLY ENEMIES Charles Winniger, Charles Ruggles, James Craig, Nancy Kelly 1 For Rentals Communicate with your leading I6MM. FILM LIBRARY EXCLUSIVE I6MM DISTRIBUTORS COMMONWEALTH PICTURES CORP. 723 Seventh Avenue. New York 19. N.Y. This department has been added to Movie Makers because you, the reader, want it. We welcome it to our columns. This is your place to sound off. Send us your comments, complaints or compliments. Address: The Reader Writes, Movie Makers, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. A BIG BROTHER Gentlemen: My personal feeling concerning the Amateur Cinema League is that you are like a big brother — ready, willing and anxious to take on and solve, if possible, the problems which may befall any of us. When a group in our area tried recently to get an ordinance passed by the City Council restricting the showing of motion pictures, we immediately wrote you as to what procedures we should follow (in resisting the proposed ordinance). You replied quickly and helpfully, and we understand this ordinance has now been tabled. Dr. J. M. Girard, ACL President Miami Movie Makers Miami. Fla. In the matter of fighting legislation which may infringe on the rights or interests of amateur filrners anywhere, the ACL is proud to be the "big brother" of all concerned. We have over the years defeated (or guided the local defeat of) all such restrictive or discriminatory ordinances that were brought to our attention. Amateurs everywhere — whether members of the ACL or not — are urged to report to us at once if any such legislation comes up in their communities. REALLY ENJOY IT Dear Sirs: Enclosed find Post Office money order for $6.00 for membership in ACL. I bought a copy of your Movif Makers recently while on my vacation in Seattle and I really enjoy it. Since I live out in a small town where 1 can't buy it all the time. I want to subscribe to it and the League. James L. Beeson, ACL Orafino. Idaho GREATLY DISTRESSED Dear Sirs: Our local magazine agents have reported that the following numbers of Movie Makers, which are missing from our set. are out of print and unobtainable: viz: Volume 22, Nos. 6-9 (June through September. 1947). As I am greatly distressed to think that our reference files may be permanently incomplete. I am writing to ask your help in securing these issues. Possibly there might be second-hand office copies which you might let us have. If not. I wonder if you would insert a short note in a current issue of your journal asking whether any of your readers has any spare copies for sale or as a gift. Miss P. M. Speight Assistant City Librarian The Public Library Johannesburg. South Africa We are out of stock on all of these issues here at headquarters. How about our readers? TO INVITE FRIENDSHIP Dear Sirs: I favour the issue of a small lapel badge with the initials '"ACL" to invite friendship with other amateurs we meet from time to time. Perhaps you would also consider the issue of a leader strip for both 8mm. and 16mm. films with some such wording as "Production by a Member of Amateur Cinema League." This would not only give us a certain pride in our productions, but would lead to interested persons enquiring how they also could become members. E. R. McNab Taylor. ACL London, England League member Taylor should read with real interest the article on page 329 and the advertisement on our inside back cover, which announce the immediate availability of the new ACL membership leader in full color. ... As for the lapel button (and the ACL sticker), they are still on the agenda. BEST INVESTMENT Dear ACL: I have enjoyed being a member of the Cinema League very much, and I consider the $6.00 a year the best investment I or anyone interested in cinematography can make. I am hoping to send you some new members in the near future. Arthur A. Nordwall. ACL Peoria, 111. There's a free print of the new ACL Kodachrome leader awaiting member Nordwall (and every other member) for each new movie maker they interest in League membership. ENJOYABLE EVENING Dear Mr. Moore: Several weeks ago on a trip down the Colorado River with the Neville Expeditions I stopped off in Salt Lake City and contacted Mr. Al Morton, FACL, 1947 winner of Movie Makers best film of the year. He invited me out to his home, and I spent an enjoyable evening with him and his wife. I have been a movie filmer for over