Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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326 SEPTEMBER 1949 JTHEJ Town HALL presents A Short Course in COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY (Movies & Still) to be directed by CANFIELD COOK, film producer and author "COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY" Thurs. Fri. SCHEDULE Oct. 6 Si 7 IT'S COLOR YOU'RE FILMING 13 & 14 EQUIPMENT YOU MUST HAVE AND EQUIPMENT YOU CAN HAVE 20 & 21 THE CAMERA'S SIGHT-LENSES 27 & 28 LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT— INDOORS & OUTDOORS Nov. 3 & 4 HANDLING YOURSELF AND YOUR CAMERA 10 & 11 COMPOSITION AND CONTINUITY 17 & 18 THE ART OF EDITING AND TITLING MOVIES Dec. 1 & 2 PORTRAITURE AND ILLUSTRATION IN COLOR 8 & 9 PUTTING ON A SHOW 15 & 16 FILM APPRAISAL Course of ten sessiom given on Thursday evenings from 8:00 to 9:30 ■p.m. Course of ten sessions given on Friday afternoons from 5:30 to 7:00 -p.m. COURSE FEE $10.00-SINGLE ADMISSION FEE $1.50 (inel. tax) For further information and registration, -please write SHORT COURSE DIVISION TOWN HALL, 123 West 43rd Street, New York City 18. LU 2-2424 MOVIE; t EnwrainmenT' Haucaiion • Cnurcn M fi^\ All the advantages of finest 16mm projection (silent or sound) are made available at LOW COST. Write tor details. See your dealer for demonstration. MOVIE-MITE was the FIRST precision built, extra light weight, compact 16mm projector to be put on the market at a notably low price. MOVIE-MITE established new standards . . and leads in the production of an amazing combination of quality and economy. MOVIE-MITE, complete with speaker, weighs only 26 lbs. Universal 25-60 cycle A.C. or D.C., 105-120 volt operation. Model 63LMB *19850 Sr MOVIEMITE CO scope, thus enabling the placing of the recorder in the most convenient spot from a drive point of view? W. Sutton, Lt. Col. Rhiwbina, Wales Unfortunately, no. The basic premise of Mr. Levett's stroboscopic control system is that the speed of the projector shall be regulated by its own pulsating light beam. Since these pulsations are created by the number of times the projector shutter interrupts the light beam in passing each frame, they would bear no relation to the pulsations of a neon lamp — which depend on the cycle frequency of the alternating current being used. For a more flexible arrangement of projector and recorder-still using projector flicker on the strobe disc — see page 338. In this column Movie Makers offers its readers a place to trade items of filming equipment or amateur film footage on varied subjects directly with other filmers. Commercially made films will not be accepted in swapping offers. Answer an offer made here directly to the filmer making it. Address your offers to: The Swap Shop, c/o Movie Makers. IDEAS TO SWAP Dear Movie Makers: Recently a group of cine enthusiasts got together here and formed the Huddersfield Cine Club. Could you put us in touch with our counterparts in the States to swap ideas and the like? At the moment we are all looking forward to the visit of Princess Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh, hoping to make a good 16mm. colour film of the proceedings. Of course, this depends on the unpredictable English climate. H. Haigh 6 Diamond Street Hillhouse Lane Huddersfield Yorkshire, England FEELING OF GOOD WILL Dear Swap Shop: I would be very pleased to correspond with any member of the Amateur Cinema League anywhere in the world, and also assist anyone wanting 16mm. black and white or coloured films of Canada, especially in Ontario. I believe that we can create an international feeling of good will and better understanding through this column in Movie Makers. I would gladly film whatever is required for the cost of film or swap historic and scenic pictures for the same of other lands. H. E. Nicholls, ACL c/o Nicholls Electric R. R. No. 2 Elmvale, Ont., Canada