Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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329 ACL MAKES COLOR LEADER From the first idea to the finished product, here's how the League's new leader was made JAMES W. MOORE, ACL IT begins in this way. Against a dark and mysterious background, as if in interstellar space, the sphere of the earth is seen revolving slowly and smoothly. Then, as a fade-in comes to full strength, three giant letters — ACL — curve upward and across the screen, following the arc of the earth's movement. The letters gleam and sparkle as they cut through one path of light after another. THE FIRST PHASE Now, from the upper left corner of the scene there swings across the globe a narrow band of brilliant red. It bears on its face, in white raised letters, the single word — MEMBER. The band and this word come to rest in a diagonal pattern across the frame, at right angles to the slant of the earth's axis. They are scarcely in position, however, before a second band of red zooms down across the scene from the upper right. It carries the words — AMATEUR CINEMA — which comes to rest centrally, in exact alignment with the diagonal design. This action is followed almost at once by a thi^d band of red, which swings into position from the lower right. It bears the single word — LEAGUE — and the opening pattern is complete. DISSOLVE TO SECOND PHASE There is, then, a swift and smoothly executed lap dissolve. Against the same background of the slowly turning sphere and across the same three panels of glowing red, the ACL membership legend is replaced by the words — WORLD WIDE ASSOCIATION OF MOVIE MAKERS. They are in three lines of gleaming letters, sharply accented by the shadows of cross lighting. You read them slowly, easily, and then they and the turning sphere are gone in a suavely timed fade-out. THE END TITLE Such, immeasurably enhanced by glowing colors and dynamic action, is the introductory section of the League's new membership leader, now ready in 8 and 16mm. Kodachrome. The end-title section which follows is similar in design and execution. You see once more the slowly turning sphere, the strangely gleaming letters — ACL — and then a broad band of glowing red slides up from lower right with the two words — THE END. A gentle fadeout brings this section to a satisfying close. IN THE BEGINNING But so smoothly is the entire leader executed that it may be difficult to appreciate fully what lies behind its creation. There came first several months of planning and preparation. One embryo design after another was considered and discarded — either as too simple, too complex or too gaudy in its cinematics. This was to be, we reasoned, a membership leader for amateur films. As such, it should be effective without being offensive, polished but not hyper-professional. We believe that the new [Continued on page 346] ACL LEADER IN KODACHROME begins (first frame) with fade-in on a revolving globe bearing letters ACL. Second frame shows start of animation, with third and fourth scenes completing this sequence. There is a dissolve to frame five, which then fades out. End title animated upward. Entire leader was created by reverse motion technique.