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AN IMPROVED cooling system and a new type of safety shutter are among the assets of the new Kodascope Eight-71 projector.
Kodak Ektanon projector lens and a 750 watt lamp. The projector will take a 1000 watt lamp, providing, in combination with the //1.6 lens, extremely brilliant illumination.
Baffles introduced into the aperture and condenser systems of the Eight-71 afford maximum film protection. Noise is cut with a new type of safety shutter that operates by air pressure and with a new molded rubber drive belt that substitutes
for the usual coil-spring type. The projector has a 400 foot film capacity and is priced at $97.50. including tax.
Two big Kodak announcements in the still field concern the introduction of Kodacolor film. Type A, for indoor work, and a new model of the Kodak Tourist folding camera. The film is intended to provide properly balanced color prints when exposed to either flood or clear flash illumination. No extra filters are necessary for picture taking indoors or outdoors at night with the new film and flood or clear flash lighting. The film, however, requires a Kodachrome Type A filter (Wratten No. 85 ) for daylight exposure if it is used outdoors in sunlight. It will be available in Nos. 127. 116, 616. 120 and 620 sizes at the same prices as regular Kodacolor film.
A radically new between-the-lens shutter with an accurate top speed of 1/800 of a second marks the new version of the Kodak Tourist camera, which also features a four element 101mm. //4.5 Lumenized Kodak Anastar lens. A Kodak Tourist adapter kit fits the camera for picture taking in three negative sizes in addition to the standard 21/4 by S1/^ inch format. Instead of moving in and out with a reciprocating motion in the conventional manner, the blades of the Synchro-Rapid 800 shutter are so designed that they pivot and rotate through a partial circle inside the shutter housing. As
THE world's fastest between the lens shutter is incorporated in the Kodak Tourist camera. New principles mark its shutter design.
the rotation progresses, the shutter aperture is opened and then closed. The Kodak Tourist, which will be the only Kodak camera to carry the shutter for some time, is priced at $95.00.
Aimed at the slide fans, a new Kodaslide compartment file differs from standard filing systems in that it consists of twelve compartments hinged together in such a way that they form a complete file box when closed. The compartments are open along the top and sides; each compartment will hold from one to twenty cardboard slides or up to eight glass mounted slides. The files will be priced at $3.75.
Give your home movies that "professional" touch
COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY fills a real need for filmers ... a full, complete and practical guidebook with hundreds of fascinating ideas for making better color movies. At all bookstores.
Answers such questions as:
► What i-s the minimum equipment essential to good indoor pictures?
► How should I lubricate my camera to make sure it is in proper working condition?
► How is a range finder used?
► What advantage is there to using coated lenses?
► At what angle should the camera and lights be used in mirror filming?
► How can I make splices that will be sure to hold my film together?
► How should color films be stored after exposure and before processing?
A Question-and-Answer Handbook by CANFIELD COOK
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experienced filmers
COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY is an easy-to-understand, convenient-to-use handbook that will answer your question: "How can I make better, more professional movies?" Mr. Cook covers all the problems that beset the beginning — and even the more advanced fllmer. Clearly and concisely he offers proven advice on every step in color filming from choosing equipment to editing and showing excellent films.
• Handy questions-ond-answers
Written in question-and-answer form COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY gives detailed information on hundreds of actual problems which Mr. Cook has been asked to solve in his lectures, his courses in color motion-picture photography, and by mail. He shows you how to get the most out of colors; how to avoid mistakes in lighting; how to build a movie that has continuity and form. He gives you "professional" tips on trick-shots, close-ups, titling, and making your own sound track. Special chapters discuss the ins-and-outs of equipment, lenses, handling the camera, indoor and outdoor lighting, filters, continuity, composition, projecting, etc. Also you will find valuable tables and data on lighting, width and depth of field, scene length, projection distance, and a helpful bibliography of magazine articles and books on special aspects of movie making.
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