Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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350 SEPTEMBER 1949 Classified advertising ■ Cash required with order. The closing date for the receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered for sale in this department should be made to the advertiser and not to Movie Makers. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references. ■ Movie Makers does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these are new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying. 10 Cents a Word Minimum Charge $2 ■ Words in capitals, except first word and name, 5 cents extra. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ■ BASS SAYS: A one track mind is what I've got. I want to make a trade that's hot. Mail me vour items or send a letter A trade with BASS is always better— CHARLES BASS, President. 3" Zeiss Sonnar //4 coupled for Zeiss Movikon, $165.00; 2" Zeiss Sonnar //2.8 for Movikon 8 or 16, $87.50; 3" Zeiss Sonnar j'X in Movikon bayonet mount, S165.00; 20mm. wide angle Tessar //2.7 for Movikon. $110.00; 3" Zeiss Sonnar //4 in "C" mount, $125.00. We buy 'em, sell 'em, and trade 'em. Complete stocks of new Cine Equipment, all makes. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Dept. CC, 179 W Madison St.. Chicago 2. 111. ■ GUARANTEED fresh F-A-S-T Pan Film, $1.65; 25' (8-8-mm.) $1.65; 25' 8mm. color, $4.10; 25' 8mm. color base, $2.25; 100' 16mm. outdoor film (anti-halo), $3.45. Free machine processing. MK PHOTO. 451 Continental, Detroit (14), Mich. | AD\ ANCED amateur and professionals who produce industrial, medical and religious films. We are exclusively a motion picture sales, trade, rental, and service house supplying major film companies and small producers the nation over. All 16 and 35mm. sound and silent equipment. THE CAMERA MART, Inc.. 70 West 45th St., New York 19, N. Y. ■ 8 & 16MM. HOLLIS SPLICER, chrome plated. Regular price, S5.55. Our close-out price, postpaid, $2.75. PARAGON, 4 West 18th St., New York, N. Y. B MONTE books: "Amateur Movie Production," "Money Saving Tips for Movie Makers," each 50£. SHANNON'S, 505 Franklin Ave., Nutley 10, N. J. ■ CINE LENSES— High speed, telephoto wide angle — for every type shot under all conditions. COATED FOR 8MM. CAMERAS: 9mm. //2.S Wollensak Wide Angle Universal focus, $43.75; %" //1.9 Berthiot Cinor (focusing mount), $39.50; 1%" //3.5 Telephoto Anastigmat (3 time magnification I (in focusing mount I. S36.50. IN FOCUSING MOUNTS COATED FOR 16MM. CAMERAS: 17mm. //2.7 Carl Meyer Wide Angle, $49.50; 1" //1.5 Wollensak Velostigmat. $61.25; 2" //2 Schneider Xenon, $99.50; 3" //3.5 Carl Zeiss Tessar, $79.50 6" //5.5 Schneider Tele-Xenar, $124.50. These are only a few of our tremendous selection. The world's largest stock of lenses. We have what you want — 15 day trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send this ad in for free catalog and len9 list. BURKE & JAMES, Inc.. 321 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III., U.S.A. Att: M. A. Milford. FILMS WANTED ■ I BUY— sell. swap, rent S. O. F., 8 and 16mm. films. Ji-l free. H\UVEY IRIS. Box 539, Brockton. I II. MS FOR RENTAL OF SALE ■ CASTLE Films for sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and -ound : complete ^t «,«■ k . orders shipped dav received by STANLEY. WIVHIKOP'S, Inc., 90 Washington St., Quincj 69, Mass. ■ I SED .,.,.1 NEW Castle films, 8-16, silent and ■ound. Send for lists. AI.VES PHOTO SERVICE, Inc., II Storr Ave., Braintree 81. Maes. | EXCITING and unusual films, 8 and 16mm. Send 25e for sample film -trip and giant catalogue. ARTPHOTO. Dipt. MM. 628 N., strand \w.. Brooklyn, N.Y. ■ 85 KODACHROME movies! War. Atom Bomb, \ir. National Parks. Beautiful Models, Catalog, 3c stamp. 2 scene "Waikiki" sample, 81.00. Specif) 8mm. or 16mm. ".OKI. I) IN COLOR PRODI (.HON.-.. Elroira. N. Y. ■ "ATOM BLONDE" dancer, 8mm., 53.00; 16mm., .'(,.00. Giant list fr,-,. wiili every order. AMERICAN FILMS, 6711-MM Sunset, Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ FREE FILM RENTALS— 2000 sound, silent. educational and navel. Hundreds in color. Semi 11.00 for listings tr, obtain loan free no other charge. EDUCATIONAL HUM CENTER, Dcpt. M, 133 Murray St.. Elizabeth 2. N. I. ■ -If; and MODEL Choice sample slide 35 cents. Mom. sample 10 cents. EDDINCS, 32 Rob erti Ave., Corning 2. N. V. ■ UNUSUAL 8-16mm. FILM SUBJECTS. Kodachrome projection length sample, $1.00 (refundable). Films exchanged. Bargains! Big catalog, 25<t— refunded first order. NATIONAL FILM SUPPLY, Broadway Sta. (E), Toledo 9, Ohio. | NOW you can add to your 16mm. movies gorgeous original Kodachrome shots taken by the famed explorer Neil Douglas on recent expeditions to exciting but little known parts of America. These are not duplicates but perfectly exposed surplus shots and retakes from which you can even sell duplicates. Subjects include Mexico, glaciers and all parts of Alaska. Special price 40£ per foot. NEIL DOUGLAS, Box 664, Meriden, Conn. FILMS FOR EXCHANGE ■ EXCHANGE your 16mm. films. $1.00 membership fee entitles you to special 50^ per 100 ft. exchange rate on silent and sof. Write AMERICAN FILM EXCHANGE, 22 E. Ontario St., Chicago 11, 111.— Rm. 36. LOST AND FOUND ■ LOST— 3 rolls 100 ft. each 16mm. Kodachromes. Scenes taken of Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila, Hono, lulu and miscellaneous titles. Mailed by Eastman Kodak, San Francisco, to DAVID TOEG, 208 South Mariposa Ave., Los Angeles. Mailing charges and reward if required will be paid by me. MfSCELLANEOUS | TWO enlargements and negative from your movie film. Send frames and one dollar. CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York 52. ■ KODACHROME DUPLICATES: 8mm., or 16mm., 11^ per foot. Immediate service on mail orders, HOLLYWOOD 16MM. INDUSTRIES, Inc., 6060 Hob lywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ NO Negative ? ? ? Send picture and $1.00 for new negative with enlarged print to CURIO PHOTO 1187 Jerome Ave., New York, N. Y. ■ TITLE MAKING, free booklet. WESTWOOD CINEMA CO., 635 Victoria Street, San Francisco California. | RIFLES, shotguns, pistols — Firearms of all types all makes taken on trade towards ALL photographic equipment. Highest trade-in allowance at NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE, 86 So. Sixth St., Minneapolis 2, Minnesota. Authorized agents for Eastman, Argus Revere, Bell & Howell, Keystone, Graflex — in fact every great name in photography. Trade your fire' arms on photographic equipment now. ■ SOUND RECORDING at a reasonable cost. High fidelity 16 or 35. Quality guaranteed. Complete stu dio and laboratory services. Color printing anc lacquer coating. ESCAR MOTION PICTURE SER VICES, Inc., 7315 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Phone: Endicott 2707. ■ ONLY $1.00 BRINGS YOU an assortment of brilliant, theatre quality 8 or 16mm. Kodachrome titles. The price and professional appearance of these titles will meet with your wholehearted approval. Photographed from full screen size layouts, using finely handcrafted raised letters to give a three dimensional effect on your screen. ELITE CUSTOM TITLING SERVICE, Dept. N, P. 0. Box 526, Minneapolis, Minn. ing and evening. Satisfactory pictures at midday are all but impossible. Here again you will find tables and benches, but nary a drop of water, so carry plenty along. Better to have some to throw away after you return than be like the wild horses that perished on the point, suffering from thirst within full sight of the mighty Colorado River. Another feature you will want to include in your Arches trip is Utah's famous cold water geyser. Located on the east bank of the Green River, it is about fourteen miles off Highway 50 between Green River, Utah, and Crescent Junction. This geyser erupts almost as regularly as Old Faithful itself and to a height of 85 to 100 feet. During the tourist season there is usually a stand maintained at the highway turnoff, with someone on hand to supply the time of the next eruption and other information. Here, then, is the recipe for a most interesting filming trip concentrated within a comparatively small area. Just remember that because of the subject matter scenic pictures are prone to be too static, so be sure to introduce some form of action to add interest and continuity to your movies. Good luck and good shooting. Attn.: Club program chairmen! [Continued from page 343] interest to all movie makers. The circular will be designated How Victor Makes The Picture." 4. Apply: Marion Smith, James H. Smith & Sons Corporation, Lake & Colfax Streets, Griffith, Ind. WESTON ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CORP. 3. "Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation, in conjunction with its field offices and representatives, is in a position to participate in camera club programs on a national basis. "This participation normally consists of lectures given by the field representatives, illustrated with approximately 45 color and/or black and white slides (2 by 2 inch) and by a 2 foot enlargement of the exposure guide dial of the Weston meter." 4. Apply: Photographic Sales Division, Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation, Newark 5, N. J. These, judging by the replies to Movie Makers survey, constitute all ol the program aids currently offered some 300 clubs of active amateur movie makers by the industries which they patronize. In these days of mounting sales competition, it seems surprising that much of the photographic industry has thus far overlooked this direct approach to the consumer.