Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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388 OCTOBER 1949 A complete »et of attractive, modern, whiie^ _ title letters PLUS a full siie "dummy" newipaper ■ a special set of black letters for your own HEADLINES. Ideal for color film or B & W. No titter equipment necessary. Complete instructions for regular and trick trHes. Letters are IV* inch high, unbreakable; newspaper can be used over and over in many ways. Send cash, check or money-order to THE MOVIECRAFT COMPANY 1 799 Eart 177th St. Dep't. N New York 60, N. T. ■ MOVIE AND SLIDE TITLES STILL AT SAME LOW PRICES'. Same titles formerly distributed by Bell & Howell — now sold direct. Large variety backgrounds available. No charge for tinting film Amber t WRITE FOR free illustrated brochure and samples TITLE-CRAFT, 1022 Argyle St., Chicago 40, III. ACL MEMBERS: The ACL has on hand a limited number of 8mm. black and white ACL leaders. Normally priced at 50<-, they are available at 35c each as long as the supply lasts. Send orders and remittances to the Amateur Cinema League, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. CLEARANCE SALE 16 MM SOUND FILMS Want a real buy in films? Take advantage of the I. C. S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE of 16 mm sound Alms — features, comedies, educationals. cartoons, novelties, etc. Send for list "A" today stating machine you own (make and model). A penny postal card dues it. INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE, Inc. 1560-M Broadway New York 19, N. Y. Two 3 < stamps for giant catalogue. State size i 8-l6mm Silent, Sound, Sales, Rental, Exchanges. HEED & REED DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 7S0I 3rd AVE., BROOKLYN 8, N. Y DISTINCTIVE EXPERT TITLES and EDITING For the Amateur and Professional 16 mm. — 8 mm. Black & White and Kodachrome Price list on request S T A H L EDITING AND TITLING SERVICE 33 West 42 St. New York, N. Y. Film Books! FREE-A NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOG OF NEW, OUT-OF-PRINT AND RARE THEATRE BOOKS BOOKS ON DRAMA, THEATRE, DANCE, COSTUME WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY m » l BOOKSELLERS I J 63 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK 3 OR. 3-1 570 MM 10 of the missions, it suffered destruction in the earthquake of 1812, was sacked and burned by a pack of brigands and declined with the others under civil rule. For over sixty years the proud old buildings crumbled into ruins, until 1895 when the Landmarks Club undertook the restoration to its present day beauty. Renowned as the homing place of the swallows, who return to Capistrano on St. Joseph's feast day every March, this is one of the most romantic spots on the coast. Situated on an eminence three miles from the sea, it is also one of the most beautiful. The Franciscan friars, working and living at the mission as did the padres of old, will be found strolling the quiet paths of Capistrano, their gray-brown cowls adding an additional note of historic color to the ancient setting. THE LOS ANGELES AREA Twelve miles from downtown Los Angeles in the town of Alhambra is Mission San Gabriel Arcangel. Founded in 1771, it is the fourth of the chain and fourth on the mission trail. It is frequently called the "little mother of Los Angeles," for it was from this mission that a small procession set out to found the City of the Angels in 1791. The campanario, or bell wall, is a notable feature of the mission, now beautifully restored to its original state. The Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart reside at the mission and carry on the good works of the old padres. The San Gabriel padres and their Indian neophytes aided in the construction of the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, which was completed in 1822. Located just off Main Street, on the Plaza in downtown Los Angeles, it stands today in its original state, services still being conducted as of old. You will find a visit to it richly rewarding. Across the Plaza is old Olvera Street, a part of the original pueblo of Los Angeles, to give your mission film an added bit of local color. SAN FERNANDO REY DE ESPANA You can follow U. S. 99 twenty two miles northwest of Los Angeles to San Fernando, or you can keep on El Camino Real, watching the mission bell signs for directions to Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana in the San Fernando Valley. The seventeenth mission established, it was founded in 1797, named for King Ferdinand III of Spain. Its history follows the familiar pattern nf the others — early struggles succeeded by prosperity, decline under Mexican civil administration and ultimate return to the church after American occupation. The Landmarks Club is responsible for reconstruction of this mission also, having started work in 1897. Today it is fully restored and one of the beauty spots in California. The graceful arches of the convento close and the flower filled plaza, Brand Park, on which it fronts are notable features of this fine old mission. A short distance up the coast from Los Angeles is Ventura, home of Mission San Buenaventura. The last to be founded by Father Serra, it was blessed in 1782. It fell into decline after the end of the mission system in California, but fared a little better than most. Restoration work was begun in the 1860's by the then resident missionary and since has been completed by local pioneer societies. The mission museum boasts the only extant wooden mission bells used by the early padres. SANTA BARBARA Santa Barbara has been justly called the "Queen of the Missions." Situated on El Camino Real, in view of the open sea, the site was blessed by Father Serra in 1782, although the mission was not dedicated until 1786, two years after his death. The present church dates from 1812, the fourth to be erected on the same site, the early ones having been destroyed by fire and earthquake. A two towered structure, evidence of Grecian influence is apparent in the graceful and imposing facade. Unlike the other missions, Santa Barbara was never deserted by the Franciscans during the difficult days of Mexican misrule, and the mission candles have never ceased burning since the day of its founding. This mission offers particularly dramatic possibilities to the filmer. An annual fiesta is held at the mission every August, when the color and pageantry of early California are revived. THE MIDDLE COASTAL REGION About thirty seven miles north of Santa Barbara, via scenic San Marcos Pass and the little town of Santa Ynez (or Ines), is Mission Santa Ynez, an especially fine example of early mission architecture. Founded in 1804, it was the nineteenth mission established. More fortunate than others, it never fell into their ruinous state and constant attendance by one or another religious order of monks has kept up needed repairs. The vista from the arched corridor charms all who see it, while the chapel interior is exactly as the padres of old knew it, making it the best preserved of all California mis LA PURISIMA CONCEPCION Not far from Santa Ynez, fifteen miles west of U. S. 101, is the splendid restoration of La Purisima Concepcion, one of the most unfortunate of the missions. Located at Lompoc in the Lompoc Valley, it was founded in 1787, the eleventh of the chain. The earthquake of 1812 completely destroyed the mission and auxiliary buildings. Another mission was established a short dis