Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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390 OCTOBER 1949 Classified advertising ■ Cash required with order. The closing date for the receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered for sale in this department should be made to the advertiser and not to Movie Makers. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references. ■ Movie Makers does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these are new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying. 10 Cents a Word Minimum Charge $2 ■ Words in capitals, except first word and name, 5 cents extra. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE I BASS SAYS : This is the way to my trading store Where you can make trades by the score; So drive right up . . . or write to me For as pretty a trade as you ever did see — CHARLES BASSt President. 20mm. wide angle Tessar //2.7 for Movikon, $110.00; 2" Zeiss Sonnar //2.8 for Movikon 8 or 16, S87.50; 3" Zeiss Sonnar //4 in "C" mount, S125.00; 3" Zeiss Sonnar f/\ coupled for Zeiss Movikon, 3165.00; 3" Zeiss Sonnar //4 in Movikon bayonet mount, $165.00; 18 cm. Tele-Tessar //6.3 for Movikon, S185.00. We buy 'em, sell 'em and trade 'em. Complete stocks of new Cine Equipment, all makes. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Dept. CC, 179 W. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. ■ GUARANTEED fresh F-A-S-T Pan Film, 31.65; 25' (8-8mm.), S1.65; 25' 8mm. color, S4.10; 25' 8mm. color base, $2.25; 100' 16mm. outdoor film (anti-halo). S3. 45. Free machine processing. MK PHOTO. 451 Continental, Detroit (14), Mich. ■ ADVANCED amateurs and professional producers who are interested in the best sound and silent 16 and 35mm. studio or lab equipment will find it here in abundance. We sell, rent, trade and repair. The CAMERA MART, Inc., 70 West 45th Street, New York 19, N. Y. ■ FRESH 16mm. Anti-halo films. 100 feet outdoor, S3.00; Dupont panchromatic, Weston 32, $5.50. Free processing. Results guaranteed. REXART CO., 120 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. ■ CANADIANS: Keystone seven speed 16mm. with wide angle //2.7, one inch //1.5, four inch //4.5 and filters. Factory installed back-wind dissolves and double exposure. Precision lens ring and titler base for 11 x 14 title cards. Also hand-crank for dim light. Additional waist-level view-finder. Fading-glass. Carrying case. Weston meter. Tripod. Complete $275.00. J. W. JONES, 430 Huron St., London, Canada. ■ MOVIE books: "Amateur Movie Production," "Money Saving Tips for Movie Makers," each 50c\ SHANNON'S, 505 Franklin Ave., Nutley 10, N. J. ■ CINE LENSES — High speed, telephoto wide angle — for every type shot under all conditions. COATED FOR 8MM. CAMERAS: 9mm. //2.5 Wollensak Wide Angle Universal focus, $43.75; %" //1.9 Berthiot Cinor (focusing mount), $39.50; 1%" //3.5 Telephoto Anastigmat (3 time magnification) (in focusing mount), $36.50. IN FOCUSING MOUNTS COATED FOR 16MM. CAMERAS: 17mm. //2.7 Carl Meyer Wide Angle, $49.50; 1" //l.S Wollensak Velostigmat, $61.25; 2" f/2 Schneider Xenon, $99.50; 3" //3.5 Carl Zeiss Tessar, $79.50 6" //S.5 Schneider Tele-Xenar, $124.50. These are only a few of our tremendous selection. The world's largest stock of lenses. We have what you want— IS day trial. Satisfaction guarant-'-I. Send this ad in for free catalog and lens li-t. Ml HKK & JAMES, Inc., 321 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III., U.S.A. Alt: M. A. Milford. FILMS WANTED ■ I BUY— s.ll, swap, r.nt S. O. F., 8 and 16mm. Mm,-, li-t free. HARVEY IRIS, Box 539, Brockton, \f.i--. FILMS FOR RENTAL OR SALE ■ CASTLE Films for sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and sound; complete Hock, or<!ei> shipped dav receive, I by STANLEY-WINTHROP'S, Inc., 90 Washington vt Ouiney 69, Mass. ■ I SED ud NEW Castle films. 8-16, silent and •onnd. Sen.] for li„tM. AI.VES PHOTO SERVICE, In... It Storrs Ave, Braintree 84, Mass. ■ UNUSUAL 8.16mm. FILM SUBJECTS. Kodaehrome projection length sample, $1.00 (refundable). Films exchanged. Bargains! Big catalog, 25c refunded first or,hr. NATIONAL FILM SUP. PLY, Broadway Sla. (E), Toledo 9, Ohio. ■ HAVE you taken movies In ALASKA OR MEXICO? Add to your film gorgeous scenes in ORIGINAL fCodicbrome from surplus shots taken by nationally known explorer-lecturer ALL Al quality. You pick out what vou want at only Vt( a foot. NEIL DOUGLAS. Box Ml. Meriden, Conn. ■ FILM LIBRARY CLEARANCE! Sound and silent films— 288 single-reel 8mm.; 848 double-reel 16mm.; 796 features in 16mm. sound, single and doublereel lengths. Write for listing and prices. FOTOSHOP, 18 East 42nd St., N. Y. C. ■ CLEARANCE SALE OF 16MM. FEATURES. Want a real buy in 16mm. SOUND FILMS? Take advantage of the I.C.S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE of 16mm. sound FEATURES — comedies, cartoons, novelties, musicals — new, used. Specify. Send for our giant list "A" today, stating machine you own (make and model). INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE, Inc., 1560-M2 Broadway, New York 10, N. Y. ■ FOR SALE: Private collection of sound films & 3 projectors; sacrifice, $3500.00; catalogue. HAW'LEY, 3719 English, Indianapolis, Ind. ■ FREE! AMAZING! NEW! Movies loaned freeeducational; documentary; travel. Only 50c^ for listings to obtain films loan-free. EDUCATIONAL FILM CENTER, Dept. M, 133 Murray St., Elizabeth 2, N. J. ■ FINAL CLOSE-OUT SALE: Brand new 16mm. films, complete editions. Castle & Official, on 400' reels. Pres. Aleman of Mexico Visits U. S., appx. 300' Spanish sound film, $10.00; silent Football Parade 1945/1946/1947, $6.00 each; Louis-Wolcott Fight complete, $10.00; N. Y. World's Fair in Color, $37.50; War Pictures, Fight for Rome — Axis Smashed in Africa — 1943 Campaign I & II — Manila Bombed — Yanks Invade Marshalls — Yanks Smash Truk — French Fleet Sunk — America Mobilizes — War in China — Germany Invades Austria — Yanks Bomb Tokyo — Russia Stops Hitler — Bismarck Sea Victory — King George VI Visits America, $6.00 each. IN STOCK immediate delivery Cine-Kodak SPECIAL II & all lenses. Innumerable bargains 8mm. & 16mm. lenses — Kodak, Wollensak, Bell & Howell. Advise your needs, will quote attractive prices. COLUMBUS PHOTO SUPPLY, 1949 Broadway, New York City 23. MISCELLANEOUS | Two enlargements and negative from your movie film. Send frames and one dollar. CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York 52. ■ KODACHROME DUPLICATES: 8mm., or 16mm.. 11^ per foot. Immediate service on mail orders, HOLLYWOOD 16MM. INDUSTRIES, Inc., 6060 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ NO Negative ? ? ? Send picture and $1.00 for new negative with enlarged print to CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York, N. Y. ■ RIFLES, shotguns, pistols — Firearms of all types, all makes taken on trade towards ALL photographic equipment. Highest trade-in allowance at NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE, 86 So. Sixth St., Minneapolis 2, Minnesota. Authorized agents for Eastman, Argus, Revere, Bell & Howell, Keystone, Graflex — in fact every great name in photography. Trade your firearms on photographic equipment now. ■ SOUND RECORDING at a reasonable cost. High fidelity 16 or 35. Quality guaranteed. Complete studio and laboratory services. Color printing and lacquer coating. ESCAR MOTION PICTURE SERVICES, Inc., 7315 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. Phone: Endicott 2707. ■ ONLY $1.00 BRINGS YOU an assortment of brilliant, theatre quality 8 or 16mm. Kodachrome titles. The price and professional appearance of these titles will meet with your wholehearted approval. Photographed from full screen size layouts, using finely handcrafted raised letters to give a three dimensional effect on your screen. ELITE CUSTOM TITLING SERVICE, Dept. N, P. 0. Box 526, Minneapolis, Minn. ■ TITLE MAKING BOOKLET, ten simple rules just a dime. WESTWOOD CINEMA CO., 635 Victoria Street, San Francisco, California. ■ FREE OFFER TO ALL CINE CLUBS! ELITE Custom Titling Service offers your club a complete, full length Kodachrome 8 or 16 Millimeter Movie Title (your own club's choice of wording up to five (5) words and one "END" Title to match. This offer is made without charge to any Organized Cine Club in the U. S. or Canada, when the request is made on your Club stationery, signed bv your Club secretary. Mail your request for this FREE title to ALBERT E. ROSER, ELITE Custom Titling Service, P. O. Box 526, Minneapolis, Minn. Let the ACL add GLAMOUR to you r films! For one of the many, many ways in which the Amateur Cinema League can help you make your movies more exciting— SEE THE INSIDE THIS BACK COVER OF ISSUE out to Mission Dolores, originally founded (1776) as Mission San Francisco de Assisi. Located at 16th and Dolores, the old mission has been carefully restored and preserved as a historical monument. Services are held there daily as in the past. NEAR SAN FRANCISCO A short distance beyond the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County is Mission San Rafael Arcahgel (1817). of which nothing remains but an ancient pear tree. And at Sonoma in the Valley of the Moon, we reach the end of the mission trail. Here is San Francisco de Solano, founded in 1823, the twentyfirst and last mission established, fifty four years after Father Serra set out to fulfill a dream. The dream came true, even as missions to the south were already experiencing that conflict with civil authorities which was to lead to their ruin. Solano mission has been completely restored, an example of the simplest form of religious architecture. On the northeast corner of the plaza on which the mission stands is the Bear Flag Monument, marking the spot on which the Bear Flag of the California Republic was raised in 1846. another historical touch you will want to include in your mission film. In the serene beauty of the old missions, you can find the peace and relaxation rare in this anxious age. Amid their colorful gardens and cool pools, you will find it easy to recapture with your camera the relatively simple life of the mission padres of long ago, creating a film of lasting beauty and inspiration. Break it up! [Continued from page 381] speakers are selected to talk on the subjects which are their special interest. They may be members of the club or guests invited because they are qualified to discuss a specialized phase of movie making. VIEWS AND REVIEWS These supplementary meetings, for all their informality, are well planned. The speaker, whose talk may not exceed thirty minutes, usually illustrates his points by screening a short picture. This is intended to show how the lecturer has applied in his own filming the principles he sets forth in his address. These lessons in movie making are alive and practical, not detached and based on theory. Members are invited to ask questions at the conclusion of every lecture. The balance of the supplementary evening is devoted to the Film Clinic. Its primary purpose is to afford beginning filmers an opportunity to screen their movies for constructive criticism.