Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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392 Asheville festival The Smoky Mountain Movie Club, of Asheville, N. C, has completed plans for the Movie Salon that is to fill a conspicuous place in the Asheville Fine Arts Festival, an annual fair of the arts and crafts being inaugurated this year with sessions on October 13, 14 and 15. Ralph E. Gray, FACL, APSA, a member of the League's board of directors, Charles J. VerHalen, sr., president of VerHalen publications, and James Wong Howe, ace Hollywood cameraman, will act as judges of the screenings. B. T. Behrens, ACL, heading the movie division of the festival, has invited national prize winners of the past three years to participate in the salon, primary purpose of which is to give recognition to the country's leading amateur movie makers and draw public attention to the high plane attained in amateur cinematography. A grand trophy will be awarded the most outstanding film, with trophies and plaques going to the first and second prize winners in each of the five classifications set up. Third place honors will take the form of honorable mention certificates. Kansas City winners The honors in the midyear film contest sponsored by the 8-16 Home Movie Makers of Kansas City, Mo., went to Robert Davis for The Seasons. R. L. Sutton won second place in the 16mm. class for W. W . Sutton Sawmill. In the 8mm. group, P. E. Worrell took first prize for The '49er and the Indians, with Vacation Memories, by G. E. Martin, ACL, placing second. Edison plans The fall agenda of the Edison Camera Club of Chicago is headed with a Titling Bee, an exhibition and demonstration of good titling techniques. Screening of the winning films in the annual vacation movie contest will mark a subsequent meeting. Ingrid L. Hibbeler took first place in the 8mm. group, with Conrad Bauer occupying the same position in the 16mm. class. D. A. Dinsdale and Norman Pate were runners-up for 8mm. honors, and Howard Geiser and T. C. Tilliox filled out the 16mm. list. W. B. Doffermyre The people, plans and programs of amateur movie groups everywhere WASHINGTON SOCIETY of Amateur Cinematographers award goes to Bruce Warden, ACL, from W. C. Kuhl, ACL, as W. R. Gregg watches. IN SAN FRANCISCO, Golden Gate Cinematographers gather, with Edwin Johansen, pres., A. Balzarini and C. R. Skinner in the front row. Richmond exhibit A salon of prize winning films is to be staged on October 22 by the Richmond (Calif.) Movie Camera Club. Both 8mm. and 16mm. films are wanted for the show, the 8mm. to run about 200 feet and the 16mm. about 400 feet. The club will pay postage and insurance both ways on all films submitted. Amateurs wishing to participate in the salon should write Harold R. Sloper, ACL, 936 Juanita Court, Richmond, Calif. Berkshire elects Members of the Berkshire Museum Amateur Movie Club, ACL, of Pittsfield, Mass., have elected, or re-elected, the following persons to guide the group through the coming season : Harry Brundige, ACL, president; Fred H. Chant, vicepresident; Charlotte M. Stoessel, ACL, secretary; Mabel D. Bradway, ACL, and Max H. Sauter, ACL, directors. New York Calling, 16mm. sound on film production of the New York Central Railroad, borrowed from the ACL film library, was screened at the club's first meeting last month. Fourfold schedule Members of the Fourfold Film Society, of London, England, now have five individual unit projects in production, scheduled for early completion and showings during the current season. Among these is one on the history of a newspaper story from reporter to publication, being filmed with the cooperation of a local paper, the staff and plant of which are at the society's disposal for filming purposes. A human puppet tale, provisionally entitled People of Paper, and a surrealist picture not yet titled are included among the others. For purposes of film study, the society recently screened a program of Chaplin movies, which not only entertained the members but taught them something about the early history of motion picture growth.