Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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HERE'S THE ACL COLOR LEADER YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! To all ACL Members: During the last few months, many of you have written, phoned and talked to us with one question in mind: "When is the Amateur Cinema League going to have an official leader in color for its members?" The answer is: NOW! Yes, all members of the ACL can now get League leaders in smoothly animated Kodachrome for as many of their films as they wish. 8mm. or 16mm., of course! The frame enlargements above give you an idea — but only a very rough one — of some of the highlights of the new ACL leader. What these frames cannot show you is the vibrant color, the exciting sense of motion, as the full leader develops. Here's what you'll see on your own home screen . . . Against a dark background, the earth — with the continents varicolored against the rich blue seas — revolves slowly until the sparkling, crystal letters ACL fade in across the sphere's curvature. Then a narrow band of brilliant red, bearing in white, raised letters the word MEMBER, swings across the globe. A second band of red, with AMATEUR CINEMA in white, zooms in from the right and is followed by a third red band, with the word LEAGUE. A smooth lap dissolve follows, and across the same three red panels appear the words WORLD WIDE ASSOCIATION OF MOVIE MAKERS, in gleaming white letters. These, together with the sphere, then slowly fade out. There's still more: the trailer. As your film ends, you fade in once more on the slowly spinning earth — and a brilliant red band sweeps diagonally across it, announcing in large white letters THE END. But we can't tell you about it. You've got to see the leader to appreciate it, to get the feeling of real glamour that it will add to your most distinguished films. Shoot us your order today — and own a real movie making emblem of ACL membership! h Cordially, QLmj*xJ» VWtf-LAi^ JAMES W. MOORE Managing Director P.S. 16mm. leaders are 14 ft.; 8mm., 7 ft. — same running time. Here are TWO ways Amateur Cinema League members can * q get ACL Kodachrome leaders: At the amazingly low price of U n $1.50 for 16mm. and $1.00 for 8mm. widths, you can buy as many ACL leaders as you wish. You will probably want a leader for each of your films. Just fill out the coupon below, indicating the number of leaders you wish, and mail it to the League together with your check or money order. If you are not yet a member of the ACL— start taking advantage of the league's many services now-and qet your emblem of membership at the same time. $6.00 a year brings you "The ACL Movie Book, MOVIE MAKERS monthly, and all League services for a year. You can order your ACL leaders in your membership application-at $1.50 for 16mm. and $1.00 for 8mm. widths. You can get a FREE leader for every new member you bring into the ACL. To get your free leaders, just fill out the coupon below, counting one free leader for each new member you've signed up, attach a list of the names and addresses of the new members, and mail both back to the League, together with a remittance of $6.00 for each new member's annual dues. 049 AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Yes, as a member of ACL, I certainly want several of the beautiful new Kodachrome leaders. I enclose my check or money order for: 16mm. Kodachrome leaders at $1.50 each 8mm. Kodachrome leaders at $1.00 each Name Street. _Clty_ Zone State. 049 AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Yes I'd like to earn some FREE Kodachrome leaders by signing up new ACL members I am attaching a list of my new members' names and addresses, and I am enclosmg™hlir remittances at $6 for each new member's annual dues (of which $2 is for a year's subscription to Movie Makers). I understand that each of my new members will receive "The ACL MOVIE BOOK," Movie Makefs monthly, and all League services for one year. Please send me the following free leaders, at one free leader for each new member I've signed up: l6mm Kodachrome leaders 8mm. Kodachrome leaders Name StreetCity Zone . State