Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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400 NOVEMBER 1949 We have often been asked . . . V ...why the Auricon-Pro is the only 16 mm. sound-on-film Camera made, regardless of price, which operates so silently it can be used within 10 inches of a microphone. We have been asked how it is possible to sell a 16 mm. "talking picture" Camera which takes a rock-steady, in-focus picture and records a "high-fidelity" sound track on the same film at the same time, complete with amplifier for $1191.00 on a 30 day money-back guarantee and a 1 year service guarantee. The answer is found in 18 years of specialized production experience with 16 mm sound-on-firm 'equipment,, plus world wide sales. Owners and Dealers call Auricon "the best camera value on the market today." Also available to take pictures without sound, if desired, for use with the Auricon double-system Recorder. SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF THIS AURICON CATALOG •f*£§£~D BERNDT-BACH,Inc. 7383 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, Calif. MANUFACTURERS OF SOUND-ON-FILM RECORDING EQUIPMENT SINCE 1931 THE MAGAZINE FOR 8mm & 16mm FILMERS Published Every Month by AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE The reader writes Late releases Getting the bird An all-purpose developing drum Stroboscopes are easy Controlling line voltage Directing children Giants of Muir Woods The clinic Making a gun camera mount Hints from Hollywood Run a Nickelodeon Night! News of the industry Clubs Hobbyist's hobby V November 1949 404 New 8mm. and 16mm. films 407 William L Lucas 409 A picture story 410 Laurence E. Baty, ACL 412 George Merz, ACL 413 Frank E. Gunnell, FACL 414 Felix Zelenka 418 Aids for your filming 420 O. L. Tapp, ACL 421 422 Helen E. King, ACL 423 Reports on products 424 People, plans and programs 430 Editorial 434 Cover photograph: Meisel from Monkmeyer DON CHARBONNEAU Consultant Editor JAMES W. MOORE Editor JAMES YOUNG Advertising Manager ANNE YOUNG Production Editor Vol. 24, No. 11. Published monthly in New York, N. Y., by Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Subscription rates: $3.00 a year, postpaid, in the United States and Possessions and in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain and Colonies, Uruguay and Venezuela; $3.50 a year, postpaid, in Canada, Labrador and Newfoundland; other countries $4.00 a year, postpaid; to members of Amateur Cinema League, Inc. $2.00 a year, postpaid; single copies 2S(f (in U.S.A.). On sale at photographic dealers everywhere. Entered as second class matter, August 3, 1927, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1949, by Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Editorial and Publication Office: 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y., U.S.A. Telephone LExington 2-0270. West Coast Representative: Edmund J. Kerr, 6605 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles 28, Calif. Telephone HEmpstead 3171. Advertising rates on application. Forms close on 10th of preceding month. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: a change of address must reach us at least by the twelfth of the month preceding the publication of the number of MOVIE MAKERS with which it is to take effect. •