Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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NOVEMBER 194, 8 MM msni •' ' • V«D WITH 'lAUCHS r " ^JW*f "THE BARBER OfM*"", LanU • UL»I www .THEBARBWO^tlterL^ customers of •'» own close shave! .„,ZZY ACROBM" Woody gets circus ^ammals^ , Qh d by &e^theV-^Wire0nb'CyC Riotous finish! GANDY GOOSE .CANDY'S AOVENTOM:heat,s Gandy captured by Mr. to ^ suddenly «"» ^fsuw^ndy'-yclonic sneeze CeStptce and he escapes! -A BUUY ROMAN"" eno Gandy Goose inMex,co-thSnhedy ^■h'rSt pa unlocks bull! Gandy. ^eadorin^o«-andhow! MIGHTY MOUSE .M.GHTY MOUSE R.DES AGAIN ous When Mighty Mou-^Spi*c, he makes It's a panic! "ELIZA ON ICE" eo{Efea Mighty Mouse comes to the rescue^ fleeing from S.mor, , Legre ke „„, hounds with gags that wi : Enjoy your projector more with Castle Films professionally produced -to give you maximum quality at LOW COST. Here are new releases, offering comedy, thrills, adventure and epic news events. Make your selection now! OTHER EXCITING MOVIES YOU CAN OWN Lu. W. C. FIELDS in "The Great Chase" Side-splitting nonsense with Fields at his funniest! "Bowling Aces" Joe Falcaro and marvelous amateur players in sensational big pin play! "Blaring Guns" 'jKirby Grant in dramatic story of one man's fight against lawless cattlemen! CASTLE FILMS DIVISION OF ^7fED vlo^-0 F'lMS INC 1445 PARK AVENUE 542 S. DEARBORN ST. RUSS BLDG. NEW YORK 2? CHICAGO 5 SAN FRANCISCO* M» 16 MM CASTLE FILMS' NEWS PARADE OF THE YEAR OW/V "THRILLS ON WHEELS Daring! Dangerous! Somersaulting cars, hair raising motorcycle races, and, the one feat even stunt men fear— a speeding plane picking a man from the top of a racing auto! ?^>^/ OWN CHIMP ON THE FARM" "Shorty "raises nothing on the farm but mischief. Pranks are a riot! Small boys chase him into fields, but scarecrow saves the day in a howling laugh-finale! The big news stories of 1949 filmed 'round the world as history was made! A complete record in ONE reel of ALL the year's most important events! A collector's item ... a splendid gift! OWN ALL THIS IN ONE FILM! BERLIN BLOCKADEI ENOSI LEGIONS BIGGEST SHOWI GLOBE CIRCLED NONSTOP POPE'S JOtli ANNIVERSARY! ATLANTIC PACT SIGNEOI MEXICO'S VOLCANO ERUPTS I SPORT THRILL OF THE YEARI -ORDER FORM SEE YOUR PHOTO DEALER OR SEND HIM THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TODAY.' OWN "FISHING FUN All the thrills of a fishing trip! You cast for "stripers," whip a plug for bass and troll at sea fortarpon and marlin ! Own it I * t\Et! • to all projector owners! Send for new 1949-50 Castle Films' catalogue describing a great variety of home movies! 8 rr 16 mm. indicated in the size .and length checked. SO f fit S|7S CompUli 1550 100 lul .2)5 (implili IgTS liiind 'The 8arbe< of Seville" ^'Dizzy Acrobat" "Gandy's Adventure" * "A Bully Romance" "Mighty Mouse Rides Again" "Eliza on Ice" "The Great Chase" "Bowling Aces" "Blazing Guns" "Thrills on Wheels" "Chimp on the Farm" "News Parade ot the Year" Remittance Enclosed □ Send m« C*iH. Film*/ f RM Ot tun CaUioi ' I