Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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409 GETTING Hobart from Monkmeyer THE BIRD WILLIAM L. LUCAS COMES November and there is still a trace of color across the countryside — orange pumpkins against brown cornstalks; the red of a hunter's cap or his red plaid shirt vivid against a backdrop of grays and browns and blue. The scenario which follows will allow you to catch some of these autumn colors and work them into a simple story of Thanksgiving, ending with the big family dinner. Our cast includes Jane, Bud and their son, Kenny. As Thanksgiving approaches, Jane begins to worry about the menu for the day of feasting. But Bud decides to provide the "bird" by making a hunting excursion into the country. Against his better judgment he is persuaded to take along Kenny; so he gives his son an old .22 rifle and instructs him on its proper use. Comes at last the day of decision, and Father and Son start off on their hunting trip. GETTING THE BIRD The season should suggest many suitable backgrounds. Dissolve from this lead title to such credits as you wish to carry, and then fade out. Title. One evening in mid-November. 1. Fade in. Medium shot of living room, with Jane sitting in a chair darning socks. Her husband, Bud, is in his easy chair nodding over a newspaper. Their son, Kenny, is sprawled on the floor scanning a comic book. 2. Semi-closeup of Jane as she stops her darning and looks up thoughtfully. She says: Title. "I've got to start planning our Thanksgiving dinner." 3. Same as Scene 2. Jane returns her attention to her darning. 4. Same as Scene 1. Bud apparently finds something of interest in the paper. He sits up straighter and reads with interest. 5. Closeup over Bud's shoulder of newspaper folded to an ad for hunting equipment. 6. Semi-closeup of Bud from the front as he puts down the paper and smiles wisely. He says: Title. "I'll get you a bird this year!" 7. Same as Scene 1. Bud tosses paper on the floor, rises and stalks from the room out of camera range. 8. Medium shot of Jane and Kenny. He is still sprawled on the floor. He looks up at his mother and they both shrug their shoulders, then return their attention to darning and the comics. Fade out. 9. Fade in. Medium shot of Bud in basement. From a pile of odds and ends he pulls out an old gun case, holds it up proudly, then blows off an accumulation of dust (talcum powder). 10. Semi-closeup of Bud opening Hk T^^B »%. TBtel. .;■.-■ RHktoIPiPV • L SB.;..'.; ^Bk|9 K"»* ''« i kflfl^^L Km mwSK, *v9l*% Dor '^V ii^feki ""■"•^i^^ ^%fc. ) WP^^d A CULINARY CLOSEUP to delight all comers is this mouth-watering "must" from your holiday movie. Note how cross lighting reveals skin texture. gun case and pulling out an old shotgun. 11. Same as Scene 9. Bud practices holding the gun at his shoulder and looking down the barrel. Kenny enters scene and stands a moment with hands on hips. He says: Title. "Whatcha doin, Dad?" 12. Same as Scene 9. Bud lowers the gun, looks at his son and pats the gun. He grins and says: Title: "We'll eat pheasant on Thanksgiving." 13. Return to Scene 12. Bud grins, winks, then again sights down the barrel. 14. Semi-closeup of Kenny. He scratches his head thoughtfully and says: Title. "Can I go huntin with you?" 15. Same as Scene 13. Bud shakes his head, "No!", then lays the gun on a workbench and reaches for an oilcan. While he starts oiling the gun Kenny keeps arguing and pleading to go with him. Finally Bud agrees, and says: Title. "Oh, all right!" 16. Closeup of Kenny's face as he grins broadly. 17. Same as Scene 9. Bud again searches in the pile and finally comes up with a .22 rifle. He hands it to Kenny, who blows off the dust and holds it proudly, but awkwardly, pointing directly at his dad. Bud ducks and grabs the gun from Kenny. He shows Kenny how the gun should be carried and finally clears a spot on the floor and the two of them sit down. 18. Semi-closeup of Bud and Kenny as they sit on the basement floor. Bud, now all enthused, is showing Kenny how to load and handle the gun. Kenny is indulgent, but has a know-it-all look on his face. Fade-out. Title. The great day finally comes. 19. Fade in. Medium shot of exterior of home, including the drive with car parked on it. Jane, Bud and Kenny are busily packing the car. 20. Semi-closeup of Jane handing Bud a paper bag. Title. "Here's your lunch." 21. Same as Scene 20. Jane [Continued on page 433] Autumn settings and the holiday feast are combined in this simple Thanksgiving film plan