Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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r~i~] Standard Lens of Absolute Top Quality The Cine-Kodak Special II Camera is supplied with either of two fine Kodak Cine Ektar 25mm. Lenses— /T1.9 or / 1.4— both members of ibe superb series of lenses that are the finest ever made for lumm. cameras. Superlative lenses that match the camera itself in full capability. Interference-Free Turret The two-lens turret accepts lenses directly— any of Iwehe Kodak Cine Ektar and Eklanon Lenses. Because the turret is angled, there's never interference— physical or optical— regardless "I sr d, focal length, or barrel design of the Kodak Cine Lenses attuched. 3~| Adjustable-Opening Shutter The shutter can be operated at open, half-open, quarter-open, and closed ... and can be changed smoothly while the camera is running. The advantages— an easy way to make fade*; and dissolves eitra exposure control under brilliant lighting ... and superfast shutter speeds. Shortest exposure — 1/560 second . . . with the shut \T\ Speed-Control Dial ger-tip adjustment sets the tnotoi to operate .u am indicated sped from 8lo 64 frames per second. A cus ,,l brake saves the c.oncr.. from racking vibn when stopping at high speeds, 9 I Single-Frame Release h actio pring-motor dri MCU) nakoa H This coot, one frame ,.. gives each frame uuifi animation eas) and certain. fio) Hand-Cranking Shafts There arc two cranking shafts one of which pulls .-lain Ir.iou of hi.,, per torn . . . the other, one frame. These shall-, ; othei applte.iti..i,s, make h..,—,l,l,. .»,l,l„„a >.. hand cranking for the him mg of extremely long periods of consecutive action . . attaching the camera to an electrical drive . . . and back winding Sim for lap .I.--..I. .id oil,, , i , iecond . . . with the shut I 1 _ ,t 64 frames per second. [jJJ Complete System of Safety Controls At the conclusion of a la.le-i.ul the camera slops automatically. To prevent waste of film, the shinier , fitted will, a huuer which sound a warning when the ...ii.rn. . adjusted 10 run with the shutter closed, "fliis i hut pari ol the complote system ..I built-in solely devices thai helps to eliminate almost eoliielv the Opporttl oily lor failure through oversight. of the reasons Cine-Kodak Special II Camera is the first choice of the movie experts . . • 4 I Interchangeable Film Chambers The standard 100 or 200-foot Film Chamber supplied with the camera is easily interchangeable with accessory chambers. As a result, you can switch from one type of film to another any time . . . or replace a used roll ... in a matter of seconds. Accurate Footage Indicators : film meters keep you posted on fdm consumption. The autometer at the back of each fdm chamber shows I he unexposed film remaining whether the chamber is on or ofT the camera. The mechanical meter on the camera indicates — in one-foot intervals — t of film exposed or wound back. And the frame counter provides the extra accuracy necessary for multiple exposures. It registers the passage of each frame . . . run forward or reverse. 6 | Integral Mask Slot The mask slot built in behind the lens and the set of 6 masks supplied with the camera provide an easy way to special effects. To film a double exposure, for example — just slip in one of the matched half-masks and shoot . . . then back up the film . . . switch to the other half-mask . . . and expose the other part of the scene. 7 | Powerful Spring-Driven Motor ffici. [12] Reflex Finder For hieheal pr< II Camera's n of the subject— free ion in focusing uml centering, Cine-Kodak Spocin . limler provides an exact, ihrougli-tliedon viev -• from nnrnlln* with ,11 Uts.-s .,i ,11 ,l,.i ,,,,,., .11 nil ilimlan |l3J Eye-Level Finder for each loi ,ii diiToi Cine-Kodak Special II Camera's eye-level finder system fcaturo* individual clip-on Fronl elemei focal length. This full-vision tion than with systems thai n field sizes produced b) Ion's fai is adjustable for parallax for [Taj Precision Manufacture -Kodak Special II Camera's e single winding — more than ; t speed. Each turn of the windh tly one foot of film it motor pulls 39 feet or film ute and a half of movies at > handle is sufficient for exeasurement device. There is no liner guarantee of ibe ability of this superb mntiniipicture camera than ils manufacture by Kodak careful construe* tion of each individual pari . . . precise assembly , . . painstaking inspection of every detail "I operation . . . bj crafts n skilled in the production of hEghlj peeialized optical and photogrophii mechanisms. As befits Buchapri n instrument, each Cine-Kodak Special II Camera is individually registered by Kodak . . . and upon request, the name of the owner is engraved without extra charge on a plate on the lens block. For further information about this outstanding camera, see your Kodak dealer ... or write Kodak for the free booklet, "Motion-Picture Making with the Cine-Kodak Special II Camera." Price of the Cine-Kodak Special II Camera— from $898.50 to si. 125, including Federal Tax. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, Rochester 4, N. Y.