Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 425 diaphragm markings for easier setting and reading. The 9mm. //2.5 Cine Raptar is a wide angle lens, developed to fill the needs of filmers who found the gap between the standard 13mm. Raptar and the wide angle attachment too great. The Raptar 9mm. lens give: an angle of view midway between the standard focal length lens and the wide angle attachment. Both of the new lenses are Wocoted. New adman U. Arthur Matisei has been appointed advertising manager of Dejur-Amsco Cororation, Long Island City, N. Y., according to an announcement from Jack J. Kuscher. general sales manager. Nu-Art catalog Nu-Art Films announces the publication of the third supplement to its standard feature catalog. Featuring changes in prices and a newly revised equipment listing, the supplement may be had free by wTriting Nu-Art Films, Inc.. 145 West 45th Street, New York 19, N. Y. Bensen Light A new model of the Bensen Light is less than twenty ounces in weight and has a redesigned vertical arm which permits the unit to be used with both RICHARD BLOUNT, GE lighting specialist, demonstrates the new 375 watt photoflood lamp that cuts down on blown fuses. movie and still cameras. Features include an extra long power cord, tripod socket in base of handle and master, switch to control both lamps. The new price is $3.95, less reflector-flood bulbs. The Bensen Light is manufactured by A. L. Bensen & Company, 100 Innis Street, Staten Island 2, N Y. GE lamp More Vlsht blown fuses and fewer are offered by a new 375 watt .photoflood lamp developed by General Electric's lamp de partment. Narrower beam spread enables the lamp to put even more light on the camera subject than would the wide beam 500 watt reflector-flood lamp. In addition, the new wattage permits the use of four lamps simultaneously without exceeding the capacity of most household electrical circuits. The 375 watt lamps are expected to be especially in demand for use with lighting bars which attach to the camera and illuminate the subject at which the camera is aimed. The lamps have medium screw bases and a service life of four hours. I.C.S. Catalog A new, illustrated 1949-50 film cata log, twice the size of the previous number, has been issued by Institutional Cinema Service, Inc. An enlarged educational section is a feature of the catalog, which lists 16mm. sound films. A free copy may be had by writing Institutional Cinema Service. Inc., 1560 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Ansco promotion William Balch has been promoted from Eastern regional sales manager to general sales manager of Ansco. succeeding Carl W. Priesing. Mr. Balch has been with Ansco since 1936. Give your home movies that "professional" touch COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY fills a real need for filmers ... a full, complete and practical guidebook with hundreds of fascinating ideas for making better color movies. At all bookstores. Answers such questions as: ► What rs the minimum equipment essential to good indoor pictures? ► How should I lubricate my camera to make sure it is in proper working condition? ► How is a range finder used? ► What advantage is there to using coated lenses? ► At what angle should the camera and lights be used in mirror filming? ► How can I make splices that will be sure to hold my film together? ► How should color films be stored after exposure and before processing? A Question-and-Answer Handbook by CANFIELD COOK • The complete guide for beginners ... a valuable refresher course for experienced filmers COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY is an easy-to-understand, convenient-to-use handbook that will answer your question: "How can I make better, more professional movies?" Mr. Cook covers all the problems that beset the beginning — and even the more advanced nlmer. Clearly and concisely he offers proven advice on every step in color filming from choosing equipment to editing and showing excellent films. • Handy questions-and-answers Written in question-and-answer form COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY gives detailed information on hundreds of actual problems which Mr. Cook has been asked to solve in his lectures, his courses in color motion-picture photography, and by mail. He shows you how to get the most out of colors; how to avoid mistakes in lighting; how to build a movie that has continuity and form. He gives you "professional" tips on trick-shots, close-ups, titling, and making your own sound track. Special chapters discuss the ins-and-outs of equipment, lenses, handling the camera, indoor and outdoor lighting, filters, continuity, composition, projecting, etc. Also you will find valuable tables and data on lighting, width and depth of field, scene length, projection distance, and a helpful bibliography of magazine articles and books on special aspects of movie making. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY . WHITTLESEY HOUSE, McGRAW-HILL BLDG., 330 West 42nd St., N. Y. 18 ' Please send me Cook's COLOR MOVIE MAKING FOR EVERYBODY I for examination on approval. Within 10 days I will remit ?3.7a, I plus a few cents delivery charges, or return the book postpaid. Name. I Address. City_ _Zone_ _State_ EXAMINE FREE FOR 10 DAYS Lj> Company. Position. □ Allipi If you check here and enclose payment . Nil lit' will pay mailing costs. Return guarantee applies **■■■■■■ r " MM-11-49 publishers of course. United States and Canada only. -I