Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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428 Film Books! FREE-A NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOG OF NEW, OUT-OF-fWHT andrarV THEATRE ' BOOKS BOOKS ON DRAMA, THEATRE, DANCE, COSTUME WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY lBOOKSELLERS I ] 63 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK 3 OR. 3-1570 MM 10 N equals 48 1.9 PHOTOGRAPHY To give your home movies that "'professional touch," TRAIN in ALL phases of photography. Our Home Study Course includes valuable instruction in 16mm movies. Resident Training in ALL nches of "still" work. WRITE TODAY! " NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY iDept. "105," 10 W. 33 St., New York, N. Y. ■ Maurer Sound Recording 8 & 16mm Developing and Printing Kodachrome, Black & White AUDIO-VISUAL MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTIONS 511 Church St., Nashville 3, Tenn. Miss some good SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA vacation scenes? Send for list of 8 and 16mm color original scenes, each of which is an original, not a duplicate. They will match your own scenes perfectly. 8 mm scenes 90£ ea., 2 $1.60, 15 $9.95 16 mm scenes $1.70 ea., 2 $3.00, 15 $19.50 (also StereoRealist slides) CAMERA CRAFT, 6764 Lexington Ave. Hollywood 38, Calif. IF YOU'RE NOT SURE about your LIGHTING about your EXPOSURES about your LENSES See inside back cover of this magazine for details on how you can get expert advice on all technical problems— quickly, easily and cheaply. lAa/Sy^ THE RALPH R.ENO CORP. 626 W. 165 8T. • NEW YORK Send your film for free criticism or estimate. HOME MOVIES DESIGNED TO DELIGHT! HELENE DIST. CO. 182 Pcocc S». Prov., R. VetyLatest New 100 ft. releases 16mm S6.00, available in sound; 8mm $5.50. FREE LIST ON REQUEST N equals 25.26 black segments This, again, is unfortunate, since we cannot design a strobe disc with anything but whole numbers of segments. However, rather than revert to the double band of discs outlined earlier, lets see if we can't find another and better solution. Instead of starting with a fixed projector speed (16 fps), let's start with a fixed whole number of segments and work out from there. Since the 16 frame speed called for 25.26 segments, let's try a disc with, say, 27 segments and see what speed we get. F 27 equals — — — F equals 27 x 1.9 F equals 51.3 Dividing this number of flashes pei second by 3, for the three interruptions per frame of the shutter, we find that by scanning a 27 frame disc on the recorder the projector will be held to 17.1 frames per second. This is a good speed, and the 27 frame disc is not hard to lay out. So there you are. I have tried to give you a guide for your own future experiments. Run a Nickelodeon Night! [Continued from page 423] available for rental, but our audience preferred the modern Kodachrome versions. By planning far enough ahead, a resourceful club could make its own in color with cartoons or cutouts from magazines. Three of the most popular old gaglines were Will All Ladies Under 45 Please Remove Their Hats, One Moment, Please, While The Operator Changes Reels and It Has Started To Rain Outside. Patrons Had Better Cover Their Touring Cars. Attractive editions of this sort of thing can be bought for fifty cents apiece. To provide more atmosphere and breaks in the film presentations, illustrated song slides also were used. Our selections — She Was Only A Bird In A Gilded Cage and Take Me Out To The Ball Game — were spotted halfway through the evening and were well received. These song slides are also V-/± by 4*4 inches and can be rented for ten cents each. CALL A COMMITTEE MEETING As soon as your program source materia] has been received, a general committee meeting can be called. One important aid to an efficient and enjoyable gathering is a typed agenda for each person present. For there is nothing like a written memo of in NOVEMBER 1949 dividual responsibilities to outwit that bogie of all group projects, "Oh, 1 thought Joe was going to do that." Check lists of duties can whittle down any job to a size which makes the doing of it fun instead of a burden. Only three persons will need to devote a major amount of time to assure success of an Old Time Movie Night. The rest of the activity can be so divided among a large committee as to require three hours or less of time from each member. The key three are (1) the projection chairman, (2) the publicity chairman and (3) ticket sales chairman. They may profitably have additional meetings (before or after the general one) to organize their own activities. PLANNING FOR PROJECTION The secrets of successful public projection are threefold — adequate equipment, advance preparation and accurate timing. Our projection chairman used a 9 by 12 foot beaded screen carefully placed to insure undistorted vision from every seat. (Incidentally, the projection guides published in October Movie Makers will be a splendid help to clubs planning such shows in the future.) Our projection equipment included a 1000 watt 16mm. projector for sound or silent movies, and two slide projectors — one for the ■ 2 by 2 inch Kodachrome slides and one for the 3*4 by 41/4 inch glass slides — each powered at 1000 watts. Cue sheets of the entire program, with the time allowed for each screen unit, were supplied to each of the three projectionists. They did much to insure a smooth presentation. Checking each foot of the old films proved also to be a necessary precaution, as some of them were in a deplorable condition. Tops in homemade repair was the splice that consisted of a three inch overlap of film, carefully wound around with Scotch tape! Pieces of brown paper glued some of the breaks together. As the result of this careful inspection and repair only one break occurred on the night of the show. But, since the gag slide One Moment, Please, While The Operator Changes Reels was on hand, the audience thought it a part of the atmosphere. MUSIC IS A MUST Most of the available films, of course, are silent. Thus, paramount among your program needs will be a pianist with the particular touch associated with early Bijous. If you are not lucky enough to list such a club member, a dual turntable and records in keeping with the period will do nearly as well. And a good song leader is a must if you use the song slides. One imaginative member brought a really antique phonograph with a three foot horn supported by a tripod that