Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 429 made an amusing addition to the stage. In fact, some of the audience stared at it attentively throughout the playing of ancient records from the double turntable. THEATRE ARRANGEMENTS Wisdom in selecting a suitable place for your show will contribute to the evening's success. A small crowd in a large hall is never comfortable. If you include an intermission with coffee and cakes, look for kitchen facilities which are lightproof so that the committee can work without disturbing projection. Adequate numbers of ticket sellers, ticket takers and ushers should be provided to handle the largest crowd — and at the same time involving more club members. Gay Ninety costumes on your theatre personnel may not suit your particular club, but don't overlook the gay atmosphere which they create. PROGRAMS ARE A HELP Although the early movie theatres did not usually provide programs, they are an addition to a Nickelodeon Night. The Walla Walla club used a mimeographed green sheet to publicize our activities and to list the program subjects and their stars-not always credit-titled in the older films. Further, if you have a member qualified, the program could contain notes on the history of motion pictures and the technical developments illustrated by your films. And, finally, don't forget local advertising. It all helps. PICTURES AND POSTERS Perhaps the surest way of securing publicity in your local papers is to supply them with eye catching photographs connected with the show. The news editor here taught the Walla Walla club a lesson on publicity pictures. You will see on these pages one at which he threw up his hands in horror and a second try which they preferred. Attractive posters announcing the program also should be spotted in camera stores and other places. We used 12 by 18 inch red cardboard lettered in yellow for a splashy two color effect that was eye stopping. Ideally, your posters should carry glossy photos from the films. But we could not locate any and did not think until too late of using one of the 16mm. frame enlargers recently discussed in Movie Makers. SELLING THE TICKETS The surest way to make your show a financial success is to allot enough tickets to each member for resale to cover expenses by a comfortable margin. With such a start, your downtownstore ticket sales and the door admissions will fatten the club's treasury for the support of other activities. ow SYNCHRONIZED SOUND FOR YOUR 8 AND 16 M.M. HOME MOVIES Wl tk MOVIEVOX Now You Can Add Perfect "Lip-Sync" Sound to Home Movies Using Your Present Projector Now you can dub sound on a wire recorder and play back in perfect synchronization. The new MOVIEVOX synchronizer keeps projector and recorder in perfect step — every time — automatically. Mistakes made in recording can be magnetically erased and quickly corrected. You can't miss with the MOVIEVOX! Connects to any 8mm or 16mm projector — silent or sound. MOVIEVOX — complete with synchronizer, microphone, amplifier, wire recorder, speaker, all necessary cords — sells at your dealer's for $225.00. Or the MOVIEVOX synchronizer can be installed on your Webster wire recorder and projector for only $75.00. See your dealer today — or write for illustrated Ijterature. MOVIEVOX Dept. M, 1113 PLEASANTON ROAD SAN ANTONIO 4, TEXAS Want to Join a Movie Club? See inside back cover of this magazine for details. CKISWOLV FILM SPLICERS for every size and type of film, sound and silent, perforated and non-perforated, write for details GRISWOLD MACHINE WORKS Dep't A, Port JeHerson, N. Y. ANIMATED MOVIE TITLES 8 mm: or 16 mm. BLACK & WHITE • KODACHROME ^me WE ENLARGE 8 mm. to 16 mm. WE REDUCE 16 mm to 8 mm. WE DUPLICATE 8 mm. OR 16 mm. (BUCK & WHITE OR KODACHROME) Easy • Quick • Convenient MOVIES BY MAIL from our DISTINCTIVE ANIMATED TITLES MADE TO ORDER FADES • DISSOLVES • FLIPS ZOOMS • EXPLOSIONS • ETC. | FREE SAMPLE TITLE 8 mm. or 16 mm. GIVE DEALER'S NAME U.S. PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT CORP. 442 R0G(RS «V[NU[ • BROOKLYN JS.N.Y. FILM RENTAL LIBRARY FREE I our 1949 Sound movie catalog, hot off the press. Feature pro• grams as low as $3.75. Write to Dept. R PEERLESS CAMERA STORES FINEST HOME MOVIE SELECTION 138 E.44th St.,New York 17.N.Y.