Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 431 Make Good Movies, a Ten Best winner of 1938 produced by the Harmon Foundation. Brooklyn winners Members of the Brooklyn Amateur Cine Club, ACL, made a good showing in the Mineola (N.Y.) County Fair competition again this year. Charles Benjamin, ACL, won second prize in the family group with Happy Birthday and first prize in the animal class for Memories; Vic Watson and Bert Seckendorf, ACL, took first prize in the story class with Christmas Story; second prize in the scenic group went to George Wahl for This Blessed Autumn Land, and Sam Fass, ACL, received first prize in the documentary group for Ice Follies — 1949. The initial fall meeting of the club featured a screening of two ACL film library prints, Bale St. Paul, by Frank E. Gunnell, FACL, and Another Day, by Leslie Thatcher, ACL, both earlier Ten Best winners. The second session of the season was Guest Nite, at which four members' films were presented: Bettas, by John Larson; Fantasy in Toy land, by Mr. Benjamin; Sands of Time, by Mr. Seckendorf, and Designed by Nature, by Irving Gittell. Chile ballots A new board of di_ rectors has been chosen to lead the Cine Club Amateur de Chile, ACL, during the 1949-50 season. Headed by Carlos Feuereisen as president, the board includes Juan F. Berndt, vicepresident; Victor M. Vergara, secretary; Enrique Roppert, treasurer, and Federico Wendriner, director. MMPC elects New omcers 0I New York's Metropolitan Motion Picture Club, ACL, for the current season of 1949-50 were installed recently as follows: John R. Hefele, ACL, president; Harry Groedel, ACL. first vicepresident; C. Murray Booth, ACL, second vicepresident; Alice L. Burnett, ACL, secretary, and Ernest Miller, ACL, treasurer. George Mesaros. FACL, Joseph J. Harley, FACL, Mr. Booth and Miss Burnett were reelected directors of the club for another three year term. At the initial fall meeting, Yellowstone Park, by Mr. Miller, headed the program. Angling Time on French River, by Mr. Groedel, Distant Horizons, by Frank E. Gunnell, FACL, and Fat Tuesday, by Leo J. Heffernan, FACL, made up the balance of the screenings. L.A. contest Winners have been announced in the inter-club contest sponsored by the Los Angeles Cinema Club. Barbara and Andrew Potter, of the Valley 8mm. Club, took first place for The Raggedy A RACK for EVERY FILM REQUIREMENT MAXIMUM STORAGE MINIMUM EXPENSE RK-125 FLOOR UNITS FLOOR UNITS— Many models— any size — any capacity for efficient film filing. Each reel held erect in its place by curved, rigid steel rods. Individual index cards. All steel construction. End uprights of sturdy steel angles closed with sheet steel. Baked-on enamel finish is olive-gray. SEPARATE LENGTHS SEPARATE LENGTHS— Ideal for your own cabinet, showcase, bookcase, table, closet, etc. Same as used in floor units. Supplied in any desired length complete with drilled end mounting brackets ready for use. WRITE FOR NEW CATALOGUE No. 17— Complete line of 16mm aids-Film cabinets, power rewinds, splicers, tables, reels, cans, etc. m,,T,r.R PRODUCTS CORP. 330 W.42ST. NEW YORK 1 8, N. Y. The publishers of MOVIE MAKERS invite you to join THE AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE The fact that you read MOVIE MAKERS means that you have the sort of interest in movie making that the thousands of current ACL members have. Since 1926, the Amateur Cinema League has been helping movie makers like you to get the sort of filming results that they want. Let the League start helping you today — with its TECHNICAL, CONTINUITY, FILM PLANNING and FILM REVIEW services. To start you off as a member, the ACL will give you a copy of THE ACL Movie Book — the 311 page book that is widely known as the finest guidebook to 8mm. and 16mm. filming. And — of course — as a member, you will receive MOVIE MAKERS every month. For full details on how you can become a member of the ACL, write today to Amateur Cinema League, Inc. 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. 2'/4 x 3'/4 COLOR PRINTS 50c each Price of larger prints on request From 8 and 16mm Color Film Send 3 frames or tie thread next to frame desired. Add 25c handling charge on orders of less than $5.00. No C.O.D.'s. HOUSE OF COLOR 1108 Seal Way Seal Beach, Calif. /^Q LOOK! ,-coS MUSICAL' 6060 SUNSET BLVD., HOLIYWOOD 28 CALIF. I HOLLYWOOD I I (JEj 16MM SOUND RENTALS 'National' will rent you 52 Complete Feature and Short Subject Shows for only $150.00. Write for FREE Sound Catalog NATIONAL CINEMA SERVICE 71 Dey Street New York 7, N. Y. THE ONLY BOOK DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO TITLES Every step explained , simply and thoroughly. ft Antwers Every Title Making Problem I Sold Only by Mail 1 •Mi'lL a DOU.AH BILL TODAY WEStWOOD SALES CO. 63S victoria avenue, san fia HOW TO TITLE HOmE mOVIES MOTION PICTURE i«MM PRINTERS 8MM CONTINUOUS— REDUCTION Send for Descriptive Literature UHLER C&n TMaefateGr. 15778 WYOMING AVE., DETROIT 21, MICH. Safeguard your Film. Ship in FIBERBILT CASES. 400' to 2000' 16mm. FIBERBILT CASE CO. 40 WEST 17th ST. NEW YORK CITY