Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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The AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE INVITES YOUR MEMBERSHIP FOUNDED in 1926, the Amateur Cinema League has advised and aided more than 100,000 home movie makers in over two decades of consulting activity. Now the League would like to make its services available to you. Here's what the Amateur Cinema League offers every movie maker who wants to get the most out of his hobby: 1. The ACL MOVIE BOOK-the finest guide to 8mm. and 16mm. movie making. 311 pages of information and over 100 illustrations. 2. MOVIE MAKERS-the ACL's fascinating, friendly up to the minute magazine— every month. Chock full of ideas and instructions on every aspect of movie making. 3. The ACL puts all its services at your disposal— to use as much and as often as you wish. ACL SERVICES TECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICE . . . Want to know what lens to use? About exposures? ACL members just write (or drop in on) our consulting department — and get a prompt, detailed answer. CONTINUITY and FILM PLANNING SERVICE . . . Planning to make a movie of your vacation? Of your family? The ACL's consulting department will work up film treatments (outlines) for you, full of specific ideas on planning, shooting and editing footage. Special forms are available to help you present your needs to the consulting department. CLUB SERVICE . . . Want to start a club? The ACL club department will give you helpful tips based on experience with clubs around the world for 23 years. FILM REVIEW SERVICE . . . You've shot your film and now you want to know how it stacks up? Are there sequences in it that you're not quite sure about? Any 8mm. or 16mm. film may be sent to the ACL at any time for complete screening, detailed criticism and overall review. BOOKLETS and SERVICE SHEETS . . . Booklets on various phases of movie making, and service sheets on specific problems that you may come up against, are published at intervals by the ACL. They are yours for the asking. Typical booklets are: The ACL Data Book; Featuring the Family; Buildinc a Dual Turntable. All these services plus the ACL MOVIE BOOK plus Movie Makers each month For only $6 a year! Fill out the coupon today — and start doubling your movie making enjoyment! THIS BEAUTIFUL LEADER IS YOUR OFFICIAL EMBLEM Official emblem of membership in the Amateur Cinema League is the ACL leader, 7 feet of 8mm. or 14 feet of 16mm. full color film. The leader is excitingly animated and will make an impressive addition to your films. Leaders are available to all ACL members at only $1.00 in 8mm. width, $1.50 in 16mm. You may order as many as you like when you send in your membership application. Nov. '49 AMATEUR CINEMA LEAGUE, Inc. 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. I wish to become a member of the ACL, receiving the ACL MOVIE BOOK, Movie Makers monthly, and all the League services for one year. I enclose remittance for $6 (of which $2 is for a year's subscription to Movie Makers) made payable to Amateur Cinema League, Inc. Name Street City Zone State_ P.S. I wish to order several of the beautiful ACL Kodachrome leaders. 1 am also enclosing remittance for: 8mm. Kodachrome leaders at $1.00 each. L _ — riTZ-tr "."it _ J