Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS ©C1B 22133 2 439 Late releases ■ Looking forward to the big event of the month, Castle Films releases A Christmas Dream, an appealing story of Santa's return visit to a little girl who has been spoiled by too many gifts. The production features an unusual amount of attractive animation work. For those who haven't been spoiled but who may be nostalgic for the past football season, Castle's annual Football Parade of the Year should prove to be a pleasant souvenir. The games selected for this review show teams from as many sections of the country as possible. Both films are available through photographic dealers in two 8mm. and three 16mm. editions, including sound. ■ Song of the Range, starring Jimmy Wakely, with Dennis Moore. Lee White and the Red River Boys, is the first in a new series of Westerns. Running six reels, Song of the Range features Mr. Wakely 's songs and comedy. Full information may be had from Post Pictures Corporation, 115 West 45th Street, New York 19, N. Y. ■ Commonwealth Pictures Corporation has recently acquired for exclusive distribution a series of 16mm. sound films featuring William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy. The first of this series, Hoppy Serves a Writ, seven reels, shows Mr. Boyd in his familiar role as the quiet voiced, quick witted cowboy detective. Full information on the distribution of this film and others in the series may be had from Commonwealth Pictures Corporation, 723 Seventh Avenue, New York 19, N. Y. Are you really satisfied with your home movies? The Heart of a perfect picture is a Kern-Paillard Lens Standard of Quality and Precision the World Over. KernPaillard Cine lenses are designed and constructed by Swiss precision craftsmen. Nothing finer in the home movie field. Every Kern-Paillard lens is fully color corrected, specially coated, in focusing mount. Built-in lens shade (except the 16mm. telephoto). Prices include Federal tax. FOR BOLEX H-16 CAMERA Switar 1" f/1.4 SI 83.75. Finest speed lens for 16nini cameras. Cuts sharp from corner to corner of frame. Automatic depth of focus scale, micrometer click-stops. The NEW Piior 1" f/1.5 $97.00 (Introductory price). Sister to the Switar with the same superb optical characteristics. Corrected to f/1.5, without depth of focus scale. Equals the Switar in all other respects. Yvor 15mm f/2.8 (Wide Angle) $78.7 5. Gives excellent definition even at full aperture; G0% greater field than 1" lenses. Yvar 3" f/2.5 $128.34. Fastest 3" telephoto lens. "C" Mount for Bolex and other cameras, f/2.5 aperture gives excellent results under adverse light conditions. Micrometer click-stops. FOR BOLEX H-8 and other CAMERAS Switar i/i" */'-5 $160.42. Finest and fastest 8mm speed lens made. It gives the 8mm user a quality picture never deemed possible on 8mm film, in color or black and white. Has automatic depth of focus scale, micrometer click-stops. Yvor 25mm f/2.5 (Telephoto) $68.25. A precisely built medium telephoto lens with exceptional speed. Excellent for outdoor sports and indoor portrait work. Yvar 36mm f/2.8 (Telephoto) $89.54. A longer range telephoto for close-ups of distant subjects. Takes pictures that rival lOnim telephoto shots in detail and quality. Yvor l/2" f/2.8 (For Bolex 1-8 only) $49.55. Especially designed for 8mm use. Precision-built, its special optical system insures pin-point detail. Ask your photo dealer to explain details on Kern-Paillard lenses which are designed especially for the Bolex camera. Kern-Paillard precision lenses PAILLARD PRODUCTS, Inc., 265 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y.