Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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444 DECEMBER 1949 ^COMMONWEALTH ' proudly announces IMMEDIATE DELIVERY of 2 additional Major Company HITS of the Edward Small Group BtHlKD ; MASK.:. "el *f slashed his way \ through a thou ^ sand Intrigues! i TM€ nrnn mTHf M : LOUIS §t HAYWARD p JOAN P BENNETT Oumas' U Advtnturt KIT CARSON Jon Hall, Lynn Bari, Dana Andrew* THE CORSICAN BROTHERS Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Roth Warw.ek, Akim Tamiroff SHIRLEY TEMPLE os MISS ANNIE ROONEY WUlTam Gargan, Guy Kibbee, Moore, Peggy Ryon JAMES FENIMORE COOPER'S LAST OF THE MOHICANS Randolph Scott, Binnie Barnes, Henry Wilcoxon FRIENDLY ENEMIES Charles Winniger, Charles Ruggles, James Craig, Nancy Kelly For Rentals Communicate with your leading I6MM. FILM LIBRARY EXCLUSIVE I6MIM DISTRIBUTORS COMMONWEALTH PICTURES CORP. 723 Seventh Avenue. New York 19. N.Y. This department has been added to Movie Makers because you, the reader, want it. We welcome it to our columns. This is your place to sound off. Send us your comments, complaints or compliments. Address: The Reader Writes, Movie Makers, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. NAIL ON THE HEAD Dear Movie Makers: Sidney Moritz, ACL, in his October article. Break It Up!, hit the nail on the head. His analysis of club members' interests and the solutions he offers should be required reading for all movie club executives. Also, your Guides for Good Projection underlined a point I have been hammering at in our club for months — proper seating. Before our last meeting we marked chalk lines on the floor indicating the desirable seating area for beaded screen projection. Then, after the members sat where they pleased for a couple of pictures, we invited them to consolidate in the favored area. All of our members agreed that the planned seating was an improvement. A. Warren Nash, ACL Past President Long Beach Cinema Club Long Beach, Calif. ENTITLED TO SOMETHING Dear Sirs: I am an ACL member and wish to enroll a friend of mine as well, for which I enclose my check. I know this entitles me to something, but I don't know what it is. Seymour Kamen, ACL Brooklyn, N. Y. For interesting his friend in the Amateur Cinema League, Mr. Kamen is entitled to — and has received — a free copy of the new animated League leader in full color. A similar offer awaits all other members of ACL who thus aid our organization. SHARE IN EXCITEMENT Dear Movie Makers: Win, lose or draw, I enjoy entering your Ten Best contests, and I am proud to be a member of ACL and share in the excitement of our hobby. Albert D. Furnans, ACL New Bedford, Mass. Good sport that he is, member Furnans very definitely won a draw. His interesting and able entry, Breaking Into Scouting, was one of many fine films edged out of the honors circle by the wonderfully high level of this year's competition. THE ACL MOVIE BOOK Dear Sirs: I received my copy of The ACL Movie Book yesterday and have gone through its contents. In my esti mation, it is the finest book on the subject that I have seen — easy to understand and so clearly written that even a person starting out in amateur movies gets a good start. I feel that any amateur filmer who hasn't taken advantage of this book and the monthly copies of Movte Makers is missing the best thing ever offered him. He would soon save his annual ACL dues on the film saved by knowing what he is doing. W. N. Banks, ACL Newton, S. C. Sirs: I have just received my copy of The ACL Movie Book, and I have read it thoroughly. I cannot thank you enough for the help the League has given me — the book, the booklets, specific suggestions from the consulting department and, of course, the monthly issue of Movie Makers. You have been of invaluable aid as I complete my first year of amateur movie making. Orrin G. Pillsbury, ACL Shapleigh, Maine Gentlemen: I have just received my copy of The ACL Movie Book, for which I wish to express my thanks. I consider this the best manual for amateur movie makers that I have read and one of the finest contributions to any cine fan from the League. Enrique Gundermann, ACL Santiago de Chile South America Dear Sirs: As a new member of the League, I should like to take this opportunity to acknowledge receipt of The ACL Movie Book. This certainly is a most excellent volume on the subject. I know that I shall refer to it often to help me over the rough spots in my amateur filming. Fred E. Beyer, ACL Rochester, N. Y. Dear ACL: The ACL Movie Book was delivered to me recently and certainly has lived up to my expectations. It's a book no amateur should be without. John T. Phillips, ACL Major. USAF 1602d AT Wing, MATS c/o PM, New York City DOG EARED Dear Sirs: Is it possible for me to obtain a copy of The ACL Movie Book, and if so. how? A friend of mine who