Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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466 News of the Industry Up to the minute reports on new products and services in the movie field Paillard HQ Attractive New York headquarters at 265 Madison Avenue were opened October 27 by Paillard Products, Inc., American factory branch of Paillard, Ltd.. Swiss manufacturers of Bolex motion picture equipment and Hermes typewriters. No merchandise will be sold at the new location, according to Hans Stauder. vicepresident and general manager in charge of American activities. But the headquarters, staffed with trained personnel, will handle all phases of repair, service and educational work. Pathe Super 16 Boasting a fullfield reflex frnder and focuser. which permits viewing the picture through the taking lens while shooting, the Pathe Super 16 camera was introduced to American amateur movie makers early last month. Sole distributor in the United States will be Pathe Cine, a recently formed division of Director Products Corporation, manufacturers of the Norwood Director meter. Robert E. Brockway is president of both companies. Other features of this new precision product are a built-in variable shutter, providing for fades and lap dissolves; a six-step speed range of from eight to eighty frames per second; a governor-controlled, Swedish steel spring, running thirty feet at a winding; a three-lens turret accepting all standard C mount lenses; an optical viewfinder corrected for lenses of varied focal length ; a built-in hand crank for forward or reverse operation; footage and frame counters which add or subtract automatically for forward or reverse filming; a single frame device MAXIMUM display is offered by the Bolex showcase at the new headquarters of Paillard Products, Inc., 265 Madison Avenue, N. Y. C. A projection room for consumer convenience is in the same offices. THE well known name of Pathe reappears on the amateur scene with the Pathe Super 16 camera, priced at $395, less lens. providing for instantaneous or time exposures, and a light weight of less than five pounds. An 8mm. model of exactly similar capacities is promised for 1950. The Pathe Super 16, a product of the well known French Pathe Cinema, is priced at $395 (less lens) . It will soon be available in increasing numbers, it is said, in such major trading areas as New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami and Boston. Pathe Cine headquarters are at 521 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Kodak booklets Two popular booklets — Visual Aid Sources for Motion Pictures and Filmstrips and Selected References on Photographic Visual Aids — have been extensively revised by the Eastman Kodak Company. Copies of both booklets may be obtained without charge, on request to Sales Service Division, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester 4, N. Y. Movievox in East TheMovievox Company, manufacturers of the Movievox sound synchronizing system, has appointed Wells Movie Products, 3168 Wissman Avenue, New York 61, N. Y., as exclusive Eastern distributor. Demonstrations of the Movievox system, either for groups or individuals, may be arranged by writing the distributor or by calling Mr. Weledniger at TAlmadge 2-8024 or TAlmadge 3-9644. Lite-O-Stat A convenient new plug that fits into any wall outlet will simplify the life of the harassed projectionist. When both projector and room light are plugged into the two sides of Lite-O-Stat, the room lamp will go off as the projector is turned on. When the projector is turned off, the room lamp goes on. Differences of resistance potential is the engineering principle involved. Full details may be had by writing Viewlex, Inc., 35-01 Queens Blvd., Long Island City 1, N. Y. Eye-level focus Paillard Products, Inc., announces that the new Bolex eye-level focus attachment will be included on all future Bolex Model H cameras as standard equipment at no increase in price. The new feature provides for convenient use of the visual focuser, long a feature of Bolex H-16 and H-8 cameras, from operating position behind the camera. The eye-level focuser enlarges the image ten diameters as further insurance of sharp focus. Owners of older Model H cameras can have the device added to their present instruments for $37.75 (plus tax) through their local dealers. Foton reduction The Bel1 & flowell Foton, first and only still camera offering T-stop lens calibration, has been reduced in price to $498 including tax. It is manufactured, of course, by Bell & Howell Company, 7143 McCormick Road, Chicago 45, 111. Victor redesigns A completely redesigned amplifier has been announced for the Victor Triumph 60 16mm. projector. Other Victor revisions include a new rubber mounted ball bearing type motor for the Victor Envoy, LiteWeight and Triumph 60 models. The new Triumph 60 amplifier features a high reserve gain which is sufficient to provide reserve output at voltage as low as ninety volts. A 60 db signal-to-noise ratio at normal operating levels makes the amplifier noiseless in performance. Output of the amplifier has a range up to twenty six watts with less than two percent harmonic distortion. THROUGH the lens focusing from behind the camera is possible with the Bolex eye-level focus, a new feature of Bolex H modei cameras.