Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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472 DECEMBER 1949 CI ass if led advertising ■ Cash required with order. The closing date for the receipt of copy is the tenth of the month preceding issue. Remittance to cover goods offered for sale in this department should be made to the advertiser and not to Movie Makers. New classified advertisers are requested to furnish references. ■ Movie Makers does not always examine the equipment or films offered for sale in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and cannot state whether these are new or used. Prospective purchasers should ascertain this fact from advertisers before buying. 10 Cents a Word Minimum Charge $2 ■ Words in capitals, except first word and name, 5 cents extra. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ■ BASS SAYS : For Christmas . . . present yourself with a fine used projector, unconditionally guaranteed, with maximum illumination. — CHARLES BASS, President. Keystone K-160 projector, 750 watt, case, $95.00; Bell & Howell Filmo Master,. 750 watt, case, $150.00; Bell & Howell 129 projector, 750 watt, case, $175.00; Ampro YC projector, 750 watt, case, $195.00; Victor Model 24 sound, $185.00; Bell & Howell 138 C sound, single case, $242.50; Bell & Howell 120F sound, $295.00; Bell & Howell 400 watt Model 57 silent projector, case, $57.50. We buy 'em, sell 'em, and trade 'em. Complete stocks of new Cine Equipment, all makes — BASS CAMERA COMPANY, Dept. CC, 179 W. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. ■ GUARANTEED fresh F-A-S-T Pan Film, $1.65; 25' (8-8mm.), $1.65; 25' 8mm. color, $4.10; 25' 8mm. color base, $2.25; 100' 16mm. outdoor film (anti-halo), $3.45. Free machine processing. MK PHOTO, 451 Continental, Detroit (14), Mich. ■ SYNCHRONOUS motors furnished and installed on cameras, projectors and recorders. Synchronous projectors for rent. Estimates furnished if desired. M. W. PALMER, 468 Riverside Drive, New York 27, N. Y. ■ SALE KODACHROME, all sizes; shortdated January and February 1950, indoor and outdoor; 8mm. 25' double 8, $3.25; 8mm. Magazine, $4.00; 16mm. 100 ft., $8.25; 16mm. 50 ft. Magazine, $5.75. MINIMUM ORDER SIX (6) ; add 25(t postage. ABBE, 503 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 17, N. Y. ■ NOW you can make your own duplicate motion picture prints, 8 or 16mm., black & white or color, sound or silent with the New Hollywood Jr. Printer, S175.00. Bolex H-16, 1" //1.5 lens and case, like new, $249.00. Filmo 70DA with turret finder, 3 positive elements, 15mm., 1" and 3" lenses, like new, S395.00. Kodak Model K with 1" //1.9 lens and case, like new, $95.00. Revere 8mm. with 3 lens turret, wide angle and 1" lenses, special $72.50. Robot 35mm., perfect condition, with 3cm., 4 cm., and 7.5cm. lenses, sunshade, filter and case, $125.00. THE CAMERA MART, Inc., 70 West 45th Street, New York. ■ 16mm. MAGAZINE CINE-KODAK OWNERS— Save over 50% on new EK compartment cases designed to hold ALL accessories including camera, extra lenses, filters, film, meter, critical focuser, etc. Genuine leather, plush lined, padded, carrying handle, lock. Regularly $31.40; Special $14.50. EASTERN FILM CENTER, 1218 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia 38, Pa. ■ $44 PM movie titler, $22.00. 3514 Radcliffe Rd., Cleveland Hts. 21, Ohio. ■ CINE LENSES— High speed, wide angle, telephoto. For those sparkling outdoor and indoor winter pictures. COATED FOR 8MM CAMERAS: 9mm. f/2.5 Wollensak wide angle univarsal focus, $43.75; %" //1-9 Berthiot Cinor (focusing mount), S39.50; 1%" //3.5 telephoto anastigmat (3 time magnification) (in focusing mount), $36.50. IN FOCUSING MOUNTS COATED FOR 16MM CAMERAS: 17mm. //2.7 Carl Meyer wide angle, $49.50; 1" //1.9 Wollensak Raptar, $58.09; 2" 1/2 Schneider Xenon, $99.50; 3" //2.8 Carl Zeiss Tessar, $109.50; 6" f/S.5 Schneider Tele-Xenar, $124.50. These are only a few of our tremendous selection — the world's largest stock of lenses — we have what you want — 15 day trial — satisfaction guaranteed — send this ad in for free catalog and lens list. BURKE & JAMES, Inc., 321 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Att: M. A. Millor.l. FILMS FOR RENTAL OR SALE H UNUSUAL industrial and educational film sources, many hard to find subjects. All films rented without charge. New liBt, $1.00. INTERNATIONAL CINE SOCIETY, 1300 Taylor N.W., Washington 11, D.C., Dept. 102R. ■ 400 FT. 16mm. silent subjects, all good condition. Castle. Official, etc., $4.50 each; 3 for $13.00. Sound subjects, $7.50 to 89.00; guaranteed perfect. 8mm. subjects, 200 ft., perfect. $2.50; include postage; specify list wanted. ABBE, 503 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 17. ■ CASTLE Films for sale; 8mm. -16mm. silent and sound; complete stock, orders shipped day received by STANLEY-WINTHROP'S, Inc., 90 Washington St., Quincy 69, Mass. ■ USED and NEW Castle films, 8-16, silent and sound. Send for lists. ALVES PHOTO SERVICE, Inc., 14 Storrs Ave., Braintree 84, Mass. ■ CLEARANCE SALE OF 16MM. FEATURES. Want a real buy in 16mm. SOUND FILMS? Take advantage of the I.C.S. 1949 CLEARANCE SALE of 16mm. sound FEATURES — comedies, cartoons, novelties, musicales — new, used. Specify. Send for our giant list "A" today, stating machine you own (make and model). INSTITUTIONAL CINEMA SERVICE, Inc., 1560-M2 Broadway, New York 10, N. Y. HFREE! AMAZING! NEW! Movies loaned freeeducational documentary ; travel. Only 50£ for listings to obtain films loan-free. EDUCATIONAL FILM CENTER, Dept. M, 133 Murray St., Elizabeth 2, N. J. FILMS WANTED ■ I BUY— sell, swap, rent S. O. F., 8 and 16mm. films, list free. HARVEY IRIS, Box 539, Brockton, Mass. FILMS FOR EXCHANGE ■ EXCHANGE or buy used movie films. Mention your MM. Write GALLARD'S EXCHANGE CLUB, 29 Coe Ave., Hillside 5, N. J. MISCELLANEOUS ■ KODACHROME DUPLICATES: 8mm., or 16mm., 11^ per foot. Immediate service on mail orders, HOLLYWOOD 16MM. INDUSTRIES, Inc., 6060 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. ■ SOUND RECORDING at a reasonable cost. High fidelity 16 or 35. Quality guaranteed. Complete studio and laboratory services. Color printing and lacquer coating. ESCAR MOTION PICTURE SERVICES, Inc., 7315 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. Phone: Endicott 2707. S TWO 4x5 bl. & w. enlargements and negative from your moviefilm, or one colorprint from colorfilm. Send frames and one dollar. CURIOPHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave.. New York 52. B RIFLES, shotguns, pistols — Firearms of all types, all makes taken on trade towards ALL photographic equipment. Highest trade-in allowance at NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE, 86 So. Sixth St., Minneapolis 2, Minnesota. Authorized agents for Eastman, Argus, Revere, Bell & Howell, Keystone, Graflex — in fact every great name in photography. Trade your firearms on photographic equipment now. ■ NO negative? ? ? Send picture and $1.00 for new negative and 2 5x7 enlargements to CURIO PHOTO, 1187 Jerome Ave., New York, N. Y. 1949 BINDERS MOVIE MAKERS offers an attractive, black fabrikoid, gold lettered binder for your copies of this magazine. A metal device enables you to insert and remove the magazines easily. Price $2.50 Send your order accompanied by remittance to MOVIE MAKERS 420 LEXINGTON AVE. NEW YORK 17, N. Y. on that perennial favorite of travel filmers, Niagara Falls. The result is a sparkling piece of lighthearted showmanship, climaxed by a truly gripping and probably unique sequence filmed amid the swirling mists of the Cave of the Winds. The overall effect of Tumbling Waters, however, was marred for these reviewers by recurring levities of treatment deemed out of key with the essential majesty of the subject. WHO'S A COWARD?: Using black and white film, Carl D. Frazier has produced a tightly knit and well paced farce of a married couple and a burglar. Excellent lighting of wholly interior settings shows study of the monochrome medium and, properly exploited, how it can result in sparkling results. The acting is adequate for the simple plot, but it is the camera work and editing that make the film above average. WHY SHOULD I FEAR CANCER?: Efforts of the American Cancer Society both to disseminate accurate information on the disease and to dispel erroneous conceptions form the theme of this unit production by the Amateur Movie Society of Bergen County, in Hackensack, N. J. Based jointly on a case history of neglect and a situation illustrating some baseless fears of cancer, the film shows the many forms of service rendered by the A.C.S. through its local chapters. Handsomely mounted and capably photographed, the picture is a tribute to the technical skill of its director, William Messner, and the cameramen who assisted him. The commentary and music on the sound track ably support the visual message. A tendency towards confusion in the scripting prevents the picture from fulfilling completely the thesis implied in its title. Because of space restrictions, the facts and figures on the Ten Best contest— promised for this issue and referred to in Renasence on page 478, have with reluctance been omitted. They will be presented in full in January Movie Makers, together with a general discussion of this most exciting competition since 1941. Briefly, we looked at a total of 73,130 feet of film, marking a 35 percent increase in footage, a 73 percent increase in entries over 1948. Christmas in capsule [Continued from page 457] 27. Medium shot of Mother washing windows. 28. Semi-closeup of Sonny studying his Christmas list. 29. Semi-closeup of Mother cleaning silverware. 30. Medium shot of Dad asleep on the couch. Fade out. Title. Christmas morning at last . . .