Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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MOVIE MAKERS 473 U. S. Pat. No. 2260368 GOERZ AMERICAN APOGOR F:2.3 the movie lens with microscopic definition successful cameramen have been waiting for— A new six element high quality lens for the 16 and 35 mm film camera. Corrected for all aberration at fnll opening, giving highest definition in black-&white and color. Made by skilled technicians with many years of optical training. Fitted to precision focusing mount which moves the lens smoothly without rotating elements or shifting image. This lens comes in C mount for 16 mm cameras. Fitting to other cameras upon special order. Sizes available now: 35 and 50 mm uncoated and 75 mm coated. Write for prices, giving your dealer's name. ss^i GOERZ AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY OFFICE AND FACTORY 317 EAST 34 ST., NEW YORK 16, N. Y. MM-12 PHOTOGRAPHY To give your home movies that "professional touch," TRAIN in ALL phases of photography. Our Home Study Course includes valuable instruction in 16mm movies. Resident Training in ALL branches of "still" work. WRITE T0DAY1 NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY iDept. "105." 10 W. 33 St.. New York, N. Y. MOVIE AND SLIDE TITLES STILL AT SAME LOW PRICES! Same titles formerly distributed by Bell & Howell — now sold direct. Large variety backgrounds available. No charge for tinting film Amber t WRITE FOR free illustrated brochure and samples TITLE-CRAFT, 1022 Argyle St., Chicago 40, III. Safeguard your Film. Ship in FIBERBILT CASES. 400' to 2000' 16mm. FIBERBILT CASE CO. 40 WEST 17th ST. NEW YORK CITY 31. A full shot of the living room, using your wide angle lens. The scene includes the Christmas tree surrounded by gifts. Sonny runs into camera range. 32. Closeup of happy look on Sonny's face. 33. Same as Scene 31. Sonny starts opening gifts. Mother and Dad enter scene and join in the fun. Follow with closeups of various gifts for all members of the family. 34. Medium shot of the Christmas tree, with Sonny and Dad seated under it. Dad is playing with Sonny's mechanical toys. Sonny is scanning his long Christmas list and checking off items. 35. Semi-closeup of Mother opening the oven door to look at her roast. She appears somewhat warm and wearied. 36. Closeup of Dad playing with a toy. 37. Medium shot of Mother setting the dining room table. 38. Semi-closeup of Sonny trying to retrieve a toy from Dad. 39. Medium shot of Mother working in the kitchen. Fade out. 40. Fade in. A full shot (wide angle again) of family and guests around the table. They are eating with gusto. Fade out. 41. Fade in. A closeup of the dinner table. The plates are soiled, the decorations mussed and the food is mostly gone. 42. Medium shot of Dad pushing back from the table. He stands up, rubs his stomach and slowly walks from the table, out of camera range. 43. Medium shot of the living room, showing Dad stretched on the couch, while Sonny is playing on the floor with toys. Mother walks into the scene and arouses Dad. Taking his hand firmly, she leads him out of camera range. 44. Medium shot of kitchen, piled high with dirty dishes. Mother walks into the scene, leading Dad. She ties an apron on him, points to the dishes, then walks out of camera range. 45. Near shot of Sonny playing on the floor. Mother bends over him and grabs him firmly by the ear. He protests briefly but gets up. 46. Medium shot of Dad starting work at the sink. Mother drags Sonny into the scene and presses a dish towel into his hands, then leaves scene. 47. Near shot in living room. Mother relaxes on the couch for the first time that day. 48. Semi-closeup of Sonny and Dad washing dishes. Sonny juggles a plate gaily, then looks up at Dad and says: Title. "Gee, Dad, Christmas is sure fun!" 49. Closeup of Dad's face. He sighs and agrees slowly. 50. Closeup of Mother leaning back on sofa cushions. She smiles and nods slowly in agreement. Fade out. a*ty '^eW* v fTTIMS ■■ ■", '5 -,",. O V f E ' ffTLERS Vers f/iof appear in your ACL Color Leader. For really professional titles . . . with dramatic, or smartly simple effects ... see the many advantages of MITTEN'S TITLER LETTER SETS v' Easy to read, beautifully designed letter styles in scientifically prepared sets that make almost any combination of words. v' Third dimensional (3/a" or Vi" depth) for spectacular shadow effects. Inexpensive ... can be used \ Economical over and over. y/ Precision formed . . . fine-grain composition, pure white letters . . . that can be tinted with lights or paint for color shots. V' Smooth Back Style Sets . . . all 4 Letter Sets are available in smooth, sanded-back letters. Adhesive is supplied for attaching letters to any surface where they stay until removed by a slight twist. \/ PinBack Style Sets . . . Letters and lllustros have sturdy, reinforced pin backs for use on soft backgrounds. Panel background included in sets. er—— MITTEN TITLER SET NO. 1 i 150 %" Smart block letters and figures. All Cap-' itals. MITTEN PROFESSIONAL TITLER SET NO. 3 246 %" Block letters and fig CCDDDOP ■ccgcmM it Aim ****™ MITTEN TITLER SET NO. 2 150 l'/i* long, slim Tempar style letters and figures. All Capitals. MITTEN TITLER SET NO. 4 150 VA" Gothic Italic letters and figures. All Capitals. At all better Photo Suppliers or Write for name of nearest dealer. MITTEN'S LETTERS Suite 506 M 2 West 46 St. New York 19, New York MITTEN'S LETTERS Titler Dept. Redlands California ♦ »&>«»• Copyright 1949 Mitten's Display Letters