Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1949)

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476 DECEMBER 1949 ANNUAL INDEX Topical Index ACL annual meeting: 218. ACL color leader: 329. Aerial filming: 252. Alaska: 256. Animal filming: 132. Animation: 14, 185, 262. Aquarium filming: 16. Arches National Monument: 334. Ausable Chasm: 296. B Baby filming: 11, 12. Birds: 132. Birthdays: 11. Book reviews: 249. California: 212, 374, 418. Camera accessories: 178, 254, 297, 306, 368, 421. Camera usage: 18. Children: 11, 300, 414. Christmas: 457, 462. Cine Clip: 19, 99. Clay for animation : 262. Clinic, The: 22, 65, 104, 145, 184, 225, 264, 3o3, 340, 378, 420. Closeups: 33, 77, 112, 129, 171, 209, 272, 285, 327, 365, 448. Clubs: 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234, 274, 310, 352, 392, 430, 474. Clubs, conduct of: 23, 134, 341, 343, 381, 423. Color filming: 62, 456. Colorado: 219. Comedy: 214, 262. Community filming: 211. Continuity: 52, 174, 292, 370. Developing drum: 410. Direction: 414. Dogs: 367. Dolly, construction of: 332. Easter: 138. Eastman House : 467. Editing aids: 94, 95, 371. Editorials: 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238, 278, 314, 354, 394, 434, 478. Election of ACL officers: 218. Equipment surveys: 92, 460. Exposure: 62, 136. Faking for continuity: 52. Family filming: 11, 12, 19, 51, 99, 138, 177, 214, 255, 289, 370, 409, 414. Film cleaner: 293. Fine frames: 265. Fish, filming: 16. Florida: 15, 16. Frame by frame shooting: 58. Frame enlargements: 330. Gallup, New Mexico: 294. Garden filming: 289. Glacier National Park: 290. Guatemala: 142. Gun stock mount: 421. H Hawaii: 96. Hints from Hollywood: 24, 64, 105, 144, 224, 266, 302, 342, 380, 422. Home town filming: 211, 333. Hyde Park filming: 251. I Indians, filming: 294. K Kodachrome exposure: 62 Late releases: 28, 49, 109, 148, 193, 233, 309, 351, 384, 407, 439. Lighting, indoor: 54, 464. Lighting units: 460, 463. Long Beach Cinema Club: 134. M Magnetic wire: 135, 338. Maps in filming: 14. Marine Studios, filming at: 16. Mask box: 368. VOLUME 24, 1949 Maxim Memorial Award: 12, 451. McNabb, Joseph H.: 69. Miami: 15. Minneapolis: 222. Mirror shooting: 215. Missions of California: 374. Muir Woods National Monument: 418. Title Index 11... Bobby's first birthday 12. . .Unexpected is right! 14. . .Cine maps that move 15. . .Welcome to Greater Miami 16. . .Filming the ocean floor 18... That Christmas camera! 19. . .Winter carnival 23. . .Aids for the ailing movie club 51. . .Parties make the picture 52. . .Creative faking 54. . .Lighting should be high 55. . .League loses pioneer leader 56. . .Welcome to Natchez 58. . .Single frame controls 59. . .Busman's holiday 62. . .Should Kodachrome be exposed above //ll? 91... Titles at your fingertips 92. . .Equipment survey: 7 94. . .Choosing editing tools 95. . .Editing aids 96. . .Hawaii ahoy! 98. . .Look to your splicing 99. . .Ides of spring 102.. .Single turntable sound 131. . .Slide title techniques 132... Little subjects — big reward 134. . .Where all are active 135. . .Synchronizing sound on wire 136. . .Exposure is an estimate 138 . .Buds and bonnets 139... Filming at U. N. 142... Go to Guatamala! 173. .. Parades are a patchwork 174. . .The new travelog 176... Sound can be simple 177. . .June or January 178.. .For the well dressed camera 182.. .Welcome to Portland 185. . .From here to there 186. . .Films for television 211... The town that made a film hit 212... Over the Golden Road 214... Your face is familiar 215. . .Movies with mirrors 216. . .Tips for the tourist 219. . .Colorado high country 222. . .Welcome to Minneapolis 251. . .Hyde Park heritage 252. . .All good cameras got wings 254. . .Hints for your holiday 255. . .Summertime is movie time 256. . .Alaska invites 258. . .Emergency titles 259.. .Reeling the rodeos 262. . .Try clay for comedy! 289. . .Filming the garden 290. . .Let's go to Glacier! 292. . .Shot and sequence 293. . .Homemade film cleaner 294. . .Reunion in the Southwest 296... Stop off at Ausable! 297. . .Hang it on your hip 300. ..Half-pint holiday 306. . .Take the baby too 329. . .ACL makes color leader 330. . .Frames from your films 332. . .Building a camera dolly 333. . .Main St. movies 334. . .The amazing Arches 338.. .Controlling sound on wire 341... Train trips are fun 343... Attn: Club program chairmen! 367... When are dogs actors? 368... Making a mask box 370. . .Got any ideas? 371... Toy into reel rack 372... Guides for good projection 374. . .Filming the royal road 379... Try tabletop tilting 381.. .Break it up! 409. . .Getting the bird 410. . .An all-purpose developing drum 412. . .Stroboscopes are easy 413. . .Controlling line voltage 414. . .Directing children 418. . .Giants of Muir Woods 421. . .Making a gun camera mount 423. . .Run a Nickelodeon Night! 451... The Ten Best and the Maxim Memorial Award 456... Movies in color: 1 457. . .Christmas in capsule 460. . .Equipment survey: 8 462. . .Christmas a la carte 463. . .Choosing your lighting units 464... How to place lights 467. . .Eastman House opens N Natchez: 56. Naugatuck, Conn.: 211. News of the industry: 25, 66, 106, 146, 187, 226, 267, 304, 344, 382, 424, 466. Old time movies: 423. Parades: 173. Parties: 51. Photoplays: 59. Portland, Ore.: 173, 182. Postage rates for film: 113. Projection: 102. Projection guides: 372. Reader Writes, The: 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206, 246, 286, 322, 362, 404, 444. Reel rack: 371. Rodeo shooting: 259. Roosevelt Home, filming: 251. Scenarios: 214, 289, 409, 457. Screen sizes: 372. Sequencing : 292. Single frame controls: 58. Single turntable: 102. Skelton, Red: 59. Slides for titles: 131. Sound: 102, 135, 176, 338, 413. Southwest: 294. Splicing: 98. Spring filming: 99, 138. Stroboscopes: 412. Summer filming: 255. Synchronization: 135, 176, 338, 413. Tabletop titling: 379. Television, films for: 186. Ten Best: 451. Thanksgiving: 409. Titling: 91, 131, 258, 379. Train trips: 341. Travel filming: 14, 15, 52, 56, 96, 142, 174, 182, 216, 222, 254, 256, 290, 294, 296, 334, 418. Trees: 418. Tripods: 306. Turntables: 102. u Underwater filming: 16. Unexpected The, filming: 12. United Nations, filming the: 139. Utah: 334. Vacation filming: 52, 216, 254. Vanderpoel, Floyd L. : 26. w Walla Walla Cinema & Camera Club: 341, 423. Weddings: 177. Wild life filming: 132. Winter filming: 19. Winton, Roy W. : 55, 77, 78. Wire recording: 135, 338. Zoo filming: 214.