Movie Makers (Jan-Dec 1952)

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114 THE FAMILY FILM IN the spring, the poet tells us, a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. Without wishing to question this age-old axiom in the slightest, we do offer as a vernal corollary this more practical proposition: "In the spring, a housewife's fancy turns to thoughts of spring cleaning." The script below is based on the trials and tribulations of that domestic upheaval. The scenario symbols used in the script are the following: CU — Closeup: Any extreme close shot of an object or person. In relation to the human figure, the closeup extends from above the head to just below the shoulder line. SCU — Semi-Closeup: Generally referring to persons only, the semi-closeup extends from above the head to about the waist line. When the SCU includes two persons, as it often does, it is called a "two-shot." MS — Medium Shot: The full working scene of film story telling. It shows the human figure from above the head to just below the feet. Also used in near shots of houses, autos, etc. LS — Long Shot: Farther back and less specific than the medium shot, the long shot is used for establishing settings, picturing broad action, etc. SAS — Same as Scene 00: An abbreviation used in script writing for referring back to a previous scene. ACTION AND REACTION are aptly illustrated in these two shots, which might be (left) scene 11-SCU: Mother shouts something off scene, and 17-MS: From the foot of Sister's bed as she sits up. A COMEDY OF SPRING CLEANING FI — Fade In: Used at the beginning of a scene or sequence to bring it in smoothly. FO — Fade Out: Used at the end of a scene or sequence to conclude it smoothly. DIS. TO — Dissolve To: Used to indicate the need for a lap dissolve between the end of scene where used and beginning of scene to follow. And now the script. We've called it simply: SPRING CLEANING 1 — LS : A home on a residential street. 2 — MS: Camera pans down to a bedroom window as Father raises blinds and appears in brightly patterned pajamas. 3 — CU:Father framed by window. He takes a deep breath, looks out window at sky and seems pleased. 4 — MS: Interior with camera shooting from behind Father as he turns from window and sighs. Camera begins to follow him as he moves towards bed. 5 — CU: Father's bare foot as he stubs his toe on a shoe or some other object on floor. Cut quickly to: 6 — MS: Father dancing around room holding his toe. He finally settles on the edge of his bed and fans his toe with his hand as he mumbles something under his breath. FO. 7 — MS: In the kitchen, Mother Mother cracks the whip in this lighthearted drama of domestic doings. But the family as a whole has the last laugh FELIX ZELENKA dressed in a robe is busy at the range cooking breakfast. She begins to crack a couple of eggs into a skillet. 8 — CU: Eggs and bacon frying. 9 — SAS 7: Mother turns an egg in pan and looks up at kitchen clock. 10 — CU: The kitchen clock; the hands are at 7:30. 11 — SCU: Mother frowning. She shouts something off scene. 12 — MS: In Junior's bedroom. The camera pans slowly from various trophies on the wall to Junior in bed. He tosses for an instant and settles again, pulling covers over his head. 13 — CU: Mother again, still frowning. Once more she shouts off scene. 14 — CU: A down angle showing the family cat curled up and asleep on bed. Camera pans up slowly to Sister as she buries her head beneath a big pillow. 15 — CU: Mother taking a deep breath and again repeating her call loudly. Cut quickly to: 16 — SCU: Father, who has dozed off, awakening with a start and tumbling to the floor. Cut quickly to: 17 — MS: From the foot of Sister's bed. Cat suddenly scurries out of scene as Sister sits upright. Cut quickly to: 18 — SCU: Junior sitting up in bed looking disgusted as he removes some trophy or picture that has fallen upon his head from the wall above him. 19 — MS: Camera on open doorway leading to kitchen. Mother appears in doorway with a few cooking utensils in hand and speaks off scene. Title: "It's 7:30. All of you better hurry or you II be late."