Movie Makers (Jun-Dec 1928)

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FLAMING YOUTHHOLLAND VERSION FILMED ON THE ISLE OF WALCHEREN OLYMPUS, 1928 What Holland Holds for Filmers Who Vk'-t the Olympic Games AMATEUR movie makers, you are welcome! Of course you are always welcome, but this year, the year of the Olympic games to be held at Amsterdam from July 28th to August 12th, you are especially welcome. These games will be held in the new Olympic stadium expressly built for the occasion. Delegates from all nations will be present. One year ago the ground for this stadium, offered by the Town Council of Amsterdam, was a vast swamp. Today the buildings and grounds are ready to admit crowds from all parts of the world. More than a million cubic meters of sand, were necessary By Dr. W. Nolst Trenite to convert the swamp into a suitable foundation for building. The contest promises to be a huge success and offers excellent opportunities for the amateur movie maker to film many exciting events. You probably know that a large American delegation will be present and that members of the International Olympic Committee are William M. GROWING PAINS An Historic Achievement to Be Filmed Is the Draining of the Zuider Zee to Make Room for a Greater Holland. Photograph by K. L. M. Royal Dutch Airlines Garland of Los Angeles, C. H. Sherrill of New York, and Ernst Lee Jahnke of New Orleans. Holland! Land of windmills, wooden shoes, cheese and chocolate! This is the impression in the minds of those who have never seen my native land. It is true that Holland has windmills and wooden shoes and the finest cheese and chocolate in the world, but how many know that Holland is a land of modern energetic enterprise as well as a land of ancient quaintness? Holland has been for me a movie makers' paradise, an endless source of cinematic subjects which have resulted in a film sym 388