Movie mirror. (1935)

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MOVIE MIRROR TfefceZi alt tAe money you need fiob Christmas Bugas rs ¥ P0®X®ells T0| f\\HG WERYOJJ , QUICK, HOLIDAY PROFITS For Men and Women Agents Never before such a whirlwind money-maker! Amazing new PORTRAIT RING brings you handfuls of dollar bills just wearing and showing to friends, neighbors everyone! The ideal lifetime Christmas Gift and a sen¬ sational holiday seller. Think of it! A beautiful, rich, onyx-like ring with actual portrait of any loved one clearly and faithfully reproduced from any photo, picture or snapshot! A tremendous hit! The portrait is made a permanent part of the ring itself — never fades cannot nick or scratch — unbreakable — not affected by water and will not tarnish. Each ring individually made-to-measure and sent in beautiful gift box. Picture returned with ring unharmed. No Other Gift Like This! Everyone Wants To Give This Beautiful LIFETIME PORTRAIT RING What gift could be more welcome, new or novel than a beautiful, life-time ring set with an actual portrait of some one near and dear? Fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sweethearts — everyone wants it— many folks order 4 to 12 rings from one picture as gifts for friends and family. Amazingly low price — only $2.00 — brings you orders by the dozen! And you make $1.00 cash-in¬ advance profit (100%) on every order! Only 10 orders a day can pay you $60.00 in a week! No Experience Needed For Big Just Wear Ring On Your Finger Christmas and Holiday season gives you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cash in BIG! No experience needed — no long salestalk — no demonstration — no sample case to carry — just wear ring on your finger — take orders and pocket your cash profits! We deliver and collect balance! SAMPLE RING FOR YOU! SEND NO MONEY! Learn How To Get Sample Ring Free of Charge Rush photo or snapshot of yourself or loved one and let us make up ring for YOU l SEND NO MONEY! Just pay postman $1.00 (wholesale price) plus few cents postage when ring is delivered. If not delighted, return ring in 5 days and we refund every penny you paid us. We also send complete money¬ making plans and details of amazing FREE SAMPLE OFFER. ACT NOW! Rush this coupon. PORTRAIT RING CO., Dept.C-31 12th and Jackson Sts., SEND YOUR RING SIZE 4Jtcwj Profits RINGSiZlr _ __J dividually made portrait Ring, and FREE equipment. I’ll pay postman $1.00 plus few cents postage. (Photo will be returned with ring.) PORTRAIT RING CO., Dept. C-31 1 2th & Jackson, Cincinnati, Ohio Enclosed is photo. Rush in Name. Address. City . . State . . (By enclonine $1.00 with coupon you save postage.) movie industry is. Take any group of people, for a short while, and automati¬ cally their talk willswing to the movie stars or some function of the movies. Same in the Navy. It is the world’s great¬ est topic ! I will be pleased to answer questions re¬ garding movies in the Navy for anyone desiring this information. So send in your questions — but nothing technical or about statistics. N. Clancy Bradt, Photo Lab., Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. Honorable Mention There ought to be an Academy Award for the best picture-stealer of each year — R. M. Mutulo, Pittsburg, Calif. No more opera tickets for me. For only forty cents I hear Grace Moore in the flesh, I see Leo Carrillo in the bath tub ! — C. D. Ray, Los Angeles, Calif. Hollywood has gathered every big name in the writing world to its sunny shores. But what are they doing — playing soli¬ taire? — Myrtle Hughes, Brooklyn, N. Y. How much longer will we Kruger fans be misled in hopes of his being given bet¬ ter roles? — Wanda Grant, Endicott, N. Y. If an actress can’t sing, why put her in a musical? — Elsie Edgar, Decatur, Ill. Fred MacMurray — at last here’s an actor, who can mix up suspense, drama, comedy, danger and love and come out on top — Harvey Helen Lewis, Sioux City, la. If we are to have grand opera in pic¬ tures, let’s have it. Otherwise, the con¬ tinuity of the story suffers greatly while we are offered generous slices from “La Boheme,” etc. — John W. Dunn, Norman, Okla. LAST MINUTE NEWS Jackie Cooper has signed a new contract for $1100.00 weekly. Poet Eddie Guest has signed a dialogue and acting contract with Universal. They're actually using a double for Rubinoff's rare Stradivarius violin on "Thanks a Million." No sooner did Rochelle Hudson get her first starring role than the Hays office banned the title, "Snatched!" Loretta Young's doctor demands that she rest for two months, thus delaying the pro¬ duction of "Ramona," in which she is to star. The picture was also held up by the expected "blessed event" in the Joel McCrea-Frances Dee menage. Ida Lupino's mother has landed an acting job with Hepburn in "Sylvia Scarlett." On account of hard movie work, Lily Pons dropped to ninety-nine pounds, and now eats every four hours. Helen Gahagan refuses to sign a long-term contract because she gets restless for travel. W. C. Fields recently took his first auto¬ mobile ride since his dangerous illness. M-G-M proudly announces that it would not take a million dollars for its Eleanor Powell contract. Gladys Swarthout's contract has been re¬ written as a long-term one, with her first pic¬ ture only half done. Helen Vinson still has Fred Perry trouble — they met at the dock and journeyed to Holly¬ wood together. Hepburn is doing the night spots for the first time — and wearing the boy's clothes and haircut from "Sylvia Scarlett" as a masquer¬ ade (it works!). That star sapphire set which Franchot gave Joan cost twenty-five grand. Lillian Gish has been visiting Mary Pickford in Hollywood. ^lieuSauC<XGM Do It. JLut Hwcl It /s' my 1935 OFFER vVEAR A WATCH OR DIAMOND My confidence in YOU; my confidence in my standard, de¬ pendable watches and beautiful genuine diamonds, and my con¬ fidence in business conditions cause me to make this unheard of offer. I am going to place as many watches and diamonds in the hands of men and women throughout the land as possible in 1935 NO MATTER WHAT THE SACRIFICE, because each watch and diamond will act as a salesman to sell another. Direct -to You, Rock Bottom Prices on Nationally Advertised Watches , Diamond Rings and Silverware What an offer! Nationally advertised watches, diamonds, and silverware offered at low¬ est direct-to-you prices. For nearly a half century we have sold highest quality jewelry all over the world. And now this remarkable offer. Send for Beautiful FREE CATALOG Write now — before this offer is with¬ drawn and get the beautiful FREE Catalog. Select the watch or diamond you want, wear it. examine it, and then write us the terms you desire. SANTA FE WATCH CO. B-97 Thomas Bldg., Topeka, Kan. We Buy Old Gold CLASS PINS — any letters, any year, any colors. Silver plated. 1 to 11. 40f ea; gold plated. 50# ea; sterling. 60c ea. Silver plated. 12 or more. 35c ea; gold plated, 45c ea; sterling. 55c ea. Sterling silver rings as shown. 1 to 11. $1-90 ea; 12 or more, $1.65 ea. Write for Big FREE ■ Catalog showing hundreds of pins, rings, medals, emblems, trophies, etc. ■ ROCHESTER.N.Y Learn Public Speaking At home — in spare time — 20 minutes a day. Overcome “stage-fright,” gain self-confi¬ dence, increase your salary, through ability to sway others by effective speech. Write now for free booklet. Row to W ork W onders With Words. North American Institute, Dept. 1388 3601 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ilk Cleans Cars NEW \\W way! Agents! Gold Mine! REVOLUTIONARY chemical eponge cleans cars like magic! Ban¬ ishes auto-washing drudgery. Also cleans linoleum, woodwork, windows with¬ out work! Auto owners, housewives wild about" it. Agents making -phenomenal profits! ... SAMPLE OFFER — Samples sent at our risk to first person In each lo¬ cality who writes. No obligation. Get details. Be first— send your name TODAY! KRISTEE MFG. CO., 441 Bar_Street, Akron, Ohio. SALARY TO START $90 to $175 MONTHLY MEN.. WOMEN ( ) Ry. Mail Clerk ( ) POSTMASTER ( ) P. O. Laborer ( ) Seamstress ( ) R. F. D. Carrier ( ) Auditor ( ) Special Agent ( ) Stenographer ( ) Customs Inspector ( ) U.S.BorderPatrol ( ) City Mail Carrier ( ) Telephone Opr. ( ) P. O. Clerk ( ) Watchman ( ) Matron ( ) Meat Inspector ( ) SpecialInvestigator( ) Secret Service Opr. ( ) Typist ( ) File Clerk INSTRUCTION BUREAU, Dept. 31 5-A, St. Louis, Mo. Send me FREE particulars “How to Qualify for Government Positions” marked ‘‘X’’. Salaries, locations, opportunities, etc. ALL SENT FREE. A?e Ran«?e latoso Name. . Address • • 78