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It isn't luck that's kept
Florence and Freddie to¬
gether all these happy years—
they actually found the way to
lick the two-career bugaboo By KAY PROCTOR
WHEN Fredric March made his re¬ cent casual announcement that he was planning temporarily to desert Hollywood in the fall to do a play on the New York stage with his wife, Florence Eldridge, as co-star, it stirred up as much ex¬ citement as if he had tossed a bombshell in the middle of 'Hollywood boulevard.
“The guy is crazy !” was the consensus, an opinion backed up by the undeniable fact that Freddie is now in a position to write his own ticket with producers after his recent starring appearances in “Dark Angel,” “Anthony Ad¬ verse” and “Zero Hour.”
Some said it was magnificent and noble selfsacrifice on his part, others that it was only long-deserved justice for Florence. Some prophesied it would mean the death of his screen popularity, others that it would bring him more enduring fame. Some hazarded the opinion that it was entirely Florence’s doing, others that it was Freddie’s own idea.
Both Freddie and Florence feel it is about time the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is told about (1) why they are returning to the stage and (2) why Florence substantially gave up her own brilliant career as an actress for the role of wife and mother nine years ago when she married Freddie.
The truth is startling only in its simplicity and common sense.
There is, as it turns out, nothing altruistic on either side in the new move just as there was nothing altruistic in Florence’s giving up her career when and as she did. All talk of sac¬ rifice on either side is pure tommy-rot. It has been fun, selfish fun they both said, from the very beginning.
Neither is it a case of Hollywood threatening to disrupt their ideally happy marriage, as sometimes happens when individual careers of husbands and wives clash beyond a certain point, or even a stitch-in-time measure.
The plain and simple truth is, it is just part and parcel of a carefully thought-out plan for work and happiness, for¬ mulated by them on the day of their marriage in 1927 and carried through with steadfast purpose from that day to this. Bv turns they told me about it as we sat in the flower-filled
garden of their Beverly Hills home and watched Penny and Tony, their children, romp down slick slides, hang precari¬ ously by their toes on low cross-bars, and ride the merrygo-round in their fenced-in play yard.
Freddie was stretched out on the grass, his lean and tanned limbs soaking in sunlight. He was enjoying an unexpected day’s freedom from “Mary of Scotland” in which he is play¬ ing the dashing, romantic Earl of Bothwell to Katharine Hepburn’s Mary. Florence, too, has a role in the same pic¬ ture, the prized role of Queen Elizabeth, but her work had pot yet begun. She was knitting a brown sweater for Tony.