Moving Picture World (July-Dec 1909)

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728 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD FOR SALE At attractive cash price, Moving Picture enterprise in heart of New York City. Long Lease. Low Rent. Earning not less than $100.00 weekly. Proprietor leaving city. MILES BROS., 259 Sixth Ave., NEW YORK Mention the Moving Picture World. We Want Every Picture Show In America to Try Our CURTAIN COATING If your Exchange don't handle it, order direct from us. Send cash with order and we will preoay the Express Charges. SILVERINE is the BEST Curtain Paint on Earth We guarantee it to be the best. It will cut the ghost and glary whites out ot your picture, and the objects will stand out in an a. most stereoscopic relief. Silverine gives a soft, but intensely brilliant picture, that is pleasing to the eyes. Good pictures advertises yourbuiiness. You can't get good pictures without SILVERINE. A trial will convince. PRICE, $3.00 THE PACKAGE Manufactured by SILVERINE CURTAIN COATING CO. Oklahoma City Oklahoma l.'^ame Take >"> "'^j novelpaK^ ,aopeRlOR TO OPA<J"e * '"'.'Prepared for OPP"" i ,.., is 'or Lantern SliJ""? k * ST 53o ST. «■ *^J '""W' and Sole Ma-"" 100 s,ides for 25c. Novelpake will do it Ask your exchange Mailed postage paid upon receipt of price 25c. Brush for applying same 10c. Novelty Slide Company 221 East 53d St., New York City Levi's Perfection Slides Sometimes Imitated BUT Never Equalled LEVI COMPANY, inc. 24 Union Square, East NEW YORK, U. 8. A. LUX FILMS Mr. R. Prieur be^s to announce that he has opened an Americn Agency for the celebrated LUX films at 31 East 2 7th Street, N. Y. All films will in the furture be shipped from this office. Exchanges should write for full particulars and description of films to R. PRIEUR 31 E. 2 7th STREET :: NEW YORK