Moving Picture World (July-Dec 1909)

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THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD 859 who notifies the police, and Will is arrested as the assailant of Holmes. The family return and find Holmes. Will is brought In by the police to nave Holmes Identify him and all are surprised when, Instead of being r Ived by Holmes with resentment, Will is greeted as his savior. The son '-alls his father's attention to the facl that they offered a reward for bis recovery, and Holmes insists that ii be paid I" Will, who accepts ii onlj when the pntire famllj insists upon ii as manhood's reward. INDEPENDENT M. P. CO. HIS LAST GAME. Bill Coins Is the Indian who is scheduled to pitch for the Choctaw team In their baseball game with the Jimtowns. n is the deciding game of the series, and su sure a winner is he thai two gamblers try to bribe blm to lose his game. He is absolutely honest, however, and they finally try a trick with a drugged drink, a timely warning helps him discover It; there Is a fight, and in an exchange of pistol shots one gambler drops. The Indian pitcher is arrested, and swifl Western Justice condemns him to death. It is now a few hours before the fame, and without him the Jimtowns will win and the crooked bettor plans a lii;.' coup. Now, as is frequently done In the case of Indians, Bill Going is granted a temporary respite on his word to return al six and meet his doom, ne runs post-haste t" the ball grounds, and amid greal excitement, in the last inning, he pitches his team to victory. He is carried back on the shoulders of hordes of admirers, but after it is all over lie nnies that Ills time is tip and stolidly runs had; to where the firing squad is waiting, not knowing that friends, feel'ng thai his deed was justified, have interceded In his behalf and tire trying to secure a reprien ' ■ time to prevent the execution. He calmly smokr« •■ pipe as he stands by the ditch with a leaf on his breast to help the executioners' aim. Immediate Shipment WE CARRY OPERA CHAIRS IN STOCK If you want a GOOD CHAIR, at a LOW PRICE, we bave it. In qulries answered same day as received. Ask for Catalog No. 305 E. H.STAFFORD MFC. CO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SCENERY For M. P. Theatres I am making a specialty of small sets of Wood Scenes consisting of Back Drop 4 Wood Wings, 2 Cut Wood Borders, which is all you need for Vaudeville Acts between Pictures This scenerv is all fireproof to meet the demands of the Fire Underwriters. All packed ready to express to any part of the United States in the following sizes according to price Set No. 1 Drop 8x10 Wings 3x8 Borders 2x12 $ 50,00 2 " 9x10 ' ' 3x9 11 3x12 65,00 3 " I0x'2 " 3x10 M 3x14 80.00 4 " 11x12 ' ' 3x11 li 3x14 90 00 5 " 12x14 ' ' 4x12 M 3x16 1 25.00 6 " 14x24 ' ' 4x14 II 4x30 175 00 These Sets are ALL READY to set up and OIVE SHOW Send deposit of one THIRD Balance C.O.D. subject to Inspection TURNER CO. Theatrical Stage Properties Paper Hachie Work 552 7th Ave. New YorK References: T. M. A. No. 1 N. Y. T. P. U. No 1 N. Y or T. P. U in Theatre of your own town or city Exclusive Rights for Pennsylvania OF THE ORIGINAL Johnson=Ketchel Fight Taken at Colma, California, October 16, 1909 The clearest and best fight film ever made of a World's Heavyweight Championship Contest. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO CHAS. A, CALEHUFF LARGEST LEADING DEALER IN MOVING PICTURE FILMS and SUPPLIES Buyer of every Licensed Film Manufactured Power's, Edison, Pathe, Motiograph and Lubin Machines Always in StocK If you have not TRIED CALEHUFF'S SERVICE do not delay, it means money to you. N. E. Cor. 4th and Green Sts. Philadelphia, Penna. FILMS RELEASED DECEMBER 6th "SHE TOOK MOTHER'S ADVICE" If you want to get presents from your husband, take whatever he gives you or else he vill rot buy you what you want— is Mother's advice, whiih the daughter follows. A Good Comedy. Length, 465 feet. "HE 'WANTED A BABY" The Young husband's love for babies brings him in all kinds of difficulties. His fondest wishes are granted when his wife presents him with triplets. Another screem. Length, 460 feet. RELEASED DECEMBER 9th ••IF LOVE BE TRUE" A millionair's son to gain the love of a working girl, accepts a position as a working man in the same factory. When a fire threatens to destroy the Mill the young hero saves his sweetheart. He is then accepted and they live happy ever alter. Length, 950 feet. LUBIIM'S 1910 GINEOGRAPH Combined With STEREOPTIGON equipped with improved Fire Magazines, Automatic Fire Shutter and Automatic Fire Shield (Lubin's patent), Asbestos Covered Wire Connections, new .improved Lamp House, new style Fireproof Rheostat, improved Electric Lamp, new Condenser-Holders for rapid change, outside Shutter, POSITIVE REWINDING ATTACHMENT, the only correct one, ONE PIN MOVEMENT and innumerable other important new features. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 92VHiIaTelkph!a"aeet ANSON & WOODS, 32 Union Square, New York Motion Picture Vaudeville Theatres For Sale or Lease. High Class Sign Service Supplied. Theatre Insurance. Opera Chairs. Machines.