Moving Picture Age (Nov-Dec 1919)

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40 MOVING PICTURE AGE Religious Slides Biblical subjects in properly and carefully arranged sets. Beautifully and artistically hand colored. Catalogue No. 1 is worth having even if you are not in the market just now. Every minister, Sunday school teacher and religious lecturer should have this book. Write for it. IT'S FREE. Educational Slides Complete courses in slide lectures. Especially prepared for schools and educational work. Teachers, lecturers and school boards will be interested in our slide library of these slides. Ask for Catalog No. 2. Subjects: Astronomy Geology Geography General Engineering Agriculture Chemistry Chemical Technology Metallurgy History -V\. Standard GoldL Typewriter Slides Blank slides for making screen announcements neatly and quickly. Write them on any typewriter — ready as fast as you can type. Handy for lecturers, teachers and all users of the screen. $3.50 per 100. Send 10c for trial samples. Standard Slide Corporation Largest Lantern Slide Establishment in the World 211 West 48th St., NEW YORK "Master Junior" Projector Placed on Market by New York Company The "Master Junior" projector, manufactured by the Master Machine Tool Company, 2639 Park avenue, New York City, makes its bow to the educational field. The makers say of this machine : "Only the best materials are utilized in the Master Junior. Accuracy and precision are laws with our workmen and every part must pass the scrutiny of practiced testers before it is made part of the machine. Bronze bushings in the important bearings, gears of high grade steel cut to micrometer gauge, the examples of precaution ; and parts that bear the brunt of wear are fortified by hardened surfaces. Substantial castings are used in the building of the head. Divided into two compartments, this design does away with overhung bearings and maintains all gears between liberal bearings in each wall casting. The driving mechanism is lubricated freely and the whole construction gives firmness, perfect alignment and long life. "As in a time-piece so in a projecting machine, the 'movement' is vital to the quality of action. The Geneva type star wheel which gives certain types of professional projection machines their superior action over others, is in use in the Master Junior. Double rollers maintain the position of the film in perfect concord with the intermittent and feed sprockets. Polished guides throughout the route of the film prevent scratching or friction and the entire mechanism is readily and effectively at command for any adjustment. "By means of a new and simplified device the film is brought always into the desired position. This method, which is patented, is one of the reasons why the Master Junior is so simple in construction and operation. Two hardened steel sprockets tested thoroughly for strength and invulnerable qualities, act as vigilant sentinels to assure proper winding. These sprockets are treated by special processes in order that they may endure, and this treatment is an absolute safeguard to the film itself as it winds and unwinds. An automatic pick-up, as part of the lower film magazine equipment, furnishes a balanced tension on the film as it turns. Shutter is proportioned with scientific correctness so as to give brilliancy of display without the flicker troubles heretofore so common, particularly in unprofessional exhibitions. The revolutions of the shutter are in perfect unison with the movement of the film as it proceeds. When in action the film is completely protected by metal, thus guaranteeing both machine and film immunity from the peril of fire. Our precautions in this respect have been commended and endorsed by the Underwriters' Laboratories, whose work is related to that of the National Board of Fire Underwriters; and the judgment of this organization is accepted by the various state boards of underwriters of our country. Thus all operators and exhibitors are spared the difficulties that sometimes arise from the surveillance of public inspectors. "Not bulky or extra sized, but large enough to be convenient to handle properly, the Master Junior lamp house is sturdily made with all the equipment necessary for correct focusing. Apertures, set with gauze, permit abundant circulation of air and a door on each side gives full play to the hand if the operator desires to handle any part of the lamp house. The lenses though firmly fixed may be quickly removed for cleaning. The movable projecting base, to which the machine is attached, can be fastened or unfastened at will, so that rapid change may be made from motion picture display to stereopticon display, and reversely. This is true of the incandescent and arc lamp house, either of which can be substituted for the other. Doors of cast aluminum seal the upper and lower film magazines. They are held in a close grip to the head, but may be easily taken down if desired. This is a feature appreciated by the operator. For pictures not larger than 6 ft. by 8 ft. which are projected not further than 65 or 70 J ft., the incandescent lamp gives a splendid picture."