Moving Picture Age (Jan-Dec 1922)

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22 MOVING PICTURE AGE September, 1922 New Acme Shows Still Pictures From Film Finely constructed mechanism of new Acme which projects still pictures from film. Gold Glass Shutter Stops Heat But Allows Free Passage of Light The new improved Acme is the only motion picture projector with a light powerful enough to give satisfactory results, which can be stopped to show still pictures at any place in the film, without using any liquid or cooling condensing system. The still picture device on the new Acme is simple, automatic and effective. It is an exclusive feature patented by the Acme Motion Picture Projector Company. It has been tested on projectors in actual use for more than a year. It adds 100% to the usefulness of motion pictures. With the new Acme, teacher, preacher, lecturer or salesman can stop the motion picture at any time and hold a still picture for any length of time while he emphasizes a particular point in the film. There is absolutely no damage to the film. This new feature is installed on Acme Portable Projectors and on Acme Combined Film and Slide Projectors. Other Features of the New Acme Metal magazines enclose film inside projector. New type fan gives maximum ventilation. Independent motor driven rewind is controlled by one button at front of case. Improved take-up insures even tension on film and prevents lagging. Instantaneous framing and fo cusing devices operate while film is in motion. Pilot lamp illuminates interior for threading. Complete oiling system. Perfect design and construction insure noiseless operation. Every operating button is plainly marked to show its function. Guaranteed. Write for Full Information. ACME MOTION PICTURE PROJECTOR COMPANY 806 Washington Blvd. Chicago, 111. The Great Plains.* Reels, 1. Producer and exchange, Society for Visual Education. Remarks: Regional geography. With only 10 to 20 inches of rainfall, grasses nourish, but few trees grow; grazing most important industry, plenty of winter feed can be raised, cowboys' quarters and other buildings on modern cattle ranch, roundup, cattle on way to eastern market; Denver, Colo., great railroad center of west, beautiful drives, from all parts one may catch glimpses of peaks and foothills of Rockies. Stamboul.* Reels, 1. Producer, Burton Holmes; exchange, Famous Players-Lasky. Remarks. Stronghold of Turk, Turkish quarter of Constantinople, majestic mosques, modern shops, view of walls, typical street, windows latticed, faces behind the Veil, modern avenues, Serasker Tower, Mosque of Saneta Sophia built by Emperor Justinian for Christian Church, towers and mosques of Sultan Ahmed, men rinsing feet before entering for worship. The Central Plains.* Reels, 2. Producer and exchange, Society for Visual Education. Remarks: Regional geography. Locating Central Plains, level prairies, lakes, Mississippi River, Illinois River, canals easily built, railroads, Niagara Falls; great corn belt extending across Central Plains; stock-raising, cattle and hogs, poultry farming profitable near big cities; modern machinery, planting, reaping machine harvests and binds crop, threshing grain in field; coal abundant, copper near shores of Lake Superior, iron ore, loading ore in boats; lumbering in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota; limestone quarry in Indiana; Niagara power plant, Buffalo a great lake port; Minneapolis, the flour city; Chicago, world's largest railroad and grain center, Union Stock Yards, business and residential section, public parksj University of Chicago opened 1892. Music in the Air.* Reels, 1. Producer, C. L. Chester; exexchange, Ed. Film Corp of America. Remarks: Lake Titicaca along the border of Peru and Bolivia, in the Andes, Copacabana, annual festival, Indian tailor at work, costuming a native in fiesta finery, parade, native dance, cathedral; fife, flute, and drum, sight seers from Bolivia (cut sub-title about native trying to "vamp"), children in costume. At the Gate of Old Damascus.* Reels, 1. Producer, Burton Holmes; exchange, Famous Players-Lasky and National Non-Theatrical Motion Pictures. Remarks: Mosque of Omar on site of Solomon's Temple; the Garden of Gethsemane; ramparts of Jerusalem the Golden; one of the Gates of Zion; north portal; veiled wives of Moslems; unveiled daughters of Judea; fresh water brought into city by pipes — the offering of General Allenby; filling skins with water; types of passers-by; beggar; Bedoins of the desert; Christian women; headdresses of coin; Tower of David. In Old Ireland.* Reels, 1. Producer, Burton Holmes; exchange, National Non-Theatrical Motion Pictures. Remarks: The City Hall of Belfast; alighting from a jaunting car; the Glasgow steamer leaves Belfast; going backward in Dublin; jumping contest of Irish hunters — chief event of horse-show; Nationalist volunteers; climbing rocks; some dear old boys singing Irish songs; far away in Achill; an Irish jig; when the spinning wheel turns; a school in Achill; the Ballybunion, a unique train. Camering through Africa, No. 1.* Reels, 1. Producer, C. L. Chester; exchange, Community ■ Motion Picture Service. Remarks: Through the Kikuya Country, first war dance, these savages five months later became the King's Rifles; giving out government supplies, vaccination, moo cows of Africa, herd of zebra; in the game country, water buck and herd of giraffe, gnu, entirely surrounded by buffalo, eland, herd of spring bok, impallo, bagging our first lioness. SCHOOLS, churches, institutions, manufacturers and other non-theatrical users, contemplating the purchase of motion picture machines and films, should obtain a booklet of valuable information which is supplied without cost by The Associated Manufacturers of Safety Standard Films and Projectors, Incorporated Suite 1421, 440 Fourth Ave. New York City Please say, "As advertised in MOVING PICTURE ACE," zvhen you ivrite to advertisers.