Moving Picture News (Jan-Dec 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE NEWS 15 Great Northern THE "KING PIN" OF QUALITY FILMS The Bear-on-theGlobe trade mark is the emblem of high qaality RELEASE FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 29th THE COSSACK DUKE A powerful drama of Russian military life. A feature film of the highest type. Acting and Photography superb. RELEASE FOR SATURDAY, MAY 6th THE LUCKY BANANA SELLER A Bustling Comedy A WOULD-BE SPORTSMAN A Ludicrous Trick Comedy ALL UP-TO-DATE INDEPENDENT EXCHANGES HANDLE OUR PRODUCT GREAT NORTHERN FILM COMPANY 7 EAST 14TH STREET. NEW YORK The Bear-on-theGlobe trade mark is the emblem of high quality ALL FILMS SOLD THROUGH THE SALES COMPANY THE FLYING A COWBOY ORGANIZATION IN THE WEST The radical action taken by the American Company in announcing that, commencing week of April 24th, they will release nothing but Western films was the result of a great deal of thought and consideration on the part of the officials of the American Film Manufacturing Company. The matter of organization particularly was considered from every viewpoint and, prior to their stock company leaving Chicago for the West, they had satisfied themselves they had assembled, in working order, the best and biggest company of Western motion picture actors and actresses that money and brains could obtain. Mr. G. P. Hamilton, the well-known manager of production of the American Company, is in full and complete charge of the organization. His experience in connection with the technical and producing end of the business is such that no further assurance had ought to be necessary to the exhibitors and exchange men that their film will meet with approval. Mr. Hamilton, in his executive capacity, is ably seconded by Mr. Frank Beal, the man who produced such films as "The Squaw and the Man," "Bertie's Bandit," "The Mission in the Desert," "The Sheriff's Sweetheart" and "In the Land of Cactus." J\Ir. Beal is considered to be, without a question of a doubt, the best and most versatile producer of Western pictures in America, if not in the world. The leading man of their Western Company is Mr. Warren Kerrigan, an actor whose experience in leading roles in motion pictures covers a period of three years with some of the largest companies in the business. Mr. Kerrigan is more at home on the back of an outlaw broncho than in the soci . ety comedies in which he has made his reputation. His familiarity with the West, and that which is Western, coupled with his acknowledged superiority as a moving picture actor, together with his magnetic personality, augurs well for the success of the leading roles in their Western features. Supporting Mr. Kerrigan is the balance of the Chicago Stock Company, together with fifteen cowboys and cowgirls. This supporting cast of Westerners was recruited in virtually every state in the ranching country; special efforts being made with a view to the obtaining of the most daring and intelligent Westerners. Fully seventy-five per cent of this aggregation have had experience before the motion picture camera and this experience, coupled with the drilling they have gone through under the able directions of Mr. Frank Beal, their Western producer, gives them an aggregation of Western moving picture actors second to none in America. These results were not attained offhand. They required an enormous expenditure of money and unflinching persistence on the part of the individuals in charge of this move. "Flying A Cowboy Films" will be lauded as Western classics in film circles. DER KINEMATOGRAPH, DUSSELDORF The leading Organ for the Motion Picture Trade in Germany. Special Supplement for Talking Machines, &c. Published every Wednesday. Annual Subscription 11/ Post Free. Advertisements (4 columns to page) ; 2s. 6d. per inch. Situations Wanted, IJ^d. per line. Reduced Price for a Series of Insertions. Publisher— Ed. LINTZ. Chief Editor— EMIL PERLMANN. CAUTION INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU BUY— NOT AFTER. Examine carefully construction— quality of material — workmanship — finish — and last — pictures. Pictures to continue perfect must be projected perfectly at all times by a Perfect Machine. THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE LIFE OF THE MOTIOGRAPH. IF YOU COULD GO THROUGH OUR FACTORY and see how carefully each part of the MOTIOGRAPH is made you could no longer wonder at the fast growing popularity — among PARTICULAR USERS— of the MOTIOGRAPH. THE MOTIOGRAPH IS ECONOMICAL— The big saving comes after you buy. THE MOTIOGRAPH CONSTRUCTION— Is superior— You can prove it. THE MOTIOGRAPH WORKMANSHIP— Is the best— Results prove it. THE MOTIOGRAPH PICTURE— Is the best— The Pictures prove it. ENTHUSIASTIC USERS in all parts of the World— Attest to the SUPERIOR QUALITY OF PICTURES AND WORKMANSHIP AND CONSTRUCTION. MANUFACTURED AND JOBBED BY THE ENTERPRISE OPTICAL MANUFACTURING CO., 564 W. Randolph St, CHICAGO AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES THE MOTIOGRAPH