Moving Picture News (Jan-Dec 1911)

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i6 THE MOVING PICTURE NEWS ?S6e CROWN M. P. SUPPLIES 138 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YOKK Tel. 'Stuyv' 1498. The "Crown" Arc Lamp. Approved N. Y. Board of Water, Gas & Electricity. Tlie "Crown Pink Label" Carbons. Are of the Best, The "Crown Stickwell" Cement. For Non-inflammable and Ordinary Film. Prices will appeal to YOU. WRITE AND BE CONVINCED. Remember: ANYTHING SUPPLIED FROM STREET TO SHEET. FOR. SALE Two Flaming Arc Lamps, Direct current, 110 volts. Good as new, cost $65.00. $20.00 will take both of them. ROSCOE C. CUNEO, Star Theatre, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES RCPAIRBD by skilled mechanics at short notice and reasonable prices. Work (guaranteed. Supplies of All Xladi. CHAS. E. DRESSLBR, 388 and Ave., City, near asrd St. Take elevator. Advertisers want results. When writing to them it is our due that you mention The Moving Picture News HALLBBRG THE "ECONOMIZER MAN" SAVES two-thirds on electric bill and makes BIQ CUT on the first cost of your complete equipment. I carry stock of all makes M. F. Machines, Opera Chairs and Supplies. Free Catalogue No. N 1 J H HALLBFDfi ^sd st. J. 11. JIIAL.L.U1^KU, jjg^ York City. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! Lubin Cineograph, 1906, only $25. Motion Picture Machines $35 Up. Powers Cameragraph No. 5 complete $75. Edison Model B. One Pin low, Stereopticon Jet and Model B. Gas Outfit, cost $67, only $35. Get Supplement 33; Great Bargain list. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES WANTED HARBACH & CO., 809 Filbert, Phila., Pa. THE KLEINE Carbon Holder APPROVED MARCH 1st, 1911 By the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity of New York City Manufactured by C. B. KLEINE 19 East 21st Street New York THE WORLD'S GREATEST THEATRE CHAIR Sanitary, Space-saving, LifeSaving, Money-Saving. To Use This Chair Is to Make Your Business Grow, Write Today for Circalar W HAEDESTY MFG. CO. Canal Dover, Ohio. FOR SALE OR LEASE Good wide and deep Property 25x136, running through the block Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. For Pictures. Apply Picture Site, M. P. News. Announcement, Advertising, Travelogfue, Recitation and slides for every purpose made to order GEO. J. GOLDTHORPE & CO. 244 West Uth Street New York MOVING PICTURE EXHIBITORS PRESTO EMERGENCY CLAMP A QUICK RELIEF for LAMP ACCIDENTS A necessary adjunct to every outfit. Avoids delays. Adjusted in one minute. Write for Descriptive Circular. PRESTO EMERGENCY CLAMP CO.. Box 264, Syracuse. N. Y. Pat. Applied For Mason City, la. — Messrs. Arthur & Heffner are making arrangements to open a new vaudeville and moving picture theater here. It will be known as the Princess. New York, N. Y. — The Kesler Lyric Theater Company will open a new theater at Fifth avenue and 116th street. Philadelphia, Pa. — Samuel Schulz has been awarded the contract for a new moving picture theater at 753 South Third street for B, F. Miller. Rhinelander, Wis. — Harvey Hanson is planning the erection of a new theater here. To Our Friends the Operators To show our appreciation of the hearty approval that has been shown by the moving picture operators of the country on POWERS CAMERAGRAPH No. 6, we have prepared a souvenir in the form of a handsome watch fob done in blue and gold which we wish to present to all operators familiar with POWERS CAMERAGRAPH. We have 3,500 of these ready for distribution now and others will be made up as called for. If you want to be taken care of from the first lot send in your name now, mentioning where you saw this advertisement. NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY, 115-117 Nassau St., New York For thirteen years the leading makers of moving picture machines.