Moving Picture News (Jan-Dec 1911)

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THE MOVING PICTURE NEWS GET A REP Through the Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Company A 2 Reel Feature Subject Every Week From The Republic Film Company 145 West 45 th St., New York City 25c in Stamps Gives You One Copy of HALLBERG'S 1912 MOTION PICTURE CATALOGUE AND REFERENCE BOOK I, HALLBERG, "The Economizer Man," have advanced several thousand dollars to secure an edition of 10,000 copies of the above mentioned book, and guarantee the book to be the most complete and reliable information on the subjects of electrical equipment for theatres of all kinds; motion picture machine and opera chair instillations, together with all specialties required for up-to-date motion picture theatres. MANAGERS AND OPERATORS SEND 25c TODAY, TO SECURE A COPY from the first edition, with the understanding that I will give you credit for the 25c on your first order for any kind of goods amounting to $2.00 or more. NEW MACHINES FOR OLD YOTJ Know Your Old Machine Projects a Poor Picture. I Know My Exchange Proposition Will Overcome Your Trouble. I Am Jobber of Powers and Motiograph Machines, and will Exchange for Either, or Any Other Make You Desire. Write At Once, Giving Make, Style, Manufacturer's Number, Age and Condition of Your Macliine. I WILL DO THE REST, State Make of Current Saver, and I Will Make Exchange Proposition for HALLBERG ECONOMIZER. Complete Tine of OPERA CHAIRS and All Supplies for M. P. The-tre. I Equip Your Theatre Completely JU UAI I DCDP 36 ^^^t St. . n. nHLLaLKU, New York City. Write for Free Catalogue No. 2. THE WORLD'S GREATEST THEATRE CHAIR Sanitary, Space-Saving, Life Saving, Money-Saving. To Use This Chair Is to Make Your Business Grow. Write Today for Circular W. HARDESTY MFG. CO. Canal Dover, Ohio. The MOVING PICTURE NEWS will he sent you for the balance of the year for 25 cents. This offer is for you to become better acquainted with us and to secure you as a regular subscriber next year. GUARANTEED ACCURATE PARTS for all MOTION PICTURE MACHINES at very reasonable prices. SPECIAL parts and machines as also experimental parts made to order. All repair work on MOVING PICTURE MACHINES promptly af tended to at remarkably low figures. CHAB. E. DRESSLER, 388 Second Ave., Betw. 22nd & 23rd Sts, WANTED TO BUY looo Second-hand Moving Picture Machine Heads. Write and tell us what you have and how much. GEO. M. HOKE SUPPLY COMPANY 178 N. STATE STREET CHICAGO, ILL. HAVILAND'S MOVING PICTURE PIANISTS' AL BUM and the MOVING PICTURE NEWS for year, 52 issues. S2.00 FILMS FOR RENT THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE SEND FOR. OUR BIG LIST 2,9 SO.^DEARBORN ST. EUGENE CLINE The Independent Film Service You Need We can take on a few more elastomers who want MONEY-DRAWING SUBJECTS.— All Reels are in excellent condition. A good FEATURE now and then will help you greatly. — Get in touch with us at once. — We will save you money. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOE MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. AMUSEMENT SUPPLY COMPANY, 109 N. Dearborn Street, CHICAGO 1